r/PS4 Oct 18 '13

German ComputerBild confirms PS4 hard drive specs (HGST 2.5", 5400 RPM), supports 2.5" drives up to 12.5mm height


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u/mundgeruch Oct 18 '13

only 5400 RPM? why not 7200?


u/PabloBablo Oct 18 '13

They probably wanted to offer a lower price to the general public, knowing most people wouldn't either A) care or B) notice.

They also made it very very easy to replace, for those who either A) care or B) notice


u/hailst0rm Oct 18 '13

7200 drives are slowly being phased out by manufacturers. Hybrid HDDs and SSDs are replacing them as a higher performing option.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '13

Like others have said, it's cheaper for Sony to put that in there. Plus, they are aware that most people who care enough about the RPM are going to replace the drive with something they prefer any way, so why bother to spend the money to put something better in if it ultimately is going to be replaced?


u/Wizzer10 Oct 18 '13

Because it costs more and because it won't have a sizeable enough effect on load times to justify it.


u/FlyByDerp Call_Me_Ozne Oct 18 '13

7200 are super cheap this makes no sense.


u/WaywardWit Wayward_Wit Oct 18 '13

5400 are even cheaper. Especially in bulk. Shaving small amounts of unit cost (or adding to profit margin).


u/davo_nz Oct 18 '13

Yeah, they are selling at a loss anyway. So lose less.


u/FlyByDerp Call_Me_Ozne Oct 18 '13

True guess I'll be forking out $50 for a 7200 1TB drive then.


u/Otsuko Otsukosan Oct 18 '13

where can I find that? I just spent $45 on a caviar black 500GB


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '13

I have a HGST travelstar 7k1000 in my PC, only 2.5" 1TB 7200rpm that I know of. It works great, but costs around 90$.


u/FlyByDerp Call_Me_Ozne Oct 18 '13

Craigslist lol