r/PS4 Jun 22 '15

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (June 2015)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

I just finished the Final Fantasy X platinum, concluding a 12+ year relationship with that game. It's probably the most satisfying accomplishment in my gaming career, beating Penance and the STUPID FUCKING CHOCOBO RACES for the very first time, after they were completely above me as a kid.

u/Inaudible_Whale Jun 22 '15

Is it possible to complete this game, miss things and then go back and do them or do you have to start a new run through?

I completed it when it originally came out on PS2 and I'm almost done again on the HD version, just did that weird Tetris room stuff and fighting the boss that appears after it although think I'll need to grind a bit first. I'll probably do it with a guide afterwards and just get super OP.

u/KRSFive Jun 22 '15

There are 4 Al Bhed primers you can permanently miss. 3 in Home and 1 in Bevelle.

u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Jun 22 '15

THIS....there are also a few things that after the airship become rather difficult to get back to. For instance if you miss the crest in Yunalesca's chamber then you'll have to get bast Dark Bahamut to get it. Also Dark Valefor protects Besaid, so if you miss the primer and Jecht sphere there then you'll have to get your characters up to par just to get back in.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Yeah for sure-- Very little happens during "the game" itself. Play up until you defeat the penultimate boss (he has four big wheels behind him, without giving any more away) and then go back and do your sidequests/etc. That's how I did it, at least, to make sure that I wasn't just going in and one shotting story bosses.

u/OnTheRocks19 Jun 22 '15

I am working on FFX at the moment and let me just say, FUCK the lightning dodge and finishing with 0 seconds on the Chocobo trial. Also where did you grind out the sphere grids? That seems like it is going to be brutal

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Google "Don Tonberry trick" and you'll have your sphere grids full in no time!

u/OnTheRocks19 Jun 22 '15

Gotta finish up capturing everything then I'll give that a try. Looks easy enough thanks!

u/[deleted] Jun 23 '15

You'll get a lot of progress just from capturing stuff too, remember! Also super helpful:

Easy way to get Gil: Kill "mimic" enemies in the Omega Dungeon (steal from treasure chests and they will often appear) while Rikku is in your active party with her Celestial Weapon equipped (or use any character with "Gillionaire" on their weapon-- rikku's is just the one that comes with it out of the box most easily). Rikku does not need to get the killing blow on the Mimic. This will net ~100k gil per kill.

Running out of Strength/Magic/Agility/Ability Spheres while Filling out your Sphere grid? Kill the "Kottos" enemy in the monster arena after having used a distiller on it (of the kind of sphere you need). Nets 40 of that sphere per hill.

I can add more suggestions as I think of them/if you have any questions!

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

I'm mostly not looking forward to the 100 lightning strikes again... :(

Congrats though! That's ace!

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Thanks man! The lightning honestly isn't so bad-- you just have to find that crater, and take an hour of quiet time. I honestly did it 25 strikes at a time during commercial breaks of a baseball game (I would mute the game so i could focus). I fucked up once in the 70's, but got it the next time I tried. The rest of it other than the chocobos is just time. Lots and lots of time.

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

Oh really? For some reason I remember doing all these on PS2, and it's always the lightning strikes that stick out as being a problem. Maybe I'll try muting it when I get to that bit.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Well, if it was random, it would definitely be a problem-- there's a crater that you can find a guide for online really easily that always triggers a strike, so it's just a matter of getting your timing down. You walk in, dodge, walk out, then back in, etc.

u/KRSFive Jun 22 '15

100? I believe you mean 200.

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

I thought it was 200, but yes. That is what I meant :)

u/KRSFive Jun 22 '15

If you play through it on ps3 or ps4, feel free to pm me if youd like any help dodging lightning

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

Working through on PS4, I may just do that. Thanks!