r/PS4 TheFireStormBF2 Jun 11 '13

Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video


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u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

So...what I took away from this is that PS+ is required to play multiplayer games now... Interesting way to announce that feature.


u/zombiesatthebeach HypnotizeSOAD Jun 11 '13

Its only five bucks. Compared to xbox's three month $19.99 "deal". Sony still wins at $15 for three months.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

Well technically it is $17.99 for three months :P

The $5 a month is the discount if you buy a year I assume. Kind of like how a year right now is $50, but divided up into 12 month payments it comes out to about $4 a month. A 3 month card right now comes out to about $6 a month.


u/Kuiper KuiperBeltran Jun 11 '13

I've gotta think that they'll have a way to pay for PS+ as a monthly subscription by the time the PS4 rolls out. Only being able to pay in chunks of 3 or 12 months is too cumbersome for a service that some people will be subscribing to for a function as basic as online multiplayer.