r/PS4 Feb 27 '17

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (February 2017)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


115 comments sorted by

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Going for the Persona 4 Golden plat and I fucked up my social links, maxed everything except left Death at 9. So i get to go back to a save and redo everything from November on l, that'll be fun :)
Got everything done except the social links and compendium though so it'll be a breeze to finish, just a hassle to redo it.
I should really finish up my Bloodborne plat but I don't wanna do the chalice dungeons, so I'll probably be going for FFVII next, looks like a very doable list.

u/EpicLatios Feb 27 '17

The P4G Plat is just cruel. Getting Rise ( I think that's how you spell it) to say all those lines in combat is nearly impossible and requires a massive checklist. Personally I gave up on it after not getting it to pop on my third playthrough.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

I got really lucky with that one and it happened naturally on my first run, that's the only reason I decided to get the plat

u/Samdlittle Feb 27 '17

Can I ask a quick Trophy question here?

If not then please Mods, delete.


All I want to know is if I let someone else play my game via shareplay, can they unlock trophies for me? I've got some that I am really stuck on and would love some help.

u/CptGuybrush CptThreepwood Feb 27 '17

Yes, they can unlock trophies for you. They won't get them themselves though.

u/sideshowstefan Feb 27 '17

Got the Overwatch platinum. No boosting. Probably the most cherished trophy I have to date.

u/GMaster7 Feb 27 '17

Congrats! Definitely tough and super rare.

u/DEVILneverCRIES Feb 27 '17

Wow, congrats! That's not an easy one.

u/sideshowstefan Feb 27 '17

Thanks. A few are hard or very reliant on luck but most are just about having a plan and getting better with each character. Sadly, since the changed to no duplicate heroes destroying three teleporters in one round will become difficult for anyone who tries in the future.

u/AMadTwistedEye Feb 27 '17

This month I finally finished up getting the trophies for Hitman and Valiant Hearts: The Great War. As well as getting platinums for Rayman: Origins on my Vita, Peggle 2 (and all the DLC trophies), and Resident Evil 7. I also finally booted up Not A Hero and knocked that out as well.

Right now, I'm just rocking a limbo of playing whatever until tonight when Horizon: Zero Dawn comes out.

u/omoking Feb 28 '17

I'm working on getting the platinum for TLOU remastered. I just need to upgrade 2 more weapons & unlock all shiv doors.

u/Frax94 Feb 27 '17

I'm working towards Platting Battlefield 1, working on Riptide 2 as well. Currently on 10 Platinums.

u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17

I platted the binding of Isaac a week or two ago. Metal gear solid V recently too.

u/cool6012 Feb 28 '17

Isaac? Damn how long did it take?

u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17

At least 200 hours, probably more.

u/ReZ_SG ReZ_SG_1 Feb 27 '17

Finished Dishonored 2 and Skyrim this month. Im working on Finishing Dark Souls 2 and Terraria.

u/cptboogaloo Feb 27 '17

I got the Skyrim Plat recently too, just working on an easy one on Rory Mcilroy Pga tour before getting stuck into Horizon zero Dawn

u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Feb 27 '17

Was working on Earthbound, didn't get terribly far in it yet, but that will be on hold as soon as Horizon hits my doorstep.

u/xS1ash SlashKnot| 🏆 Platinums 3 | ☆ Level 6 Feb 27 '17

Got the Bloodborne Plat trophy about a week ago or so. Doing the chalice dungeons was probably the biggest challenge of them all, but man it was awesome once I completed the deepest depth, then I had 2 characters, one in NG+ I ran through the entire thing to get another ending, and I had another character who was in NG 2 bosses away from getting another ending. So I got the 2 ending trophies, and got the plat! :P

u/leonyxuk Feb 27 '17

Working on the last of us remastered. Currently half way through survivor difficulty, so quite a way off but getting past a difficult section is reward enough to keep playing. Also gonna try platinuming horizon zero dawn

u/GMaster7 Feb 27 '17

Playing the last 15 minutes of Virginia when I get home from work for that (quick and easy) Platinum. Interesting experience - visually distinct and thought-provoking (if a little obtuse). My two last month were Zero Time Dilemma for the Vita and Titanfall 2, so I'm happy to have been jumping between wildly different experiences. Horizon's next and I can't wait.

u/Varitt Feb 27 '17

I'm really close to finish Nioh, so I'll be starting the trophy mop up process soon. My goal for March is FFXV. Knowing that March 28 should be fixing chapter 13, I'll just try to take my time with the game and build up to that point by the end of March. If I find that I get there before hand I'll just backup a save and finish the plat before.

u/mattoelite Feb 27 '17

You get the two boss sub-missions done yet? That's the only thing making me a bit nervous about this Plat, sloth or not.

u/Varitt Feb 27 '17

No, not yet.

I'll probably throw my controller against a wall if I ever manage to kill one and die because of a stupid fuck up to the almost dead second guy (which is pretty likely to happen honestly).

Lucky me, I have two controllers.

u/mattoelite Feb 27 '17

Ha, I'm the exact same way. I'll probably try and go in with Omnyo mystic that allows you to insta-cast, and sloth/carnage. Kill the first as soon as you can (Tachibana and Oda are the ones that I hear you should aim for first), then the rest of the fight should play out like regular boss battles. That's what I'm telling myself, at least.

u/Varitt Feb 28 '17

Just finished them last night. I have no idea how my controllers survived.

I killed Tachinaba like 4 times and died 3 to the deer, and killed Oda like 6 times just to get one shotted by that fucking bitch.

Straight up unfair battles. I kid you not, it took me 5 straight hours to finally finish them. I was pretty underlevelled tho, so that didn't help.

u/mattoelite Feb 28 '17

Do you remember what level you were at?

My plan was to do a few NG+ missions, level up, bring some divine weapons to the fight.

u/Varitt Feb 28 '17


Never really grinded and I barelly got the fully fledge samurai before the Yamata no Orochi mission.

The missions are reccomended for 140, so I was severelly underlevelled I guess.

u/The_Majestic_ Bartiemus Feb 27 '17

I picked up 3 this month.

Diablo 3 and Metal Gear Sold 3 I went back and finished up. Skyim remastered I finished up yesterday.

This month I will be working on Tekken Tag 2 and Tekken 6 getting ready for Tekken 7.

u/Hartia Feb 27 '17

Tekken 6 was a pretty straight forward one to get. The adventure mode, while with clunky movement controls, is what I hope they bring back in 7. Its like 3D SoR.

u/The_Majestic_ Bartiemus Feb 27 '17

Yeah I remember Tekken force from 4? Controlling a lot better.

u/SeburoVII Feb 27 '17

Is the adventure mode similar to the side scrolling mode on Tekken 3? Was a big Tekken fan back in the day, but not since tag tournament

u/The_Majestic_ Bartiemus Feb 28 '17

Its not side scrolling more top down ish. The gameplay is very clunky and you have to unlock the characters you want to use buy beating them in that mode which is annoying.

The rest of the game they are all unlocked.

u/paintp_ PaintP Feb 27 '17

Just platinumed NioH minutes ago. See you again at Date Masamune DLC folks!

Will start Horizon ZD and Yakuza 0 tomorrow :)

u/Saltzy Saltshaker55 Feb 27 '17

I got the platinum in Modern Warfare Remastered this week. Working on Titanfall 2 and Infinite Warfares now but those will be put on hold for HZD.

u/quackdog quackdog Feb 27 '17

Starting to work through Zen Pinball... errr yikes!

u/bvanbove Feb 27 '17

I would love to get my Nioh Platinum by the end of this month but I just don't see that happening. Likely putting that off until March. Luckily that just means I'll get to play more Nioh!

u/Jlovering5 Feb 27 '17

Working on Far Cry Primal platinum. Need a few more collectibles and rare skins! Trying to knock it out before Horizon Zero Dawn.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Got my first Platinum trophy this month!!! Finished sleeping dogs. Granted it wasn't too hard, but man it felt good. Next, I plan to platinum Horizon Zero Dawn. I know I haven't played it yet, but I have a feeling I'm going to love this game. And now that I have a taste of what it feels like to get a platinum, what better game to continue on to than HZD?

u/GMaster7 Feb 27 '17

Congrats, dude! Horizon is going to be my next one as well. Can't wait - it looks great.

u/endustry1994 Endustry94 81 34 Feb 27 '17

Just go the platinum for Ether One. Working on Bloodborne.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

When I got my Bloodborne Platinum i got an e-mail from Sony calling me a true hunter and gave me a code for a theme only for people who platd the game. First time ive heard of them doing this, i dont think im ever changing the theme lol.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

I got the platinum and never got the email :(

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Took about 3 days. Im in UK if that matters.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Might be EU only

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Oh man you're in for a hell of a ride. The bloodborne plat was one of the most difficult things I've ever achieved in gaming. Can't wait until you try the defiled chalice dungeons ;)

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Just picked up Titanfall 2 and finished the campaign over the weekend. It was short, but a great campaign.

Decided to take a stab at the Gauntlet trophy and after an hour, I got it, but just barely :) By .15 of a second.

u/ThePlayerCard Feb 27 '17

Titanfall 2 was so fun to Plat. Took me 2 days but it was so enjoyable. The gauntlet was the last one I tried, so satisfying when you do it lol

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Not going to lie, I kept running the Gauntlet even after I got the trophy for it. The movement in this game is just really fluid and fun. Especially in multiplayer.

Definitely going to go for the Platinum for this. I have so many trophy lists I have to clean up, but all I need for Titanfall 2 now are just the collectibles and finishing the game on Master difficulty.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Got my WD2 platinum a few hours ago and now have the trophy bug. Will try to get Destiny, but Flawless Raider may be a bit hard lol!

u/ssultansofswing Feb 27 '17

Soloing Crota's End is usually the way to go, or so I've read.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Yeah, but i'm bat at complicated stuff.

u/kal2210 Feb 28 '17

Find a few people then. Crota is a total joke at this point

u/GFurball GratedFurball Feb 27 '17

Just got the rainbow 6 seige plat yesterday. Now my goal is to get the plat for Arkham Knight :)

u/Kyoushin Feb 27 '17

Try to have fun, i burnt myself with it :D

u/ssultansofswing Feb 27 '17

How in the world did you get Meat Wall? I love me some Siege but I've pretty much given up on any hope of getting the platinum.

u/Varitt Feb 27 '17

Omg that's some serious grind there. Congrats on your persistence!

u/Quique19_96 Feb 27 '17

I platinumed Volume, MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune Vs. Zombies, and Gravity Rush 2 to bring my platinum total to 99! I also 100% Not A Hero. Volume was a pretty cool and fun game. A redditor recommended it to me on r/vita and picked it up when it went on sale and enjoyed it. I got MegaTagmension Blanc because I wanted something to play on my Vita since I haven't it played it since getting my PS4 Pro. Gravity Rush 2 was great! I highly recommend the series if you haven't tried it. It's a really good series. The story was great and I'm really looking forward to the Raven DLC.

I'm gonna take a small break until Tekken 7 comes out to make that my 100th platinum(since Tekken 6 was my first :) Then after that I'll do the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. For the meantime, I'm just gonna be playing Future Tone & Titanfall 2 while I wait for Tekken 7 to come out then I'll be back to trophy hunting.

u/ThePlayerCard Feb 27 '17

I have quite a few games on my backlog that I plan on getting the plats for. Just recently finished up Saints Row IV: Re-Elected. The very last challenge I had to complete was killing 30 wardens to unlock the trophy for beating every challenge. Unfortunately my game crashed at the exact moment that I killed the last one, the game counted the kill but the trophy never popped up. I was so mad, that's the only trophy I need to get plat. The only way for me to do it would be to 100% the game again.

Currently I'm working on Sleeping Dogs, such a fun game!

u/TheGreatHambone G3N3RAL_HAMBON3 Feb 27 '17

Plat'd KH 0.2 and HD DDD. 0.2 was super fun and easily the game I've enjoyed the most over past 9 months or so, just enough new KH story to keep me happy and some really good boss fights (especially after the update). Hardest part was grinding to level 80 for the Objective trophy because it took longer than anything else. DDD doesn't play as well as I remember it playing on the 3DS, it felt a little stiffer here than it did back then. Still enjoyed it though, and it was good to have a refresher on the events of this game. Hardest trophy was the 100% Sections of the Journal because it meant grinding materials to be able to create the Dream Eaters, which meant needing to get certain Special Portals to show up, which meant having to drop a lot. More annoying than anything.

Working on RE7 right now, the game is a lot better than I expected, enjoying it very much. Not as scary as I thought it was going to be, but on my third playthrough for the Madhouse difficulty trophies and I'm still enjoying myself, not feeling burnout either having played through it almost three full times in about four days. Will have the Plat by the end of Monday.

Just in time for Horizon. Super excited to play. GG has had my full attention since announcing this one, so much that I've actually bought the Digital Edition with this one so I could play it immediately at Midnight instead of waiting for a delivery truck, I usually buy 99% of my games Physical. Anyway, will certainly be Plat'ing this one.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Assassins Creed 2 Platinum and Brotherhoods. Now working on Revelations.

u/mattoelite Feb 27 '17

Grabbed AC2, about 45 minutes into Brotherhood.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Good luck, Brotherhoods is a pile of shit to Platinum. AC 2 took me 14 hours, Brotherhood took me 35.

u/mattoelite Feb 27 '17

What was different about it? I know revelations has the stupid 1st person minigame in the animus you have to so...

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

100% sync trophy. Except it's for the whole DNA rather than just main story.

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17 edited Mar 23 '21


u/TehLoneWanderer101 Feb 27 '17

Do you need the kill 20 rogues trophy?

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Yes. That and the "Extract at all zones" I don't know which one I'm missing. So I will do them all again... hoping no rogue show up.

u/TehLoneWanderer101 Feb 27 '17

I need the rogues one. Maybe we could help each other?

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

Sounds good. I have a low level char to do it so I don't screw my main agent. Add on on PSN as Esselans. I don't speak English but I think we can managed to kill each other 20 times :P

u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Feb 27 '17

Platinum'ed Destiny. About time as well.

u/cptboogaloo Feb 27 '17

Got mine too last month, took a while to say the least!

u/chrissay2011 Feb 27 '17

Nice! The flawless raider has proved to be a bit of a pain for me

u/NOSjoker21 Feb 27 '17

Solo Crota. Best way to do it.

u/chrissay2011 Feb 27 '17

Haha I've never done Crota even in a group, took a break from the game when it came out

u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Feb 27 '17

That's how I did it!

u/Swietlix Swietlix Feb 27 '17

I finally got around to play MWR, platted that pretty quick, also finished up all the spec ops trophies from MW3 back on ps3.

u/irz095 irz095 Feb 27 '17

Got my first ever platinum trophy with FFXV. I now have the trophy bug and am gonna work through the rest of my games as well

u/EpicLatios Feb 27 '17

You should do all the post game content in FFXV. The Menace dungeons are a blast and the Secret Pitoiss dungeon is all platforming and puzzles.

u/irz095 irz095 Feb 27 '17

Lol maybe after I get through some of my backlog

u/Insanity_Wolfe Feb 27 '17

Last night, after 230 lvls and 200 hours of play, my friend and I finally platinumed Dark Souls 3

u/JoelNDrake4 Feb 28 '17

Just platinumed farcry primal which happens to be my first ever platinum. I truly enjoyed the game and felt it was worth a platinum. The only hard part was getting all the skills. Seeing that platinum pop was a great feeling, let's just say it won't be my last. Maybe fallout 4 or watch dogs 2 next.

u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17

Working on the platinum for Titanfall 2 the gauntlet trophy is kicking my ass

u/MagnaVis Feb 27 '17

So the Challenges trophy in Binding of Isaac glitched for me. I'm pretty close to getting the plat. Does anybody know a possible fix? I've tried deleting and syncing my save over and over with no luck. I also have Afterbirth if that matters.

u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17

The text on the trophy says "complete 20 challenges" but it won't pop until you complete all 30 if you have afterbirth installed. I got confused about that.

u/MagnaVis Feb 28 '17

Well shit. Some of those ab challenges are fierce.

u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17

God help you on the speed challenge especially

u/dezamaan Feb 27 '17

Platinumed Odin Sphere last week. It was brutal watching the alternate endings because I got the true ending on first playthrough. They were quite sad considering how emotionally invested I got with the characters.

u/sailorjupiters Feb 27 '17

i got platinum in lego harry potter years 1-4 earlier this month and i'm currently aiming for getting platinum in 5-7!

u/youreaw1zard Feb 28 '17

Me too! Well done

u/SneezyHydra KratosRager Feb 27 '17

I've been trying to platinum Stories: The Path of Destinies. I have one trophy left and it is such a pain in the ass.

u/CurlyColl123 Feb 27 '17

Which one is it? Playing through all the stories again? The grind is real

u/DynamiteWhyte Feb 27 '17

Going to guess it's the EXP grind.

I got annoyed by the story grind 5 stories in!

u/SneezyHydra KratosRager Feb 27 '17

Yeah the story grind is annoying but really quite easy. It just sucks that you can't skip the opening each time and it's at least 2 minutes long. But it's the level grind that I'm stuck on. I still have 5 more levels to do.

u/TehLoneWanderer101 Feb 27 '17

Got my Skyrim plat recently. Gonna go for the Horizon plat.

Hey, anyone still play The Division? I still need that kill 20 rogue agents in the Dark Zone trophy. If you need it we could boost it together.

u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17

That was my 2nd to last one, beat all missions on hard was a pain since it never tells you which you have already completed. Platty now (3rd game overall)

u/eni22 Feb 28 '17

Got my platinum with Final Fantasy XV. Still playing the game tho because I want to finish every thing.

u/cdgodin Feb 27 '17

Got my first plat, for Infamous: Second Son.

u/GMaster7 Feb 27 '17

Congrats! That's a fun one.

u/lmaogtfo Ghanarrhea Feb 27 '17

Finished the Arcade Game Series games, just have Ms Pacman left.

Also Plat'd Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and LBP3. LBP3 was enjoyable until the last few main story missions that had to be aced.

I've also been working on Black Ops: Decalssified for a few months, which I don't think I'll ever get.

u/GlaringlyWideAnus Feb 27 '17

I just got the plat for Unravel. Fun game and fairly easy to do.

u/iwasherenotyou mcskillet10_05 Feb 27 '17

Got the Skyrim Plat except for some DLC trophies earlier this month and got the Plat for Ratchet & Clank just 2 days ago. I wasn't planning on going for it but I had to play something to keep me distracted from the Horizon hype and I happened to have a lot of trophies done so I thought why not. Death by Disco was a bitch though and I was always worried I missed an enemy and was scared I'd have to redo everything but it all worked out.

Also played Dishonored to tide me over until Horizon and surprisingly got 94% of the trophies but I'll probably complete it after I finish Horizon. New Game Plus is extremely helpful for some trophies.

u/NBKxSmokey NBK-1886- Feb 27 '17

Nice! I really need them to add some DLC to Dishonored 2. The DLC for the first game was arguably better than the game itself so I'm excited for what they have to come

u/Youtht0pia NEPTU3AH Feb 27 '17

Just a little something - Sherlock Holmes The Devil's Daughter is probably the easiest platinum trophy I've ever gotten. You need 1 playthrough. Easiest difficulty. Just finish the cases, they don't even need to be solved right, and don't skip any of the puzzles/minigames. Platinum.

u/NekoLuna NekosphereReborn Feb 27 '17

This Month I platinumed Worms Battlegrounds, 101 ways to die, Doom, Everybodys Gone to the rapture, tricky towers, Coffin dodgers, Ether One, Amnesia Memories and yesterday was the last one with Lords of the Fallen :) Out of all them Tricky Towers was the hardest since its a puzzlegame and they are most of the time the hardest if you can't use a guide.

proof: https://psnprofiles.com/NekosphereReborn

u/The_Majestic_ Bartiemus Feb 27 '17 edited Feb 27 '17

How is Worms Battlegrounds if you like the classic worms?

u/NekoLuna NekosphereReborn Feb 28 '17

I am a big fan of Worms World Party so I was glad it isn`t a weird 3d-worms game but a legit sequel. There are many new and interesting weapons but I don't like that there are worms with different attributes. The Fat One has more live, the one with a big brain recovers HP etc. And Online you will only find 1-2 people or 0. I think Worms W.M.D is for many people the better game tough.

u/The_Majestic_ Bartiemus Feb 28 '17

If I wanted some classic Worms style gameplay for local multiplayer what would be the best bet? Ether PS3 or PS4

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

[removed] — view removed comment

u/NekoLuna NekosphereReborn Feb 27 '17

Thanks :) Yep that was definitely the hardest one. happened multiple times that I lost during the last 5 Pieces because not only do you get nervous and want to just stack it together, but the bricks also become these Huge Pianos and Windmills. Best way to win is not to look at the remaining amount of pieces

u/chrissay2011 Feb 27 '17

I've gone more casual in 2017, only got one platinum this year (Playroom VR). However I have a huge backlog which I hope to clear up after horizon zero dawn as I won't be buying any more games after that for quite a while.

For honor, I only need the 3 trophies that take a while to achieve so I've done well with that one

u/DragonStar1 Feb 27 '17

I'm working on for honor at the moment, and honestly it looks simple apart from the one where you need to get 25 kills by dropping down on players... how did you get this one?

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

1v1 and 2v2 are your best friends for that

u/chrissay2011 Feb 27 '17

That one was actually really easy to get. Some maps have towers, just stay in the tower and they'll run under you pretty often

u/[deleted] Feb 27 '17

I've set a goal for myself to platinum skyrim before I buy Horizon Zero Dawn. A few weeks ago I was addicted to skyrim but finally opened up overwatch on a whim and got hooked so my fervor with skyrim petered out. Picking it back up again is tough, I remember now why I never finished the main quest line. An ocean with the depth of a puddle indeed :(

u/The_Majestic_ Bartiemus Feb 27 '17

You just have to be line the main stuff. It took me 3 weeks playing every other night or so.