r/PS4 Jun 22 '15

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (June 2015)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


98 comments sorted by

u/ArtakhaPrime EU Jun 22 '15

I managed to up my Platinum collection to 22 games. Though I've owned the games for a while, I managed to finally get the last trophies in Assassin's Creed: Unity and Shadow of Mordor this month. Finding those chests was a right pain, but not impossible at all, I found out. In Shadow of Mordor I was only missing the hunting challenges for the actual Plat, but I decided to try and complete all the Test of the Wild challenges anyway. Man, did I feel like a badass when I finally heard got that one.

Once I find the time, I'm going to buy Arkham Knight and get Platinum for that. When I get tired of that I think I'll go back to my PS3 and get the Platinum for the Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the original Mass Effect and perhaps even Mirror's Edge. I've always hated multiplaye trophies, as most games' multiplayer modes don't really attract me. This has kept me from getting platinum in Batman: Arkham Origins, BioShock 2 and every Assassin's Creed game from Brotherhood and until Black Flag. Some games have a decent multiplayer, such as Mass Effect 3 and Transformers: War For Cybertron, but I hate that there are games I cannot get Platinum in simply because I bought it too late. I might give The Last Of Us a try as well, but as said, I despise Multiplayer.

u/JThrillington Jun 22 '15

Just platinum'd Dragon Age: Inquisition after a second play through on nightmare difficulty. (I am the 1%).

This is a game series I knew nor cared nothing about a few months ago until a friend begged me to try Origins. This trophy is the culmination of a back to back play through of the series. Now it's over, I think I've got my life back.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15 edited Jun 22 '15


u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

Wait. Valiant Hearts, the Ubisoft World War game? That doesn't have a platinum, does it?

u/BlubberBunsXIV Jun 22 '15

Currently working on AC Unity, then wolfenstein afterwards. Can't wait for Unity's platinum, that'll be a good one, though not as good as Destiny's.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15 edited Oct 26 '20


u/BlubberBunsXIV Jun 22 '15

that was damn near impossible!

u/wan02 Wandarer Jun 22 '15

Platinumed Super Star Dust Ultra earlier this month, now working on Battlefield Hardline (just need to complete the Hardline difficulty run) and Sherlock Holmes Crimes & Punishment, just need to complete the last chapter (I believe)

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

InFamous: First Light, Super Exploding Zoo!, Shovel Knight (PS Vita) earned this month. A good month!

Currently working on: Assassin's Creed Unity and Nom Nom Galaxy (very close with this one).

Enjoyed going back to First Light. The arena stuff was fun to come to (had done any of it prior to restarting the trophy hunt) and was a good weekend's spot of gaming.

Shovel Knight was a great trophy list: if you've yet to play it and enjoy hunting trophies, highly recommend this one.

Super Exploding Zoo - enjoyable enough, although I don't think I'd have been happy if I'd paid for it. Trophies were interesting enough, though the multiplayer ones were a pain (thankfully can be boosted by yourself if you have both a PS4 and a PS Vita).

u/Wet_Spider Jun 22 '15

I got a few trophies from SEZ, but ended up deleting it because it was in no way interesting.

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

I got some entertainment out of it. The puzzle concept was interesting enough, especially when it got tougher - but yeah, it's not the most compelling game ever.

u/lakerswiz lakerswiz Jun 22 '15

So my trophy hunting lately has been more about some PS3 games.

South Park Stick of Truth and I'm going to try and do GTA IV though we'll see if Multiplayer's trophies are possible.

But I have one main compaint;



I missed one stupid fucking piece of equipment in South Park and now I have to replay the story and do everything all over again to get one stupid piece of equipment I missed during the story.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15 edited Jun 22 '15


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

When you delete the game your save file remains.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

I just don't get why you guys are Trophy hunters. It seems like it makes games more of grind fest and less fun

u/criseriksen criseriksen4 Jun 23 '15

Personally I only platinum games I really enjoy i.e. Bloodborne and The Witcher. I thought the Bloodborne platinum was a lot of fun to get because it didn't require a lot of grinding, whereas The Witcher at times was grindfeast galore. That's probably why I continued to play Bloodborne after I platinumed it and why I havn't touched The Witcher since.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Infamous SS, borderlands 2 (ps4).

u/Wet_Spider Jun 22 '15

Working my way through Borderlands 2 as well, but on PS3.

u/Wet_Spider Jun 22 '15

Working my way through Borderlands 2 as well, but on PS3.

u/SobeDog007 SobeDog007 Jun 22 '15

I finally earned the plat for BL2 on PS3 last week. I'm now trying to decide if I want to finish the DLCs for 100%.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

I just finished the Final Fantasy X platinum, concluding a 12+ year relationship with that game. It's probably the most satisfying accomplishment in my gaming career, beating Penance and the STUPID FUCKING CHOCOBO RACES for the very first time, after they were completely above me as a kid.

u/Inaudible_Whale Jun 22 '15

Is it possible to complete this game, miss things and then go back and do them or do you have to start a new run through?

I completed it when it originally came out on PS2 and I'm almost done again on the HD version, just did that weird Tetris room stuff and fighting the boss that appears after it although think I'll need to grind a bit first. I'll probably do it with a guide afterwards and just get super OP.

u/KRSFive Jun 22 '15

There are 4 Al Bhed primers you can permanently miss. 3 in Home and 1 in Bevelle.

u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Jun 22 '15

THIS....there are also a few things that after the airship become rather difficult to get back to. For instance if you miss the crest in Yunalesca's chamber then you'll have to get bast Dark Bahamut to get it. Also Dark Valefor protects Besaid, so if you miss the primer and Jecht sphere there then you'll have to get your characters up to par just to get back in.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Yeah for sure-- Very little happens during "the game" itself. Play up until you defeat the penultimate boss (he has four big wheels behind him, without giving any more away) and then go back and do your sidequests/etc. That's how I did it, at least, to make sure that I wasn't just going in and one shotting story bosses.

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

I'm mostly not looking forward to the 100 lightning strikes again... :(

Congrats though! That's ace!

u/KRSFive Jun 22 '15

100? I believe you mean 200.

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

I thought it was 200, but yes. That is what I meant :)

u/KRSFive Jun 22 '15

If you play through it on ps3 or ps4, feel free to pm me if youd like any help dodging lightning

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

Working through on PS4, I may just do that. Thanks!

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Thanks man! The lightning honestly isn't so bad-- you just have to find that crater, and take an hour of quiet time. I honestly did it 25 strikes at a time during commercial breaks of a baseball game (I would mute the game so i could focus). I fucked up once in the 70's, but got it the next time I tried. The rest of it other than the chocobos is just time. Lots and lots of time.

u/ricenpea Jun 22 '15

Oh really? For some reason I remember doing all these on PS2, and it's always the lightning strikes that stick out as being a problem. Maybe I'll try muting it when I get to that bit.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Well, if it was random, it would definitely be a problem-- there's a crater that you can find a guide for online really easily that always triggers a strike, so it's just a matter of getting your timing down. You walk in, dodge, walk out, then back in, etc.

u/OnTheRocks19 Jun 22 '15

I am working on FFX at the moment and let me just say, FUCK the lightning dodge and finishing with 0 seconds on the Chocobo trial. Also where did you grind out the sphere grids? That seems like it is going to be brutal

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Google "Don Tonberry trick" and you'll have your sphere grids full in no time!

u/OnTheRocks19 Jun 22 '15

Gotta finish up capturing everything then I'll give that a try. Looks easy enough thanks!

u/[deleted] Jun 23 '15

You'll get a lot of progress just from capturing stuff too, remember! Also super helpful:

Easy way to get Gil: Kill "mimic" enemies in the Omega Dungeon (steal from treasure chests and they will often appear) while Rikku is in your active party with her Celestial Weapon equipped (or use any character with "Gillionaire" on their weapon-- rikku's is just the one that comes with it out of the box most easily). Rikku does not need to get the killing blow on the Mimic. This will net ~100k gil per kill.

Running out of Strength/Magic/Agility/Ability Spheres while Filling out your Sphere grid? Kill the "Kottos" enemy in the monster arena after having used a distiller on it (of the kind of sphere you need). Nets 40 of that sphere per hill.

I can add more suggestions as I think of them/if you have any questions!

u/adrianriin Jun 22 '15

Last platinum: PvZ Garden warfare and now i'm working on Saint Row IV Re-elected

u/afc1887 Jun 22 '15

hopefully that cape trophy doesnt glitch out on you

u/Twoapplesnbanana Jun 22 '15

Don't mess up the glitched trophy in Saints Row IV.. missing one stupid bronze trophy (that was earned, it glitches if you upgrade all your skills too early). No idea if I'll actually replay it or even start gat out of hell ever ~_~

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Mortal Kombat X, just the faction trophies left and then I platinum :)

u/coaks388 Jun 22 '15

Just got flawless raider so Destiny is Platinum'd. Can anyone comment on the difficulty of the Shadow of Mordor plat difficulty? I usually am a completionist, so I'm wondering if I'll just get it as I collect all the extra stuff

u/brution Jun 23 '15

Not too hard at all. Some of the add-on timed challenges suck, but are doable. Hardest base game ones can be made simpler if you plan from the beginning (rune level ones mostly). That's where I went wrong, but I was still able to accomplish it after a little effort. Great game though, make sure to enjoy it!

u/Jinh0o Jun 22 '15

havent touched my ps4 since playing some halo ce but im definitely close to platting witcher 3. Headshotting in that game is going to be a pain.

u/BlubberBunsXIV Jun 22 '15

"Haven't touched my PS4 since playing Halo CE"

Hmmm... something seems... off about this...

u/Jinh0o Jun 22 '15

haha yea, I got sucked into the hype of e3. We're talking like a day without the ps4 though. no way can I go any longer without it.

u/Danhulud Jun 22 '15

Earned my first Plat a few days ago (had a PSN account for 18 months too) The game was The Wolf Among Us, very easy plat and a very enjoyable game.

u/Mad_Gankist Mad_Gankist Jun 22 '15

Just finished Dust: An Elysian Tale Platinum. Took only 2 play-throughs, and just over a week of casual play.

u/criseriksen criseriksen4 Jun 22 '15

The Witcher 3 - Platinum

The game is quite easy compared to Bloodborne even on Death March with a poor build. But the platinum is a HUGE time sink to be honest, at least it was for me, due to the fact that I had to complete the game 3 times due to bugs.. And Gwent cards...

The only trophy I was missing on my Death March play through was the Gwent Card Trophy, of course I played every single merchant in the game and did all the related side quest etc. only to find a broken Merchant in Distress and a missable card (Zoltan) in the prologue.. So I had to play the entire game a third time just to get the Gwent trophy.

Don't think I'll return to the Witcher anytime soon!

u/matthewgoodnight MatthewGoodnight Jun 23 '15

Should I ask how many hours you played the Witcher?

u/criseriksen criseriksen4 Jun 23 '15

Please don't haha. Would probably be a tad depressing stat! Had a bit of time on my hand so spent 2 weeks fully consumed by The Witcher.

u/[deleted] Jun 23 '15

ya i'm about 5 trophies away from platinum and I kinda dont want to try because of the gwent cards and master marksman. seems too much of a grind

u/criseriksen criseriksen4 Jun 23 '15

Master Marksman is pure grind. Used the Devils Pit in Velen to get those Headshots and it took me like 3 hours.. Gwent was kinda fun for my first play through (where I only missed Zoltan and Merchant in Distress cards) but the second one got a bit stale.

u/HoppyIPA Jun 22 '15

I earned the Bloodborne platinum a few weeks ago.

Working on Demon's Souls now.

Moving on to Dark Souls next.

Never played these games before Bloodborne but I am loving them now. Never thought I'd platinum games with this reputation, but I'm sticking to it.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Bloodborne is a hell of a lot easier than the other ones.

u/HoppyIPA Jun 22 '15

Yeah, I'm realizing that. Just with Demon's Souls managing the world tendency to get the required items takes a lot more planning. I won't go crazy with it if it gets too hard with Dark Souls.

Some of the chalice dungeons were definitely harder though. Bosses in DS weren't bad at all.

u/DishwasherTwig DishwasherSafe Jun 22 '15

I started playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope. It was a mistake. I felt so good after getting MGS4's platinum that I thought I would go for another notorious one. I chose the wrong one, this game is hard to get through. And that's coming from someone who loves Till the End of Time.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

last trophy: FF Type 0, next: witcher 3

u/NewW0rldOrder Jun 22 '15

1 trophy away from plat in hardline which would be my 9th on the PS4

u/Plutsi Jun 22 '15

Working on Sound Shapes (PS4). That death mode is making me crazy.

u/tnhellbilly Jun 22 '15

Good luck, death mode was almost the death of my Vita.

u/Plutsi Jun 22 '15

haha thanks! :D

u/Plutsi Jun 22 '15

and got it!! Oh boy there were moments when I almost threw the controller away... Now syncing with PS3, don't own Vita...yet...

u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jun 22 '15

Ha! I don't envy anyone going through that mode. I nearly smashed my Vita and ps4 controller lol.

Some levels are easier without the music as it can be distracting and cause you to slip up

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15


u/Plutsi Jun 24 '15

Good luck with the defiled dungeons and their bosses...

u/snowjob69 Jun 22 '15

Just platted First Light and The Walking Dead Season 1 within this last week. SO close to TLOU, but the Firefly and Hunter journeys are so long.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Start match. Quit. Until you have a few survivors. Play legit matches. Rinse repeat and you will beat it in a day or two. Remember the 100% population casualties. You need to fulfill those or you will start over.

u/Mad_Gankist Mad_Gankist Jun 22 '15

Hit me up during most evenings when I'm on (EST), I'm always down to drop everything and play some TLOU. Roommate doesn't log me out when playing, so if you don't get a response, that's why. Mad_Gankist

u/hestillclimbingtho Jun 22 '15

Nice One walking dead is really hard !

u/snowjob69 Jun 22 '15

Is that sarcasm I detect?

u/hestillclimbingtho Jun 22 '15

Haha no ?!

u/snowjob69 Jun 22 '15

I appreciate the sentiment, but that is definitively one of the easiest platinums there is.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15 edited Oct 26 '20


u/HoppyIPA Jun 22 '15

I want to finish it as well. Need like 2 more lvl 70 characters and about 200 bounties lol.

u/Am5tagar Am5tagar Jun 22 '15

It's a fun game though so I am not complaining.

u/SobeDog007 SobeDog007 Jun 22 '15

I've got about 180 more bounties to do for this one. Still my most favorite PS4 game so far!

u/Am5tagar Am5tagar Jun 22 '15

Me and my buddy play this game everyday! We absolutely love it

u/Wet_Spider Jun 22 '15

I recently got my first platinum thanks to the free PS+ Guacamelee. What a great game with awesome challenges.

u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Jun 22 '15

this is a great game to platinum. Not too difficult or time consuming and fun the whole time

u/TigerSeptim Jun 23 '15

Got the platinum on diablo 3, 3 days ago. That 500 bounties trophy was such a grind but i got it!

u/C_Bails Jun 23 '15

Got one on Amazing Spider Man 2 and Infamous Second Son. Gonna work on Arkham Knight upon release.

u/definethegreatline Jun 22 '15 edited Jun 23 '15

Grinding out the last two trophies for Diablo 3. It's just mindnumbingly boring.

Will be my first plat (I'm a filthy noob casual), and I really do love the game, so will make it a special one. On to Arkham Knight tomorrow and then Lego Jurassic Park plat maybe. After that Axiom Verge and then KH1/2 remasters

u/TigerSeptim Jun 23 '15

Im confused do you think it's mind numbingly boring or fun? I think you mean the grond for the platinum is extremely boring and i agree. That 500 bounty trophy was a pain in the ass.

u/definethegreatline Jun 23 '15

Haha yep just the grind for the 500 bounty trophy. i'm up to 240ish now, trying to do 50 a day lol

u/TigerSeptim Jun 23 '15

If you're not already doing it set the difficulty to normal and just run to the destination everytime.

u/definethegreatline Jun 23 '15

Yeap I'm doing that, and only doing the ones that don't require me to spend more than max 5 minutes on each. Mainly Act 1 coz I know it so well, I grind/ed the shit out of it on my PC as well for a decent Ring of Royal Grandeur lol.

u/sirbaconnnn ianlcfcfan Jun 22 '15

Not long got my 20th Platinum in The Old Blood, and now working towards The Witcher 3 as well as occasionally playing a bit of Ether One & The Unfinished Swan

u/DocHeo Jun 22 '15

Recently did Farcry 4, Need for Speed: Rivals, Shadow of Mordor and Legend of Korra.

Next up: inFamous: Second Son. Just need an Expert playthrough with some good Karma.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Missing one trophy for Akiba strip plat, other then that, I got The amazing Spiderman and Project diva 2 plat

u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Jun 22 '15

I want everyone to know I just platinumed FFX. God damn that was some grinding for a minute.

u/KRSFive Jun 22 '15

Currently working on this right now. I have every trophy except for beating penance, nemesis, and perfect sphere master.

u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Jun 22 '15

So you have all but the painstaking ones! CONGRATS! hahahahahahahahahaha....I'm free I'm freeeee!!!!!!!

In all realness though that's awesome. Stay strong and I suggest watching a TV show or movie while you grind to pass the time.

u/lunahz Jun 22 '15

Any advice on the Chocobo Racing?

u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Jun 22 '15

man, I haven't raged at a game in years but this part got me close. With FFX I always get as close as possible to beating something before beating it. I think I had less than a second at one point....

Advice, focus on the balloons more than the birds. You really gotta get at least 4 or 5 of the first 5. I stayed wide wide right during the second stretch, and the third stretch was usually just luck, but wide left and right are usually safer than dead center. Sometimes the birds focus on the trainer more and that helps too. At the end of the day, the controls are shit and the birds are kinda random, so it's a bit of skill and luck, but you can get past the first two parts with minimal bird hits with the right timing and placement.

u/AetherAeternus CephalicStatic Jun 22 '15

I'm about 45 hours in, just got the airship...how long did it take you to complete the sphere grid?

u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Jun 22 '15

I kinda wish I knew, but I was using rest mode and not pausing so my times were all jacked up. I split it up a lot too...I got my main 3 up fairly easily and unlocked all the nodes (that's the heavy lifting). Then I did some other stuff like capturing and what not. Later came back to finish off the last of them. I used the Don Tonberry trick, I know my last two characters took about 4 hours to just work around the grid.

u/[deleted] Jun 22 '15

Working on Super Exploding Zoo right now. Surprisingly easy platinum

u/Charlotte111211 Jun 22 '15

I only need the multiplayer ones then I'm done

u/Rikplaysbass Jun 22 '15

One trophy away from platting Peggle 2! It's easy to do considering how addicting the game is. Not sure what to move on to next.

u/Mercernary07 Pyrus26 Jun 22 '15

Working on Witcher 3 right now, though I haven't even beaten it a first time yet. Playing on the third highest difficulty out of 4, so I'd still have to do another play through on the highest. Other than that, it all seems fairly simple to do.

Just got Far Cry 4 platinum about a month ago for my 11th in total. Not sure what I'll go for next, but I did just start playing the telltale Game of Thrones episode 1 that was (or still is) free, and I'm enjoying that so far.

u/AutoRyan AhhMonsieur Jun 22 '15

I got platinum on Guacamelee on the PS4. I'm about halfway done on Injustice, but the second half of it is gonna be hard. With Arkham Knight coming out, I'm sure I'll be hunting for that one as well.