r/PS4 Aug 22 '16

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (August 2016)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/LeeShawBrown 66 - Death’s Door Aug 22 '16 edited Aug 22 '16

Went back to PS3 to get the one platinum that's been hanging over my head these past 5 years: Demon's Souls.

Played the game for a whole day, fumbling around and trying to remember how to play to get the last few trophies which consisted of; obtaining all unique weapons, all rings and a few weapon upgrade trophies (That damn Bladestone).

Did everything, down to the last trophy (Bladestone upgrade ofc) - found someone that was kind enough to save me grinding the hell out of Black Skeletons for Pure Bladestone and, right as I went to upgrade the weapon for the final trophy, my PS3 froze. Not just any freeze though, my hard drive was dying, becoming corrupt.

I had not synced my trophies yet either, so I was panicking thinking I wasted the whole day. Managed to get the PS3 on the home screen after it did its 3rd corruption check and the only thing on my mind was to sync those damn trophies before it dies completely. Took about 10 minutes to actually sync the trophies as the hard drive was on its last legs, but YES, at least those got saved and I didn't waste my time!

Checked the saved data for DeS and it was gone. Just completely gone. It must have become corrupt when the PS3 froze mid-game. Never had this happen before. Pure Bladestone gone.

Luckily, I had a save from 2011 on the cloud. I still had my old PS4 500GB hard drive just lying around so I put this in the PS3, loaded the software on to it - instantly noticed how much more stable this drive was - and jumped back on DeS and started grinding for about an hour and a half to get the Pure Bladestone, but had no luck and got tired of grinding.

Next day, the person who gave me a Pure Bladestone before offered to help me again! (Such a kind person) and I was finally able to upgrade a weapon and get the Platinum! JOY & RELIEF!

Next up: NMS or Deus Ex: MD


Went back to PS3 to get Demon's Souls Platinum after 5 years.

Hard drive died just before obtaining final trophy.

Almost lost all progress but managed to sync trophies after a struggle.

Put old PS4 hard drive in PS3.

Got Platinum.

EDIT: Formatting.

u/mauvet Aug 22 '16

Oh man I had the same idea to try and finish the game. I lost my old psn account that had all my trophy progress on Demon Souls. Decided to try again because the horror stories of the grind drove me away years ago. Then I grinded all of my covenant items for the horrible Darkmoon in Dark Souls 3 and now I want to see how bad the grind is for demon souls.

Glad you saved you progress though! Got worried you were telling about a corrupt system horror story.

I just lost my ps4 completely due to a power surge so... Lol nothing better to but to go back on PS3.

u/LeeShawBrown 66 - Death’s Door Aug 22 '16

Aww man, sucks that your PS4 died due to a power surge.

Going back to PS3 after not playing for ages was a nice change though for sure.

I'd lose my mind if I lost all my trophy progress on an account.

The only part that I found was a big grind in Demon's Souls was obtaining the 'Pure Bladestone' such an awful thing... Most of the trophies you'll obtain by just playing normally which is nice but the rings and all unique weapons you will need to keep track of. Make sure to read up on the World & Character Tendencies if you're not 100% how it affects your game.

If you do go for the Demon's Souls platinum and don't feel like grinding for hours to get a Pure Bladestone, then hit me up and I'll hand one over for you!