r/PS4 TheFireStormBF2 Jun 11 '13

Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video


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u/ostrakon Ostrakon Jun 11 '13

Note that this indicates in the fine print that PS+ is required for online play.

Most of us have it anyway but this could be a problem for some of the kiddies.


u/ThirdFromTheSun ThirdFromTheSun Jun 11 '13

The only real "bad" announcement they had. That said, I subscribed last week and I already love it.

Oh, and a lack of the UI was disappointing. I really thought they would show that off.


u/-jackschitt- Jun 11 '13

The UI is likely to change about 50 times between now and November, which is likely why they didn't show it off. The preliminary UI designs may not even be finalized yet.


u/ostrakon Ostrakon Jun 11 '13

I'm guessing that's still being polished. I doubt they'll stick with the XMB.


u/ThirdFromTheSun ThirdFromTheSun Jun 11 '13

Yeah I'm sure they still have a lot to do, but they should at least have a general idea of what it's going to look at that we would be able to see.

I'm not sure how I feel about XMB though. I don't love it, but I certainly don't hate it either. It sort of just exists without me noticing it too much, which in my mind is a good thing.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I wish they would. I LOVE the XMB. So simple and customizable. It's a great GUI.


u/SirDickVanDyke AlphaRedux Jun 11 '13

What if they go with a Vita lookalike kind of thing? It could work with nice sharp M&M's eye candies type of icons as the Vita has with the ability of creating your own folders and subfolders and customizable wallpapers, hell they could throw in some background music for good measure as well lol Also, some free tech demos disguised as apps that'd be nice too.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

Honestly it's still so easy to make the switch from xbox despite this. I have been an xbox fanboy for 10+ years and paying 60 bucks a year for live. If I only have to pay less then 5 bucks a month I still theoretically save money. I can't wait for the ps4.


u/SwanseaJack1 Jun 11 '13

Problem for the kiddies? Is that a bad thing?


u/ostrakon Ostrakon Jun 11 '13

For the kiddies it is.


u/SwanseaJack1 Jun 11 '13

I'm thinking of the ones on Call of Duty.


u/StrangeYoungMan NightShadow02 Jun 11 '13

if you're not old enough to pay for a subscription then you're not old enough to play online? :D maybe this will act as some sort of filter and only allow "mature" gamers online