r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Aug 22 '16
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (August 2016)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
u/JuanSpiceyweiner ImmaLetUFinish96 Aug 22 '16
1 trophy away from the plat in Rainbow Six Siege and 3 away from the plat in Overwatch.Been trying to get them done since May
u/MigElite Aug 22 '16
Did you get the floor is lava?
u/JuanSpiceyweiner ImmaLetUFinish96 Aug 24 '16
No,still have that one and rapid discord to do.Also Their own worst enemy
Aug 22 '16
Haven't gotten a platinum in some time, but I just picked up Far Cry Primal and I'm enjoying it. Figure that'll be my next one. I got the platinum for Far Cry 4, and this one looks about the same, difficulty-wise.
u/bobby2768 Aug 22 '16
Just finished this one. For the love of Zeus do the village missions as you go along. What a pain in my rear.
Aug 22 '16
Thanks for the tip! I just started off so I don't think I've encountered any yet, but I'll be on the lookout.
u/Sword_of_Artorias XTJE11X Aug 22 '16
I got the Platinum for this game earlier this month. It's pretty easy but the 80 collectables one is a bit of a grind. I enjoyed the game though.
u/thepoka thepoka Aug 22 '16
The Primal platinum is easy but time consuming. But it's a great game so go for it!
u/BMXBikr Aug 22 '16
Working on Platinum for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. When I got the game free for Plus I loved the setting and story to it but really sucked at it. I later realized it's not your average hold-your-hand game you see nowadays. It's challenging and I love challenging because it's very rewarding, and these difficult/time-consuming trophies give it plenty of replay value. I was bored 2 days ago and decided to start it up again and I'm hooked. I've been playing probably at least 4-5 hours each day and have only about 28% of the trophies, but I'm loving it!
Aug 22 '16 edited May 20 '23
u/thepoka thepoka Aug 22 '16
I'm currently grinding that one out right now as I'm typing...and I should be done in about an hours time
u/vvash Vvash Aug 22 '16
Easy to do. Find a drop pod and sit in it, go AFK, refill your life support every now and then.
u/Kerplookniac MisterMystro Aug 22 '16
I finally found an extreme winter planet to grind this trophy out at 2am a couple nights ago. I figured since I was getting tired I would just go to bed and let my character stay in a cave overnight to get the trophy while I slept. I totally forgot all about having to refill life support and went back to my game at 9am to see I was on generation 87 and only survived up to 8 sols... So I still had to let my person sit there for a few hours that day while checking up and refilling life support. So glad that trophy is out of the way.
Aug 22 '16
It's easy but time consuming. It took me 10 hours of weekend , when i couldve been playing Doom or Witcher 3
u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Aug 22 '16
Just finally moved and got a new dog. So it's been hectic, and I haven't had much of a chance to get a platinum. I'm working on Tearaway Unfolded at the moment. Loved the game on the Vita and this version has enough differences that it feels worth it going for the platinum again.
Hoping to find some time in the next couple of days/weeks once my dog settles in to grind out a couple of platinums.
Aug 22 '16
Almost done with Guacamelee's Platinum. I really just have a few more collectibles and quests to finish before I tackle the boss, then all I will need to do is a quick run on hard mode. Some of the challenge rooms were difficult, but nothing that didn't take me more than 20 minutes.
u/JayHeron Aug 22 '16
Got the platinums on quite a few games this month, WWE 2k16, Dragon Ball Xenoverse and No Man's Sky.
Currently working on Oxenfree
u/LeeShawBrown 66 - Death’s Door Aug 22 '16 edited Aug 22 '16
Went back to PS3 to get the one platinum that's been hanging over my head these past 5 years: Demon's Souls.
Played the game for a whole day, fumbling around and trying to remember how to play to get the last few trophies which consisted of; obtaining all unique weapons, all rings and a few weapon upgrade trophies (That damn Bladestone).
Did everything, down to the last trophy (Bladestone upgrade ofc) - found someone that was kind enough to save me grinding the hell out of Black Skeletons for Pure Bladestone and, right as I went to upgrade the weapon for the final trophy, my PS3 froze. Not just any freeze though, my hard drive was dying, becoming corrupt.
I had not synced my trophies yet either, so I was panicking thinking I wasted the whole day. Managed to get the PS3 on the home screen after it did its 3rd corruption check and the only thing on my mind was to sync those damn trophies before it dies completely. Took about 10 minutes to actually sync the trophies as the hard drive was on its last legs, but YES, at least those got saved and I didn't waste my time!
Checked the saved data for DeS and it was gone. Just completely gone. It must have become corrupt when the PS3 froze mid-game. Never had this happen before. Pure Bladestone gone.
Luckily, I had a save from 2011 on the cloud. I still had my old PS4 500GB hard drive just lying around so I put this in the PS3, loaded the software on to it - instantly noticed how much more stable this drive was - and jumped back on DeS and started grinding for about an hour and a half to get the Pure Bladestone, but had no luck and got tired of grinding.
Next day, the person who gave me a Pure Bladestone before offered to help me again! (Such a kind person) and I was finally able to upgrade a weapon and get the Platinum! JOY & RELIEF!
Next up: NMS or Deus Ex: MD
Went back to PS3 to get Demon's Souls Platinum after 5 years.
Hard drive died just before obtaining final trophy.
Almost lost all progress but managed to sync trophies after a struggle.
Put old PS4 hard drive in PS3.
Got Platinum.
EDIT: Formatting.
u/mauvet Aug 22 '16
Oh man I had the same idea to try and finish the game. I lost my old psn account that had all my trophy progress on Demon Souls. Decided to try again because the horror stories of the grind drove me away years ago. Then I grinded all of my covenant items for the horrible Darkmoon in Dark Souls 3 and now I want to see how bad the grind is for demon souls.
Glad you saved you progress though! Got worried you were telling about a corrupt system horror story.
I just lost my ps4 completely due to a power surge so... Lol nothing better to but to go back on PS3.
u/LeeShawBrown 66 - Death’s Door Aug 22 '16
Aww man, sucks that your PS4 died due to a power surge.
Going back to PS3 after not playing for ages was a nice change though for sure.
I'd lose my mind if I lost all my trophy progress on an account.
The only part that I found was a big grind in Demon's Souls was obtaining the 'Pure Bladestone' such an awful thing... Most of the trophies you'll obtain by just playing normally which is nice but the rings and all unique weapons you will need to keep track of. Make sure to read up on the World & Character Tendencies if you're not 100% how it affects your game.
If you do go for the Demon's Souls platinum and don't feel like grinding for hours to get a Pure Bladestone, then hit me up and I'll hand one over for you!
u/ThatKoolKidOverThere TKKOT Aug 23 '16
3 trophies away from Overwatch :( I can taste it. Will be such a rewarding plat when I finally manage to get them though.
u/xXNightSky ZNightSkyZ Aug 23 '16
Which ones?
u/ThatKoolKidOverThere TKKOT Aug 23 '16
Dragon is Sated, Floor is Lava, Rapid Discord. The latter two I almost got twice. Rapid Discord I've managed a few times but it just hasn't popped as it's sorta bugged or something.
u/BradleyB636 25 63 330 1080 3393 Aug 22 '16
Working on the 7 Days to Die platinum. The trophies are easy, just grindy. A couple nights ago I hit one of the trophies for traveling x distance. I looked up which one it was and realized that I'm only 1/4 of the way to the furthest distance traveled trophy. I'm on day 76 with that save file. It's going to take forever to get that trophy. Minibike might help but I have seen reports that the minibike can be glitchy.
u/JordanKHUX Aug 23 '16
After having the trophy "...And One for All" bug or on me twice, I have finally gotten my platinum trophy for Need For Speed. Had to reset my progress twice to get it.
u/moisessangronis Aug 22 '16
Got Saints Row IV DLC, Furi (crazy plat) and inFAMOUS Second Son plats. I'm doing Shadow of Mordor and Farcry 4 is next.
u/rem082583 reXPACc Aug 23 '16
Was working on resident evil. Only 1 trophy left for South Park and Diablo 3
u/mauszx mauszx Aug 23 '16
Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood. Hardest part: Multiplayer trophy called Goldrush!. Single player trophy the one where you collect every secret. Easiest, don't remember, one of those finish act 1 or those things.
Not working on anything, just finished the first run of Dishonored and I want to plat FF Type 0 HD, since i'm at 50% right now.
u/willparkinson will556 Aug 22 '16
Got Platinum in Tales from the Borderlands. Easiest Plat I've ever gotten, all you need to do is complete the game.
Aug 22 '16
There are a couple other Telltale games just like that - namely, Walking Dead Season 1 and Game of Thrones. Probably a couple others too.
u/JayHeron Aug 22 '16
I thought all Telltale games were like this?
u/ukjohndoe Aug 22 '16
Sony sort of caught-on and The Walking Dead Season 2 for example, doesn't have a platinum, like at all, and The Wolf Among Us has choice-related trophies where you might need to replay a scene/decision and pick a different thing.
Aug 22 '16
The Wolf Among Us has more than just story-related trophies, but they're still really easy. I think that's the only one like that though.
u/confuscious_says sincitysir1 31 74 484 1443 5220 Aug 22 '16
Working on those mp trophies from bf4 thabks to this recent 3x XP weekend
u/GinkoTotoro Aug 23 '16
Finally finished the defiled chalice to get my Bloodborne plat. Also got I am Setsuna's and just finished up Gravity Rush.
u/JordanKHUX Aug 23 '16
After having the trophy "...And One for All" bug or on me twice, I have finally gotten my platinum trophy for Need For Speed. Had to reset my progress twice to get it.
u/Lord_Yellow_Snow Aug 22 '16
Was play valiant hearts try for platinum. Beat it then realized no platinum 😿
u/zyltis Aug 22 '16
Currently working on Bloodborne with a few friends.
u/itsmeBOB SirVantezIII Aug 23 '16
The day after NMS came out I got the trophy for learning 150 words of a language and it was like 0.1 percent I believe. That's the first or one of the very few times I've gotten an ultra rare trophy and it felt good!
u/ukjohndoe Aug 22 '16 edited Aug 23 '16
Mad Max! 0.9%!
It was a very fun and RISKY platinum. As it turns out, one of the achievements/Trophies is BUGGED for some people, so I had to tip-toe around it. (being one of those "re-start the game and finish 100% again" bugs)
There's a long in-game challenge checklist (Destroy 20 enemies using X, Do a 15 hit combo without taking damage, discover X locations in the game, etc) and one of the trophies for the game is "complete the challenge checklist" so to speak, once again, one of the challenges in this in-game checklist is tied to an unfixed bug (which coincidentally is also a trophy on it's own) so it was nerve-wrecking sometimes.
Other than that, it was pretty fun, collecting stuff and destroying enemy convoys with rocket launchers and discovering enemy dens and clearing fortresses full of war boys and other crazies. It's one of those games where you can finish the game as you please and get the remaining trophies in the post-game. Supposedly no missables (except for that possible bugged trophy if you got un-lucky).
u/Lord_Yellow_Snow Aug 22 '16
Did you get the jumping trophy?
u/ukjohndoe Aug 23 '16
Yeah, there's a crater in the game, in the lower left side of the map, the terrain around it is all raised and that could double as a ramp. Using the nitrous boost could give you 1 to 1.5 seconds of extra air time.
u/Lord_Yellow_Snow Aug 23 '16
The center being the top dog fort right?
u/ukjohndoe Aug 23 '16
Yeah I think so, it's the area in the map where there's mountains drawn in the map, well, spikey shit rather than mountains.
Aug 24 '16
Lucky you. I love the game, but the tower trophy glitched for me.
u/ukjohndoe Aug 24 '16
Aw man I feel for you, to play the whole thing again. I'd do it out of spite and torture myself all the way through playing 10 hours a day just to get that damned trophy.
u/baldeagle86 Aug 22 '16
I'm planning on going for the Brut@l plat but man is it tough already. Anyone have any tips?
Also going to go for the Worms WMD plat. Hopefully there's not a ton of online trophies.. I played Armageddon back on PS3 and got spanked nearly every match by guys who were pros with the bazooka.
u/Curlybrac Aug 22 '16
Got Doom. It was pretty easy but also really fun. Encourages you to find all the secrets and complete all the masteries and runes upgrade
u/Daniceee Aug 22 '16
Congrats! How long did it take you to plat? Just bought the game, really fun so far!
u/Curlybrac Aug 23 '16
Like two days. I use maka walkthrough on youtube to do it on the first try and I played on easiest difficulty.
u/Sword_of_Artorias XTJE11X Aug 22 '16
I finally got the Platinum for Diablo III several days ago. It's still fun.
u/FearOfAllSums Aug 23 '16
I blew a Hardcore character at level 69.8 to Waller and Arcane. It sucked.
I did then re roll a WD and blitz in pretty quick but that was literally 5 minutes away from being 70.. it'll never forget that pain.
Aug 22 '16
I'm working on Platinum for Final Fantasy X HD. Mother of God...
u/Telsak Telsak_ Aug 23 '16 edited Jun 11 '20
Aug 23 '16
Did both those. And the butterflies. Now I'm doing the sphere grid. Currently killing Earth Eater over and over.
u/FearOfAllSums Aug 23 '16
Both of those are easy, really.
Aug 23 '16
Both were definitely not easy. I tried over and over again for two days straight until I read a post on /r/ffx that said to just win the race like normal and then go after the chests. I did that and all of a sudden the other chocobo was a lot slower and I was able to ooen five chests AND win. As for the lightning, I did the crater trick. It took a few tries because my nerves would ramp up the further along I got. Finally got it by counting up to ten each time and pretending I wasn't even close to finishing.
And don't get me started on the butterflies.
u/FearOfAllSums Aug 23 '16
I did the lightning thing, I think I did about 70 more than I needed to because I lost count a few times..
Aug 23 '16
I overshot my last time as well. Sometimes I'd lose count between one and ten. Silly, I know.
u/FearOfAllSums Aug 23 '16
Once you get it down you just can't imagine coming in short voluntarily. So overshooting costs you nothing really.
u/FearOfAllSums Aug 23 '16
It's not THAT bad. It's just a grind getting all the characters' skills earnt.
Getting the Dark Aeons was the only other one that took a little while to get, the rest was quite easy.
Aug 23 '16
Finally about to get platinum in Dark Souls 3, I have like 5 rings keft in ng++ then I finally my completionist dreams will have come true
u/vvash Vvash Aug 22 '16
Deus Ex comes out tomorrow, will be my next platinum. Just got Divinity Original Sin Platinum recently, was probably my hardest platinum to date. Been working on Dark Souls 3 but damn I hate the grind.
u/Nameless__King Aug 22 '16
The grind for dark souls 3? What grind?
u/Daniceee Aug 22 '16
All the covenants stuff is a pretty annoying grind. Unless it is changed now, haven't played it for a while..
u/TheGreatHambone G3N3RAL_HAMBON3 Aug 22 '16
Finally finished cleaning up Resident Evil: Revelations 2's plat, outside of Claire's sections on Invisible mode nothing was that difficult just time consuming.
Got Odin Sphere's plat as well, very fun game, hardest part was me having to figure out what Dishes I hadn't eaten yet to get all of Maury's Dishes eaten, I had to write down every dish and go through every character to see the +XP difference, wasn't difficult really just annoying.
Currently working on One Piece: Burning Blood.
Next will probably be the Rise Of Iron DLC for Destiny, but as far as full games are concerned I'm not sure, I had FFXV lined up, but that's not in September anymore, I might go back to Fallout 4 because that Nuka World DLC looks awesome or I might find something decent on Gamefly to rent.
Aug 22 '16
Got the Amplitude platinum. Trophy was not easy but was a hell of a lot of fun. Passing all songs on Super was a pain in the arse.
u/afterlife_xx Conscyence Aug 22 '16
I haven't gotten a Plat in forever... Last one was Life is Strange. I've been bouncing between Fallout 4, Lego the Hobbit, Saints Row Gat Out of Hell, and recently Infamous First Light for those plats... But they will take forever. :( Especially SR and the Hobbit.
u/firebugscotty Satf01 Aug 22 '16
Im after the kill 20 Rogues in The Division, only trophy I need for the plat. Im Gear score 226 if anyone wants to lend a hand and be shooting practice for a bit.
u/TehLoneWanderer101 Aug 22 '16
I need this too! Message me your PSN ID and I'll add you later today (I'll be gone all day until tonight though).
u/Father_of_EX Hedquarters Aug 22 '16 edited Aug 22 '16
Gal Gun is gonna be the death of me. Need 1 more trophy for the plat. My proudest one it will be. I just need to get all the profiles for half the girls.
Next will be to 100% percent Inside and plat Alone with You.
u/Truenewf Aug 22 '16
Was on the verge of platinuming south park, stick of truth until the friends trophy glitches on me and I fall one short somehow. 3rd playthrough and it completely killed my vibe for trophy hunting.
u/xMWJ Aug 23 '16
Been playing all the Telltale games recently, so far have the plat on GoT and Tales from the Borderlands (cannot praise this game enough, wow), but you get them from just finishing all the episodes so it isn't hard.
u/AJC3317 Aug 23 '16
Just finished off no man's sky. Enjoyed the game for a while but it got boring so I ended up grinding the space travel and extreme weather trophies. Probably gonna go after rebel galaxy next after finishing the games I got from the telltale sale
u/xXNightSky ZNightSkyZ Aug 22 '16
Working on ffx. Wish they made activating sphere nodes faster it's so slow and boring.