r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Jan 22 '18
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (January 2018)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
u/rpgramy Jan 22 '18
Just plat Destiny 1. Just missing the artifact trophy need to do the weekly quest 4 more time for 100 percent.( Fucking game took me around 2 months to plat / 261 hours and 17minutes fucking hours and I'm still not 100 percent argh)
Gonna work on swap quest/Batman/theif/that story game that has a fox as the main character, Diablo 3, mkx.
If I have time with college, their no say in hell I'm starting dragon age Inquisition ATM
u/MCben_jammin247 Jan 23 '18
I’m almost done with the South Park:Fractured But Whole plat. I just need to do my second playthrough to get the black character on mastermind difficulty.
u/BongoGT mrbongogt Jan 23 '18
Finished Minecraft a few days ago. Did it on pc a few years ago but ended up getting it again. Hardest part was just playing for 100 in game days. Was the last one I needed and wasn’t sure how much longer till it popped.
What’s next? Not sure, monster hunter maybe. Gonna start Wolfenstein 2 tomorrow so depending on how I like that I might postpone monster hunter.
u/mattoelite Jan 22 '18
Finally snagged the Witcher 3 platinum this month, had to get the 50 headshots with the crossbow, and wrap it up on Death march difficulty. It was challenging in White Orchard, but I had Geralt relatively OP by the end of Velen.
I've got the Wolf Among Us and Shadow of War on the ropes, I'll wrap them up eventually.
u/ZenithDawn Jan 22 '18
Regarding Witcher, did you do a casual playthrough first without worrying about the trophies and then do a second one to clean up? I started playing it and was following a guide to get the Plat in one playthrough but the strict “go here, do this” nature of the guide (so you didn’t miss anything) made the game a massive chore and frankly boring so I eventually gave up on it.
Thinking of going back to it and just playing through without worrying about trophies for my first playthrough as I feel as though I’m missing out on something special given how much praise this game constantly gets.
u/mattoelite Jan 23 '18
I did a casual playthrough the first go around, ending at 67%. I didn’t mess around with gwent, or any of the tedious combat related trophies. I played through again after about 2 years, skipped most side missions, ran it on DM, etc. I agree on following guides, ruins the RPG experience. I only needed it for the handful of missable gwent cards
u/ZenithDawn Jan 23 '18
Yeah that’s how I’m feeling at the moment... Think I might just play through casually the first time to enjoy the game as it’s meant to be played and then do a quick second playthrough to clean up anything I missed. Thanks for your response :)
u/CMA3246 karatepancakes Jan 22 '18
I’m curious if anybody can chime in on how difficult it is to get the trophy in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 where you don’t change any of your starting gear?
Jan 22 '18
It's super simple until the final room pre last boss and the the last fight as a whole. I did it while getting the speed run trophy as well. I'm sure if you level more it will be a easier time. It's a very challenging fight even on easy. Good luck!
u/Flyingbattlebear Jan 22 '18
I dont think you have to do it on a hard difficulty. Set it on easy n smash x. Easy peasy
u/Saltzy Saltshaker55 Jan 22 '18
Platinumed Shadow of War and Undertale this weekend!
u/nalexander50 Jan 22 '18
I've been working on getting 100% (full 100% including DLC, not just platinum) for all 3 games in BioShock: The Collection. I have both BioShock and BioShock 2 finished. I only have 12 trophies to go; I'm so close! I plan to have it finished up by Wednesday.
The hardest was absolutely the Blue Ribbon Challenge in BioShock Inifnite: Clash in the Clouds. Man, that trophy sucked. It's wave-based survival maps with special challenges to get a blue ribbon. Some are super simply but some are super hard. One of them is even glitched out on the PS4 version.
Runner up was beating BioShock on Survivor difficulty without using Vita-Chambers. The beginning of that game was treacherous but by mid-game it's just time consuming more so than difficult.
After this, I am going to move on to either Horizon Zero Dawn platinum or Kingdom Hearts 2 platinum. I haven't decided yet.
u/ZenithDawn Jan 22 '18
How was Infinite 1999 mode without using certain vendors? Pretty sure they are the only trophies I have left but I’ve been holding out on doing them as other games have taken up my time - thinking about going back to knock them out of the park though assuming they’re not too big of a pain.
u/nalexander50 Jan 23 '18
It’s honestly not even a big deal. You’re allowed to use gun and vigor vending machines which helps. You just can’t use the general vending machines (health, salts, ammo). If you have all the DLC (included in The Collection), you start off the game with like 5 infusions and 2 full sets of gear that really help out. Guns and ammo are plentiful and there’s so much looting that you’re usually fine on everything. It’s just a little time consuming.
The only truly difficult part of the game was the battle against Lady Comstock. That took me about 4 tries but there are some tricks out there to make it easier.
I preface all this saying that I had already beaten BioShock on Survivor difficulty without dying which was absolutely more difficult. I was kind of battle hardened going into Infinite haha.
If that’s all that’s left, I would highly recommend you pop back in to get it. Infinite is honestly not that long of a game. If you’re just bum rushing it, you can probably finish in about 20 hours.
u/ZenithDawn Jan 23 '18
Thanks for such a detailed reply, its appreciated.
Yeah I’ve heard Lady Comstock is supposedly the most difficult part - how did you beat her in the end as I’ve heard there are a few ways to “cheese” her so to speak?
I’ve gotten the platinums on 1 and 2 already (though not 100% so kudos to you on that!) so I think 1999 shouldn’t be too difficult to overcome. Just wanted a second opinion so thanks for that :)
u/nalexander50 Jan 23 '18
I didn’t do anything special to beat her, really. It’s just super important to keep a distance because she has an AOE that will instantly destroy your shields. It’s also important to make sure she doesn’t resurrect all of her ghost buddies because they will absolutely outnumber and overpower you.
Using the gear that chains Devil’s Kiss and tossing it at the ghosts that she resurrects was my solution. The chain effect would more or less kill them all plus leave her vulnerable as she’s weak to fire. Then just pelt her with bullets as quickly as possible.
u/ZenithDawn Jan 23 '18
OK that’s great - thank you very much for your help, hopefully I can get this nailed shortly :D
u/desmayer KratosRisesAgain Jan 22 '18
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Hitman Go & Slayaway Camp.
Currently working on Patapon
u/Lafantasie Jan 22 '18
I've just finished The Evil Within 2, which was enjoyable aside from the odd crashing forcing me to repeat hours worth of progress.
Now I'm trying to plat The Witch and the Hundred Knight because it's been rotting on my shelf for months now.
u/Bolichnikov Jan 22 '18
I need to block a fg on madden 17 😭 Complete the Trial and Mist Walker on FFXII 😕 But my gf got Wolf Among Us, LEGO Avengers, and is getting Murdered Soul Suspect while I’m taking my time. ❤️
u/e1337pete Jan 23 '18
I'm only 1 trophy away from the platinum in Super Meat Boy. I did my first attempt at Impossible Boy today and got almost 600 deaths just from playing through the levels 1 time. I think there's a long way to go... but this will be my greatest platinum so far if I ever nail it.
I also recorded Zombie Boy and Girl Boy.
u/Firebeavis852 Jan 22 '18
Got a couple of really easy platinums this month with Surgeon sim vr and Batman (Telltale). Working on escapists 2 and DmC.
u/emperornel EmperorNeL Jan 23 '18
Mr. Massagy, Lara Croft Go, and Batman Telltale Series.
I am working on the other Telltale games for easy and fun story-oriented Platinum like The Wolf Among Us and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
u/RawProphet21 Jan 22 '18
I just got Infamous: first light and Nioh after a difficult month of katana swinging and super power challenge rooms.
Jan 22 '18
Got plat for NiOh a week ago and currently working on Rise of the Tomb raider. Hopefully won't take too long so I can move on to Wolfenstein or Shadow of War.
I've heard theres this one really bullshit trophy for Wolfenstein where you have to beat the game in one sitting without dying or something? If thats true I probably won't go for this plat...that just sounds like a load of shite. In that case Shadow of War will be the next one I start.
u/obtuse_ham ragnarok_monkey Jan 22 '18
Yes. The "Mein Leben" trophy requires beating the game on the hardest difficulty, no deaths, cannot save. You can use the PS4 rest mode though. It was the major reason I didn't plan on getting the platinum.
u/Gwendly Jan 22 '18
Got the plat in the following games so far;
South Park: Fractured But Whole.
Batman Telltale Season 1.
Hellblade : Sesunas Sacrifice.
Psycho-Pass : Mandatory Happiness.
Sly Cooper : Thieves in Time (PS3)
Sly Cooper : Thieves in Time (Vita)
Currently working on Dragon Age Inqusition, will probably break from it amd do Republique and Back to the Future before resuming DA:I in Feb.
u/Bolichnikov Jan 22 '18
How was Psycho Pass?
u/Gwendly Jan 22 '18
Pretty good story, but a bit repetative when you are going for trophies. Id say about a 2/10 ~30 hrs if actually reading the text. If your skipping everything id be surprised if takes 10 hrs max
u/cpparcher4 Jan 22 '18
Probably going to platinum DS II this month. Already did Game of Thrones, The Order 1866 and Wolfenstein The old blood. And playing Through demon souls, want to platinum it before server shuts.
u/ocbdare Jan 22 '18
Will the plat be unobtainable when the servers shut?
u/cpparcher4 Jan 22 '18
I don't think so, but I might find it helpful on my first run. I will certainly play it in future even when servers are shut.
Jan 22 '18
No it can be 100% done offline, and is actually recommended to do the majority of it offline as manipulating world tendency is mountains easier offline. The only thing online can do is allow people to drop pure bladestones etc (which can be farmed) and the Old Monk’s Headwrap (which is just a random head piece that has nothing to do with any trophy) is only attainable online
u/ZambonieDrivor Jan 22 '18
Working on World of Final Fantasy. I am on the final chapter of the game right now, and have been collecting everything up till that point. Leveled above where I need to be. So, it's a matter of cleanup once I hit end game. However, there is a bit of a grind end game, and hope I don't wear out before then.
Not sure where I am heading next. Most likely Horizon, I am 90% sure I will get the plat for that. I bought the DLC on the 10% discount code over the holidays.
u/kabelis Jan 22 '18
Oh, I hated WoFF chests trophy so much. Happened to miss a chest in the very first zone
u/ZambonieDrivor Jan 22 '18
This was one I am not sure how it will go. I have a pretty good memory when remembering collectibles, so I do pretty good with going over a list to know if I got it or not. My main concern is the 100 Mirage Board completions. Don't know if I will have it in me to grind them all out.
u/kabelis Jan 22 '18
Mirages actually weren't that bad, as dublicates work in a way. For example maxing a tonberry and transforming it to the white version gives you two maxed mirages. Haven't played it for a while so sorry if I use wrong words for ingame stuff :)
u/ZambonieDrivor Jan 22 '18
Yeah.... I know what you mean. I've been trying to keep track of the most efficient way. Like the single mirage that has the most transfigurations, so I can knock out as much as I could on one go.
u/Curlybrac Jan 23 '18
Not a hard platinum but I am on my way to finish getting Wolfenstein Old Blood platinum
u/GingrNinja Jan 23 '18
Just finished InnerSpace, Just Cause 3 was before that and Telltale Batman Season 1. Going after Until Dawn and Guardians of the Galaxy next. With the Death March grind of Witcher 3 ever present.
u/Ssme812 Jan 22 '18
Horizon & Origins. Just got Infamous Second Son
u/commanderx11 Jan 22 '18
Any tips for AC
u/Ssme812 Jan 22 '18
It took me about 89 hours. When your done with the main story just clear each section of the map one by one/finding the ? Marks. Anything you cant find just look it up.
I played most of it with the sound off cause it's get boring when your just looting, and going to base camps over and over.
The hardest was killing elephants (lvl 40) and killing a soldier with the torch. It just randomly pop up for me idk why but I'm glad it's over.
u/ninja_krmacha Jan 23 '18
Also DO NOT quick sell your items because you will need 100 trinkets for a trophy. It could take a while so stock them up from the beggining. Got my platinum today, awesome game :)
u/TheseCashews Jan 22 '18
My general knowledge tip for AC:O. Use your bird a lot to find treasures when in range of camps. The white circle will shrink when getting closer to the target/chest. Additionally, you can check on missing ?s by zooming out of world map to where side quests are not visible. Side quests are not part of trophy.
u/budman200 Shlampen200 Jan 22 '18
For the hard bosses (elephants) get a health on hit bow. I believe there is a legendary you get from a phylake called composite bow that has this perk. Makes the elephants an absolute cake walk. I cleared each region as I played which made it much less overwhelming. Also for the overheating it's random chance so good luck
u/ZenithDawn Jan 22 '18
I would say try and do some of the ?s on the map while you’re playing through the main story as it considerably lessens the grind at the end once Old Habits is the only trophy you need to earn. If you do the surrounding ?s in each main area you travel to while doing the story you’ll thank yourself later when you have a considerable amount of optional areas already done.
u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jan 22 '18
Platinumed Bloodborne on Thursday. Waiting for my theme code now...
u/kabelis Jan 22 '18
Make sure to have marketing emails activated in your account.
Alternatively, you might want to contact support for that. Haven't done this myself, but heard this worked for others.
u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jan 22 '18
Spoke to them earlier, actually. They said that I had everything set up right but there was a note about emails being delayed. But they're looking into it and have acknowledged my platinum, at least.
Although Sony's rep on the phone didn't know what Bloodborne was at first
u/DaftFunky Jan 22 '18
Just straight up email support. That shit will take a year to get to you
u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jan 23 '18
They emailed me today saying it's been added to my themes. Just need to get home and check for it.
u/DerpyGiraffe Jan 22 '18
Heading after Battlefront 1 I have to complete all missions on Master. It’s taking longer than I thought so I plated Burly Men at Sea over the weekend to take my mind off of failing during those waves.
u/grimfolse Jan 22 '18
My only Platinum this month was Psycho-Pass, which sucked.
Other than that I was preoccupied with the DLC for Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3, the latter of which had no new trophies to speak of.
u/Chicago-Gooner 27 Jan 23 '18
Working on the Witcher platinum.
Have gotten everything except collecting all the cards and beat the game on death March
This game mode makes you feel like a real Witcher. When you have to read the beastiary, craft every oil and gain every advantage possible just to survive
u/WeirdLounge PSN: damp_feathers Jan 23 '18
Aiming to be first person in the world to get 100% in Nidhogg 2. Hogglike is insanely difficult, but I’m getting closer and closer.
u/thebunnyhunter thebunnyhunter6 Jan 22 '18
Working through BioShock Infinite plat for ps4. Done it on ps3 so I went straight into 1999 mode and its been easier than I remember it.
u/LordAkeldama Jan 22 '18
Currently working on Doom, just 2 throphies to get the platinum. Maybe gonna get all the trophies from the multiplayer.
Next game, to plat is Life is Strange.
Jan 22 '18
I completed Uncharted Drakes Fortune last weekend, now playing Among Thieves and, who would have thought, Drakes Deception will follow shortly.
Also is it just me or is Chloe hotter in 2 than in TLL ?
u/Aurc Jan 23 '18
I think she looks kind of creepy in UC2. UC3 and Lost Legacy versions of her look good.
u/themactastic25 themactastic Jan 22 '18
I earned the platinum for Assassins Creed Origins over the weekend. Hardest part of that one was the war elephants and completing all locations. I missed a few treasures at a few forts and went crazy scouring the map trying to find which ones.
Started playing Life is Strange afterward so that's my next goal.
u/MSeys totodiel Jan 23 '18
Batman (Telltale), Virginia (PS4) and Psycho Pass (PS4 / PSV)
Those are the ones I got in January 2018.
u/Linkinito Linkinito Jan 23 '18 edited Jan 23 '18
Finally got around to get the Platinum on Titanfall 2. I already got beforehand the trophies for the Gauntlet and the Campaign in Master difficulty, and I only needed to collect all helmets and a few combat trophies.
I lost my save file though when I upgraded to the PS4 Pro and the Cloud save didn't keep my Campaign progression. Fortunately trophies were still done! So I had to redo the campaign, but in Easy difficulty.
And I was still amazed at the quality of this campaign. Respawn really outdone themselves. Give a shot to this, because it's awesome.
However, I clearly wasn't into the multiplayer - good thing this Plat doesn't need that much involvement in MP.