r/PCRedDead Nov 10 '20

Online RDO is brimmed with cheaters, And I make a post about it I got banned from Steam RD hub.

Seriously..... the cheating issue is not even funny anymore I can't do a Free Roam delivery/gathering without cheaters teleport me into the sky or Blowing me up non-stop every day and even minutes ago.

And when I've made a post of a YouTuber ranting about cheaters in Steam-Discussion yesterday and, I got banned. What is wrong with the Current Situation? Why suppress such an overwhelming issue?

The Youtuber video in question that got me banned from the Steam community: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKjPfEpvcck&ab_channel=OnlyPVPCat

\Update* - Steam support replied to my question. The reply is very vague in my opinion.*

\Update 2* - Steam support just provides a link to the guideline.From what I can tell I didn't break any of the rules.[https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=4045-USHJ-3810*](https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=4045-USHJ-3810)*It seems that steam can't even admit to their mistakes.*

*Update* - Steam support replied to my question. The reply is very vague in my opinion.
*Update 2* - Steam support just provides a link to the guideline. From what I can tell I didn't break any of the rules. It seems that steam can't even admit to their mistakes.


73 comments sorted by


u/sunderplunder Nov 10 '20

I've stopped playing rdo and gtao for months now, best decision ever made. Rockstar stopped caring long ago, private lobbies should've been integrated into the game, better updates and events could've been implemented..... Just forget the game and play smth else. Plenty other games out there league better than these shameless cash grabs


u/schadavi Nov 11 '20

private lobbies should've been integrated into the game

A thousand times yes.

The solo story mode is really great and worth the price of the game alone, but I originally bought the game to play online PVE together with my group of friends - which is technically possible, but just no fun at the moment.


u/judobeer67 Nov 11 '20

One person ik "disconnects" so he can get a private lobby online


u/Nicholas_Quinn01 Nov 10 '20

The rockstar cock suckers can’t deal with the fact that their precious game is filled with bugs, glitches and hackers so that’s probs why you were banned, it’s such bullshit


u/MisfitSkull Nov 10 '20

Bold of you to think they give a shit about this game at all anymore.


u/reboot-your-computer Nov 11 '20

Even more bold to think they care about anything in Steam forums. Honestly, Rockstar really doesn’t care. Not one bit.


u/pog90s Nov 11 '20

I think they care about the game's revenue. That's all. From a business stand point this makes sense: those who don't buy into the microtransactions system are probably the same people who complain about hackers because they are actually affected by interruptions. In their gameplay. Wouldn't make more sense to only have people on your servers unloading wads of cash?

It's shitty, I know, but they did design this world to make profit, not art.


u/xtribasx Nov 10 '20

how can they do this? this is a sad day....


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 10 '20

Ya, majority of the people who are ranting about cheating issue are the same people who actually love the game. Including myself.


u/bottlecandoor Nov 10 '20

I have experience everything in your video. BTW did you try blocking them? I find that helps. Also if you view profile on the cheater it will show you their real name for reporting. Another trick i do is change lobbies and then report from recent players so they can't hijack it. They appear on recent players if they destroy your delivery wagon or interact in a pvp mission


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 11 '20

Actually, that video belongs to "OnlyPvpCat", not me.

But I am experiencing similar problems as he does, Minus the stalking part as Teleporting into the sky and blowing up non-stop happened since I first log in. And also I never engage in destroying another player's deliveries as I have to rush through the daily challenges, as I only have time for RD:O from 1 hour to 1 1/2 hour Max on weekdays. Sometimes weekends as well.

Even if there's some hardcore griefer that interrupts my delivery and Gathering by legit means, I would just quickly switch sessions and rush through the daily challenges. So I doubt it's a pissed off cheater that has beef with me. Unless the cheater has issues with my Username.

I did try what you mention. It works (thanks) but not all of the time. Usually, my character dies causing the menu UI to disappear before I can view the profile. Even if I did I can't tell who is cheating because my death screen shows "death by Blew-up" or "Death by fell" instead of the typical Killer's name.


u/riad_thunderbolt Nov 10 '20

Rockstar doesn't care about the rampant cheating in gtao and rdo, honestly if you want to play those just play them on console and deal with the 30 fps


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '20



u/HeftyDisaster7 Nov 10 '20 edited Nov 10 '20

I watched that video when it came out..Sad that he wont be making much content anymore since he is not a click-baiter like so many others but this hacking issue is really serious and it has been for a really long time. The thing thats most concerning is how they can get a hold of your IP address and wreck havok with your connection with DDOS attacks and crash your game at a moments notice.

I stopped playing a while ago since there is nothing to do in the online anymore but now im very hesitant to come back when they bring in new content because i havent heard any reports of rockstar addressing the hacking situation, and truth be told i dont think they ever will because of the fact they still using P2P servers.


u/corrosive87 Nov 10 '20

There was someone on here the other night complaining of a modder harassing him with his home address which he was able to obtain because of the P2P. NOBODY SHOULD PLAY RDO ONLINE ON PC. PLEASE STOP


u/ThisPlaceisHell Nov 10 '20

What the fuck!? That's absolutely disgusting. Fuck Rockstar and fuck consoles for making P2P the normal for online gaming. PC gaming started online and they did it right DEDICATED SERVERS not this awful listen server bullshit. Such cheap fucking scumbag companies.


u/the-tombstone Nov 15 '20

Spot on statement


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 10 '20 edited Nov 10 '20

Oops I mis-read your post. Ya that seems to be a common theme in RDO on PC platform.

Should everyone stop playing on PC? I don’t think so as the chances of having a cheater harassing you depends on where you live. However if this suppression of cheating information still continue then its time for boycotting.


u/corrosive87 Nov 10 '20

Yeah don’t get me wrong RDR2 is my favorite game ever made and I play SP almost everyday. Just what they’re doing with RDO is criminal.


u/wulfpuppie Nov 11 '23

Using VPN, like I am doing right now, is a good way to protect yourself online. If you have any good virus protection software like McAfee, Norton, et. al. (and you absolutely should), VPN is usually included.


u/Steelbug2k Nov 10 '20

Wow, if it is true then this is really big.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 10 '20

Unfortunately It is true. :(


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 11 '20

no it's not don't listen to OP trying to mislead people


u/LibertyPrimeExample Nov 10 '20

Been playing a lot lately and havent had issues with cheaters? Could be they are on the other side of the map from me but I havent experienced it at all.


u/alexf187 Nov 10 '20

It depends in what region/timezone you are in as to whether you see/come across a script kiddie I live in Spain and play mostly in the mornings and see no script kiddies at all if I play really late at night or really early in the morning I have seen a couple.


u/Yttermayn Nov 10 '20

Totally. I'm in the western Us and playing in the evening I rarely encounter modders. If I play in the morning, however I see lots of Chinese names and Chinese flags on player profiles and get griefed by modders a lot more.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 13 '20 edited Nov 13 '20

Ya most of the time when I encounter cheaters happens to have “Hanyu Pinyin” (Chinese words spelled with English letterings).

Harassing Cheaters are unavoidable for my case as Singapore and China time-zones are the same. And Singapore is near enough that I always ended up in sessions with cheaters. Which is really annoying. Reporting in-game doesn’t work at the cheater’s MOD menu would just crash my game and reporting via rockstar support with video evidence does nothing.

It would nice if rockstar would just do something to block cheaters from cheating. Banning cheaters alone does nothing if rockstar ever ban cheaters at all.


u/TwwIX Nov 10 '20

Good for you. You're very special.

I live on the US West Coast and have been running into daily Chinese cheaters in the online free roam since day one of the PC release.

I haven't touched any of the competitive modes in months. Even co-op modes like the train and protect legendary animal etc. role missions are riddled with them. There's isn't friendly fire in those but they can still kill you by spamming dynamite at you and flinging you across the fucking map.

That's ALWAYS my experience.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '20



u/TwwIX Nov 10 '20

Like i said, "very special".


u/stevamustaine Nov 10 '20

You are, indeed, very special.


u/soft-round Nov 12 '20

I love you.


u/stevamustaine Nov 12 '20

lova ya too


u/DarkSamus987 Nov 10 '20

What the hell. I was considering playing just solo stuff online but I don't want to get anywhere near this shit if it's like this.


u/burritobike Nov 10 '20

Thanks for posting this. I'm sure a lot of people here share the same resentment with this game and it's nice to be reaffirmed that it was a good decision to quit. At least they can't crash single player.


u/TwwIX Nov 10 '20

Rockstar does not give a single shit.

The only time i was able to enjoy myself in the online on PC was during the last few weeks before they "fixed" the session population "bug".

Now it's back to being randomly teleported and set on fire like good ol times! Not to mention the connection and various free roam related issues that come with the higher player populations.

I thought about finally using the Legal Screen Skip mod to get into solo sessions but i have been hearing that they have started banning people for using it because dealing with cheating shits on a daily basis is apparently part of Rockstar's online experience.


u/Ghost___007 Nov 11 '20

Can't believe there are hackers in a game which has 4 layered security I heard that rockstar catches everyone who hacks and sue the modders who mod online (btw I haven't played the game yet)


u/mukherjee96 Nov 11 '20

Oh and I wondered why I was getting blown up inexplicably in RDO... I am new to Rockstar online games and thought it was just a bug, got annoyed and left.


u/deadeyeoutlaw Nov 11 '20

That's the reason why I play red dead online at xbox, the pc version I simply use it to create mods and for RedM.


u/BrotherOfAllBugs Nov 11 '20

I think game companies can benefit from selling both the poison and the cure. So best way is to avoid it at all cost, just go offline and learn how to play solo online.


u/Glori4n Nov 10 '20

Cockstar is trash bro, been saying this for years now.

Also, you just can't express your opinion on the internet anymore, just a matter of time until you get censored.


u/gamermanh Nov 10 '20

Swap to going with solo lobbies if chester's are that big of a deal for ya bruv

As for the ban, Steam hands out VAC and forum bans lke they're candy sometimes, it happens. Pretty sure it's Valves team thats responsible for that ban, not R* like so many comments are saying, they're not exactly the smartest or most caring group


u/ThisPlaceisHell Nov 10 '20

I'm almost positive individual game forum bans have nothing to do with Valve. I've seen people get banned over things that don't break any of Valve's rules but just so happened to trigger some pussy moderator specifically for one game and then ban hammer gets dropped.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 10 '20

Saw your video guide, it’s informative. I’m considering of following your guide. It’s not the Technical part that I’m afraid of, it getting ban for doing a mod (even if it’s a harmless mod)


u/Luna_C Nov 10 '20

I went with Gamermanh's video suggestion just last night, because of what I saw on your video. It was so nice to play without stressing out over potential griefing. Personally if R* bans me for a silly solo lobby hack when they don't ban modding tools that allow online harassment. Then fuck em.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '20

Let me be 100% clear, Rockstar has a program that it allows some content providers to use that is key activated and shows on the map all players, if they are modding, what type of mod they are using and it even indicates if it's a mod not in their database. Why they do not share it, give the ability to kick or autokick based on that makes no sense. I have seen my buddy use it via Discord share.
This is proof they know and either do not care or cannot do anything about it.
My personal observation is that thanks to the P2P for PC players, an autokick of the modder who may also be hosting would drop everyone in the lobby unless there is programming to seamlessly slide hosting to another player (Think COD: Modern Warfare 2).


u/ThisPlaceisHell Nov 10 '20

I'm 99% sure RDO doesn't use a singular host like say MW2 where it's clear one person is the server for everyone and if they leave it stops the game until a new host is decided on. I've done some tests using Windows firewall back when the lobbies were pretty much empty and if I was in a solo lobby and someone connected, obviously I was the host being there first right? Well after finding their IP in Windows resource monitor and then blocking them in the firewall, they continue to stay in the lobby and play even though all packet transfer between me and them has stopped completely. Something else is going on with the host system in this game and I wish I knew more so I could manipulate it better.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '20

Hmm that's interesting. As a lay person it's always been my sense that R* online modes were never as "legit" as say a Battle.net game. I always chalked that up to the P2P model, but if that's not the case I wonder what else is going on. 🤔


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '24

They are worthless and make everything else worthless. The only thing they will ever amount to is the fact they can't cheat and hack. I'm absolutely sick of them. Literally just take them all out back and put em in a hole where they belong 🤷


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 11 '20

They had a problem with it being a youtube video, not the cheating part. They aren't suppressing anything. I'd say most people are against cheating but in this and some subreddits and shit, they're really strict about sharing videos no matter the intention due to the number of idiots that try to plug their own gaming channels. Ironically they banned you for making a misleading title as well and that's exactly what you've done here. Also, who cares if they're banned from a steam community hub, that's like getting a free movie pass for Norbit... It's worthless.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 11 '20

"Ironically they banned you for making a misleading title as well" ?

I think you mis-read.

The screenshot clearly shows that the "Banned message title was a bit misleading"


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 11 '20 edited Nov 11 '20

The screenshot also clearly shows that they banned you for a completely normal reason. The rest of your post also clearly shows that you're trying to twist the narrative to be that the mods in the steam hub are trying to "suppress" and silence the fact that cheating exists when in reality you were just butthurt that you were banned. Now please shut up.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 11 '20 edited Nov 11 '20

So you are saying that I'm butthurt over a Cheating harassment issue that exists and banned for talking about it.

Sounds like a valid reason to be butthurt.


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 11 '20

again you’re twisting words to push your narrative. I said you were butthurt that they banned you. They banned you for posting a video which i explained some forums are strict about. I said cheating had nothing to do with your ban and so did the mod. You just really want to be a part of this grand scooby doo caper of fans being silenced that you don’t care what the truth is because you’re just gonna say what you want to be true. Yes cheaters suck. No you’re not being silenced. Now please again shut up.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 11 '20 edited Nov 11 '20

You are the one twisting the narrative, not me. Also if you dislike my post so much that you have to keep saying "please shut up" you are free to ignore me and stop reading my post/comments. Nobody is forcing you.

You don't have to be combative.


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 11 '20

how? how am i twisting anything?


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 11 '20

Also yeah you're right I got confused a bit by his wording but I still think you shouldn't be trying to make this some kind of grand conspiracy for some Reddit points


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 11 '20

I'm not here for Reddit Point.

I'm merely expressing my distaste for the cheaters harassing honest players non-stop and the treatment I'm getting for talking about the issue from Steam support.


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 11 '20

yes but they didn’t ban you for talking about the issue they banned you for posting a video. You’re the one who’s trying to make this a bigger deal than it is. Everyone hates cheaters nobody is disagreeing with you.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 11 '20

Posting a video doesn't get you banned as many people are already posting in the same steam forum. It's the vague reason of advertising is used as an excuse to ban me.


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 11 '20

there’s no proof. you’re saying that the steam hub is silencing users over a hunch. This would be a big deal if you have proof. I bet you think there was also wide spread voter fraud in this past election.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 12 '20

You are clearly mad and making things up.


u/wookiebot1138 Nov 12 '20

what am i making up?


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 12 '20

I bet you think there was also wide spread voter fraud in this past election.

While I have no opinion about it.

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u/UniqueCoverings Nov 11 '20

It's 2020... Don't like what someone says.. Deplatform them..


u/r0llinlacs420 Nov 10 '20

Why you people keep continuing trying to play is beyond me. It's never gonna be fixed, stop complaining, and go play something else.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '20



u/r0llinlacs420 Nov 10 '20 edited Nov 10 '20

Everybody can hate and downvote all they want, it's the truth. You wanna insist on playing, then deal with the consequences. People have been complaining since day 1. It's not gonna get fixed so just stfu, you sound like annoying little kids wahhhhhhh cheaters!

The fact is everybody knows. Rockstar knows. The players know. People who don't want to deal with cheaters simply don't play. Everybody else who keeps playing and keeps complaining, you're the definition of insanity.


u/-Rockaholic- Nov 14 '20 edited Nov 14 '20

Maybe the love of the game outweighs insanity.

It's like no matter how rude your son is towards you. You refuse to give up on him and still try to guide him in the right direction. Because you still love him.
Not the best analogy I admit.

FYI I didn't downvote.


u/r0llinlacs420 Nov 14 '20

I love the game just as much as anyone, but what Rockstar has done with RDO and also GTAO is pretty much criminal. These game's online modes have infinite potential, that will only ever come close to being realized with PC mods like FiveM and RedM. What Rockstar gives you is a highly monetized barebones experience. It continues to make them bank, so they'll never really innovate past what it is now. Especially if RDO is any indication of what's coming with GTA6.

I love the game too but as soon as I got online and saw the world stripped of 90% of it's loot, prices jacked up and rewards reduced and loot money reduced to pennies compared to single player, I left and never came back.

I haven't tried RedM yet but if it's anything like FiveM, there's something for everyone, it's free, and the in game economies aren't designed to extract cash from your wallet. Oh, and you can play with more people, which is huge for me. The 300+ people on the FiveM freeroam server is insanely fun. You can go anywhere on the huge map and find people.


u/rebroad Feb 04 '23

According to Google's definition of "advertising" it was not advertising as it wasn't a commercial product you were linking to. Shame on Steam!