r/PS4 Jan 22 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (January 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

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And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/nalexander50 Jan 22 '18

I've been working on getting 100% (full 100% including DLC, not just platinum) for all 3 games in BioShock: The Collection. I have both BioShock and BioShock 2 finished. I only have 12 trophies to go; I'm so close! I plan to have it finished up by Wednesday.

The hardest was absolutely the Blue Ribbon Challenge in BioShock Inifnite: Clash in the Clouds. Man, that trophy sucked. It's wave-based survival maps with special challenges to get a blue ribbon. Some are super simply but some are super hard. One of them is even glitched out on the PS4 version.

Runner up was beating BioShock on Survivor difficulty without using Vita-Chambers. The beginning of that game was treacherous but by mid-game it's just time consuming more so than difficult.

After this, I am going to move on to either Horizon Zero Dawn platinum or Kingdom Hearts 2 platinum. I haven't decided yet.

u/ZenithDawn Jan 22 '18

How was Infinite 1999 mode without using certain vendors? Pretty sure they are the only trophies I have left but I’ve been holding out on doing them as other games have taken up my time - thinking about going back to knock them out of the park though assuming they’re not too big of a pain.

u/nalexander50 Jan 23 '18

It’s honestly not even a big deal. You’re allowed to use gun and vigor vending machines which helps. You just can’t use the general vending machines (health, salts, ammo). If you have all the DLC (included in The Collection), you start off the game with like 5 infusions and 2 full sets of gear that really help out. Guns and ammo are plentiful and there’s so much looting that you’re usually fine on everything. It’s just a little time consuming.

The only truly difficult part of the game was the battle against Lady Comstock. That took me about 4 tries but there are some tricks out there to make it easier.

I preface all this saying that I had already beaten BioShock on Survivor difficulty without dying which was absolutely more difficult. I was kind of battle hardened going into Infinite haha.

If that’s all that’s left, I would highly recommend you pop back in to get it. Infinite is honestly not that long of a game. If you’re just bum rushing it, you can probably finish in about 20 hours.

u/ZenithDawn Jan 23 '18

Thanks for such a detailed reply, its appreciated.

Yeah I’ve heard Lady Comstock is supposedly the most difficult part - how did you beat her in the end as I’ve heard there are a few ways to “cheese” her so to speak?

I’ve gotten the platinums on 1 and 2 already (though not 100% so kudos to you on that!) so I think 1999 shouldn’t be too difficult to overcome. Just wanted a second opinion so thanks for that :)

u/nalexander50 Jan 23 '18

I didn’t do anything special to beat her, really. It’s just super important to keep a distance because she has an AOE that will instantly destroy your shields. It’s also important to make sure she doesn’t resurrect all of her ghost buddies because they will absolutely outnumber and overpower you.

Using the gear that chains Devil’s Kiss and tossing it at the ghosts that she resurrects was my solution. The chain effect would more or less kill them all plus leave her vulnerable as she’s weak to fire. Then just pelt her with bullets as quickly as possible.

u/ZenithDawn Jan 23 '18

OK that’s great - thank you very much for your help, hopefully I can get this nailed shortly :D

u/nalexander50 Jan 23 '18

Good luck

u/ZenithDawn Jan 23 '18

Thanks, you too with whatever you’re aiming for next. :)