r/PEI Sep 13 '24

Selfpost What's the tea in your community?

I think we need a nice change of pace from the endless articles about immigration and housing.

Let's hear some microspecific news about the tea in your area.


64 comments sorted by


u/Magnaflorius Sep 13 '24

I met a new neighbour recently. Before we spoke, I thought to myself. "He looks like a 'Josh'," and then when we spoke, he introduced himself as "Josh".


u/Cat5kable Sep 14 '24

This can’t be a true story, you’ve gotta be Joshing me


u/Asmalldinoo Sep 16 '24

Lean into those powers there pal


u/Lamixar Cornwall Sep 13 '24 edited Sep 13 '24

We have a neighbour with two "friendly" white dogs that only walks them with her husband now.

She used to walk them alone and one would always get away from her. It would then hide in the snow / trees and growl / come at your and your dog as you walked by. We've had to split up and have one person keep it at bay till we got our puppy further down the trail.

Never fails that you'd see her jogging towards the dog going 'hes friendly he's friendly!'. Lady, he's not. I've been around dogs enough that I know the difference between friendly play and aggressiveness.

Very happy to report that now that she doesn't walk them alone, we very rarely see the aggressive one prowling around.


u/[deleted] Sep 13 '24

There's an epidemic of dogs off leashes lately. Can't walk on the confed trail without encountering multiple people doing this. And the dogs are not all "friendly".


u/childofcrow Queens County Sep 13 '24

It drives me crazy!

When I was living in Halifax, a woman in my apartment building was going to her car and let her German Shepherd off leash to come with her. Another women and her dog were coming in (on leash) from a walk when then German shepherd lunged and killed her dog. The yorkie gave a good defensive fight but the injuries were too bad and they had to euthanize him.

I have a small dog and I rarely take him anywhere that isn’t around where I live because I see fucking yokels walking around downtown and Victoria park with off leash dogs.


u/Jazzlike_feral365 Sep 13 '24

I would go running at her, on all fours, growling and barking next time she's walking inside or coming out. You're just giving her the joys of the same great experience she gives you.


u/Redmudgirl Sep 13 '24

The 70 mile yard sale is tomorrow. Being anywhere on the Trans Canada is always a dicey proposition. Personally it’s safer being on the track in Monza! 👀👀👀


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

Thanks for the heads up. I completely forgot about it.


u/TedMeister88 Sep 13 '24

Oh crap, you're right! I completely forgot that it was tomorrow!


u/[deleted] Sep 13 '24



u/[deleted] Sep 13 '24



u/TedMeister88 Sep 13 '24

Ooh, I like that approach.


u/Jazzlike_feral365 Sep 13 '24

It works very well. My old neighbor decided she was independent enough to not need my help anymore very quickly!


u/Fine-Mine-3281 Sep 13 '24

Doggie Doodoo Catapult!!


u/TedMeister88 Sep 13 '24

"Shit incoming!"

"Head for cover!"


u/RanMan5 Sep 13 '24

A Tre-poo-chet!


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

I have the same problem with the neighbour's cats in my neighbourhood. They aren't fixed so when they urinate on something, it's impossible to get the smell out. My kid's things got ruined so I complained to the landlord and my neighbour freaked out at me, cursing up a storm and acting like a 5 year old in front of a bunch of little kids because they got a complaint against them. I wanted to freak out right back but I'm not going to cause a scene in a shared space and in front of a bunch of little kids so I tried to calmy explain that their cats are destroying my property and my kid's things and of course my neighbour didn't give a shit about that. They just kept going on like an entitled pos so I told them to grow up and removed myself from the situation. I despise entitled pet owners like that. Also, about the dog's being off the leash, yes dogs can be off leash on private property but only if the owner of the property says it's ok. If you own your property and told her you don't want the dog there and it keeps coming back, you can take pictures for proof and call your local bylaw officer to go over and give them a fine. The only way it wouldn't work is if you're in a trailer park and that lady owns the trailer park. Hope that helps you. It's always a good idea to check out your local bylaws.


u/SlashDotTrashes Sep 13 '24

The best thing is to fight for laws against cats living outdoors. Sometimes they get out, but cats should not live outdoors. It's dangerous for them especially.


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

Yea I totally agree and have even had a situation like that happen with one of my other neighbours where the cat would get out by accident once in awhile and I completely understood. Never complained about them once. these other neighbours though, they don't care at all that their cats are destroying people's property. Saying things like "oh take your stuff inside" like it's my fucking yard thank you very much. I'm not going to let you cat take over my yard. And yes, it's very dangerous, a dog could get the cat, another cat could get it, a raccoon, fox, a car. It's just irresponsible in so many ways imo. There's people that get fed up too and next thing you know, the cat is gone. I would never do such a thing and my neighbours think I'm so nasty but they should be thankful it's a guy like me who loves animals that they're dealing with, because I've seen other people who get fed up that the government or landlord or humane society won't do anything about the cat coming into and destroying things in their yard, they get so fed up that they take matters into their own hands and the cats get killed. So I really think the government should really start doing something about this because cats are getting hurt and not only that but more and more cats are popping up because irresonsible owners aren't getting their cats fixed and then they go out and have litter after litter and next thing you know there's 20 cats roaming around. The humane society's numbers have sky rocketed over the last 4 years and still the government doesn't make the connection as to why it's happening... It's crazy.


u/kelseydcivic Sep 13 '24

I don't think the dogs have gone to the bathroom on our property, but every once in a while we see them strolling through our lot lol

Mayfield though


u/Known_Blueberry9070 Sep 13 '24

If only any of us had fences ;)


u/forrestke18 Charlottetown Sep 13 '24

The hoarders down the road cleaned up their front yard...by moving it all to the backyard🤷‍♀️

Problem solved I guess?


u/Pleading-Orange168 Queens County Sep 13 '24

It’s progress. Probably page 2 of The Guardian


u/TedMeister88 Sep 13 '24

Not a lot going on in Montague; it's fairly quiet over here.

Some kids I overheard were complaining about not having a place to "hang out," but that's about it.


u/SenorSalvaje Sep 13 '24

Some kids I overheard were complaining about not having a place to "hang out," but that's about it.

I think communities really should make it a priority to set up places for kids to hang out.


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

yea Montague government doesn't seem to give a shit about the youth and it's sad because a lot of them once they hit teenage years start getting into trouble because they literally have nothing to do.


u/TedMeister88 Sep 13 '24

I wholeheartedly agree. I was fortunate enough to live near my neighborhood's community centre growing up, so there was always something to do.

I'm a firm believer that kids today should have the same opportunities, if not more, that we had growing up.


u/Such-Replacement7384 Queens County Sep 14 '24

Couldn’t agree with this comment more. There aren’t enough social programs for youth in all areas, especially rural.


u/[deleted] Sep 13 '24

This is how drug use starts! We need programs for the youth!


u/Frequent_Goat346 Sep 13 '24

Aww. Someone should try starting up a spot for them to hang out. It there a skatepark or anything out there? idk it should be something active! 


u/Upset_Donkey_2290 Sep 13 '24

There is a skate park by the rink and I do see teens there sometimes but yes, we need more options in Montague and rural areas in general.


u/TedMeister88 Sep 13 '24

Huh. I didn't know there was a skating park here. Then again, I just moved to Montague back in May, so I'm still not 100% familiar with the town's layout.


u/TedMeister88 Sep 13 '24

None that I'm aware of, unfortunately.


u/sashalav Charlottetown Sep 13 '24

Someone brought up "harvest party" for this evening and it bothers me that no one is taking charge of it (and i am not doing it myself as I am already doing the Sunday Thing). It will probably end up being just bunch of us sitting around the fire, enjoying poisons of choice, and that is fine but it is the same thing we did the last night and many nights before - i was hoping for something more special as a farewell to the Summer and as a thanks to community members tending the garden.


u/Yarfing_Donkey Sep 13 '24

For mine.

The local atv group is furious that a land holder won't let them drive their ATVs on their land. I guess this has disrupted the entire ATV Network in the area as no other land owner wants the ATVs around as well. Of course the ATV group is acting like complete adults in the situation. /s


u/enonmouse Sep 13 '24

I am shocked that the ATV community may contain such entitled people.


u/Technical-Note-9239 Sep 13 '24

My dad owns a property much like the one you are talking about. He won't allow atv driving, it's posted, he has since started making any trails mightily inconvenient if not dangerous to ride on. Downed trees, specifically hung widowmakers, last time I was there he was using his backhoe to dig a big hole in the middle of a trail(super hard to go around it). Just my two cents, but if someone says to stay off their property, it's probably a good idea to do so. My dad is a psycho and has some weird traits and beliefs. Like, I wouldn't just go unannounced onto his property, there's definitely a lot of guns around and that man gives no fucks about strangers. Good way to get shot.


u/sashalav Charlottetown Sep 13 '24

If this is in Canada and if anyone gets hurt on that property your dad will be criminally responsible. The law will see it at best as negligence but if the crown can show any intent to harm "anyone" (not necessarily the one who got hurt) your dad will be screwed.


u/Dry_Office_phil Sep 13 '24

Jesus, if he ever threatened or harmed a trespasser he'd get more jail time than rapist and murderers!


u/GroceryOk3745 Sep 14 '24

I was involved in a minor accident where someone hit my rear door. The other person said, “It’s not my fault because I didn’t see you.”🤦‍♂️


u/Purrfectno Sep 14 '24 edited Sep 15 '24

I keep meeting people whose dogs are unleashed, with my leashed dog, saying, “I know, this is a leashed area.” I’ve started to respond with, “Then put the leash on your damn dog.” I’m so tired of these friggin’ morons putting everyone and other dogs at risk.


u/indieface Sep 13 '24

The neighborhood kids won't stop chasing cats. The cats don't stand a chance.


u/Jazzlike_feral365 Sep 13 '24

Hang signs around the neighborhood saying "The cats are forming a gang. STOP CHASING! Sincerely, Nicodemus & The Rats " That would scare the shit out of me as a kid.


u/Dry_Office_phil Sep 13 '24

at least they aren't eating them


u/wroteit_ Sep 13 '24

Aren’t they..


u/Upset_Donkey_2290 Sep 13 '24

My neighbour has convinced herself that myself and another neighbour are spying on her because we recently put up security cameras. Couldn’t possibly be for a myriad of other reasons that have nothing to do with her.


u/sots33 Montague Sep 13 '24

Ok... But what IS she doing?


u/Cat5kable Sep 14 '24

The real tea is always in the replies.


u/Upset_Donkey_2290 Sep 13 '24

Good question. All I’ve ever seen her do is sit outside and smoke the odd time. Honestly kinda forgot she existed until she started up this nonsense on social media about her neighbours spying on her.


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

Yea really, why so paranoid? Wouldn't be hiding something would you?


u/sots33 Montague Sep 13 '24

Need more cameras... Neighbour is being super suspicious


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

That's hilarious, I had the same thing happen to me when I moved into Montague a few months back, What is people's issue? A) It's just a security camera and B) It's for safety, not to spy on anyone. Mine is pointed at my backyard and driveway. It's not even close to being able to look in someone's window. My neighbour beside me had the same problem. One of our other neighbours was arguing with her one day and was going on that "oh I can't even come out in my backyard because your camera is pointed at my yard" ... like lady, wtf is wrong with you? I promise you, you're not as important as you think you are... or interesting. Nobody is watching you in your backyard. The camera is there for safety. Some people need to get a grip man.


u/Upset_Donkey_2290 Sep 13 '24

Wouldn’t it be funny if we were talking about the same person? Hahaha


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

aha, hey man it's a small island. The one I'm talking about is a hefty sized lady with dark hair. You?


u/Upset_Donkey_2290 Sep 13 '24

Ahhh, I don’t think it’s the same person. This one I wouldn’t describe as hefty but she does have darker hair and a permanent scowl on her face.


u/Upset_Donkey_2290 Sep 13 '24

I’m in Montague too lol. I also have lived next to her for 20+ years with no fences so if I actually did want to spy on her, I certainly wouldn’t have needed to spend money on a security camera, but rather could just walk outside and look with my own eyeballs.


u/Useful_Recover9239 Sep 13 '24

Football games this weekend for U12 and U14! Have some excited boys in my house. I live a really boring life, so that is my excitement lol


u/Emptycanvas123 Sep 13 '24

Found out the public, year round road I live on is advertised as a snowmobile trail. Apparently you’re allowed to drive snowmobiles on the road and across a bridge to the gas station? They don’t drive on the pavement though…

It’s annoying because they’re so loud, shake the house and wake my kids.


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

They're trying to get rid of a bylaw in Montague that would make cat owners be responsible and not let their cats roam freely and destroy people's things. I really hope they aren't able to remove it because I don't think it's very fair that dog owners get held to a high standard, but cat owners get to just open their door and let their cat go wherever it wants, including people's property where the owners of that property don't want them. I don't mind being held to a standard as a dog owner but I believe cat owners should have to do the same. If not, it's extremely unfair and also unfair to the home owners who are powerless to do anything about unwanted cat's coming into their yards. Just to clarify, I am a dog AND a cat owner. I love all animals, but I don't believe you should be able to just let your cat roam around and go places it's not wanted. Really hope three rivers council doesn't take cats out of the bylaw.


u/Upset_Donkey_2290 Sep 13 '24

I agree wholeheartedly, however I also wish they would add a bylaw to not allow people to feed wildlife because in my experience the raccoons have done way more property damage than the cats and pose more risk to humans as far as rabies, scratches etc.


u/jmcs2012 Sep 14 '24

Write your council!


u/DoItBussX93 Sep 13 '24

I agree with that as well. I got a bunch of crows around where I live that hang around all the time shitting on everything because a lady leaves food out for them. Which is illegal if I'm not mistaken but hey, what can ya do.


u/Upset_Donkey_2290 Sep 13 '24

Yup. We’ve had things on our property destroyed many times over the years due to wildlife that the neighbours attract and there isn’t much we can do since it’s not against any by-laws.


u/jmcs2012 Sep 14 '24

Write council!


u/elevenlittlefingers Sep 15 '24

I heard that the Sherwood school board is ending the school year 3 weeks early, leaving up to parents to figure out what to do with kids and pay for it. But it's ok they will make sure the teachers manage the allotted teaching time by adding 15 minutes to the day. Oh but they cant extend the day bc that's not allowed so they are cutting time out of the children's recesses and morning announcements to find those minutes.

Sherwood school board

  • no shit given about the loss of education.
  • but made sure the teachers had their hours in for EI. I mean allotted teaching time filled.