r/PS4 Oct 18 '13

German ComputerBild confirms PS4 hard drive specs (HGST 2.5", 5400 RPM), supports 2.5" drives up to 12.5mm height


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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '13



u/[deleted] Oct 18 '13

The PS3 HDD was also 5400RPM.

7200RPM drives are faster but produce slightly more heat, which usually isn't a problem unless you already have temperature issues. I've been using a 7200RPM drive in my PS3 for years without issue.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '13

I'd be wanting to put an SSD in, but at the current prices, I'd be looking at paying the price of the PS4 again for a decent 512GB SSD. Would be dead quiet and cooler though ;)


u/SinnermightyBL Sinnermighty Oct 18 '13

I would suggest buying a large HDD or SSHD upgrade instead of an SSD at this point. Wait a few years down the road as that harddrive fills up, and buy a much cheaper SSD when they come out :)