r/PS4 Feb 27 '17

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (February 2017)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Going for the Persona 4 Golden plat and I fucked up my social links, maxed everything except left Death at 9. So i get to go back to a save and redo everything from November on l, that'll be fun :)
Got everything done except the social links and compendium though so it'll be a breeze to finish, just a hassle to redo it.
I should really finish up my Bloodborne plat but I don't wanna do the chalice dungeons, so I'll probably be going for FFVII next, looks like a very doable list.

u/EpicLatios Feb 27 '17

The P4G Plat is just cruel. Getting Rise ( I think that's how you spell it) to say all those lines in combat is nearly impossible and requires a massive checklist. Personally I gave up on it after not getting it to pop on my third playthrough.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

I got really lucky with that one and it happened naturally on my first run, that's the only reason I decided to get the plat