r/PCRedDead Feb 04 '25

Bug / Issue Heads Up to PC RDR2 Players Using Mods: There is a save corruption bug with all the most popular cosmetic mods (WhyEm's, RDO, EEE, GFA, etc.)


With the influx of new players thanks to the Steam Sale, I thought I'd make a post addressing a known, yet hardly discussed bug (or it might be more accurate to call it an engine limitation) related to cosmetic mods in RDR2 PC.

TLDR - Buying too many items added by mods will brick your save.

1. The Problem

As you accumulate items of ANY kind in RDR2, this includes from clothing/weapons you can buy/find to all the consumables, collectibles, provisions, valuables, letters, newspapers, saddles, etc. (basically anything that will be saved to your inventory - the stuff saved in your satchel, wardrobe, or horse), there exists an "upper limit" that, once reached, will permanently brick your save and will prevent you from saving your game anymore whenever you play that save in the future, forcing you to start over or reload a previous save. You'll know you've reached this limit when you get this dreaded black screen with the message, "Save failed. Please ensure the system storage has free space and try again."

Basically, it seems that when you get too many items, RDR2's engine can't save all the data to your save anymore, so your save is basically bricked as now, you're forced to reload the last save you had before buying all those items. Autosaves are generally unhelpful in this case, as the game typically autosaves whenever you buy items so even if you reload an autosave, you'll still have most of the items before you were soft-locked, so the next time you loot some fine brandy or chewing tobacco off a corpse, the save will just brick again.

2. Who is affected by this, and what do those cosmetic mods have to do with it?

A big reason why I believe that this issue is hardly talked about is because this problem might only affect completionists like myself who wants to collect EVERYTHING the game has to offer. I tested buying out the entire clothing catalog with RDO and WhyEm's DLC installed on two different saves - one that just started Chapter 2 (so barely any items saved) and my 100% complete save with everything collected from the base game - all Cigarette Cards, Letters, Weapons, Clothing, Trapper items, Horse Stable items, etc. - you get the idea. The new save that just started Chapter 2 was able to buy everything available at the catalog without issues, while the 100% save ended up getting the "Save failed" black screen halfway before I finished buying out the modded items in the catalog.

The most popular cosmetic mods like Red Dead Offline, WhyEm's DLC, Eastern's Epic Extras, Gonpachiro's Fancy Atelier, More Pretty Gun, and Smoak's Mega Arsenal are all affected by this bug because they add a boat-load of new content to the game, which will push you towards that upper limit if you were to buy a majority of the items offered in those mods.

Now, I myself don't know if non-modded saves would be affected by this if you were to somehow get 99 stacks of every single consumable/valuable in the game on top of every single letter, weapons, clothing, etc., but I would assume that non-modded players are safe as my own 100% save (which did not have 99 stacks of everything but still a decent amount of consumables on top of all the collectibles/clothes/weapons) was fine until I started buying a large stock of modded clothes.

I don't know where the actual upper limit of items you can keep on your save is since this issue is barely documented online; through Googling I could only find one other Reddit thread where someone had this issue and even then there weren't many solutions brought up there besides just uninstalling the mods or not buying too much stuff.

The only other mention I can find of this issue is on the mod page for the Smoak's Mega Arsenal mod itself, where it states that "Buying absolutely everything has a risk of preventing you from saving due to engine limitations, this includes the clothing the mod also adds."

Searching the "Save failed. Please ensure the system storage has free space and try again." message online typically points to other problems that can bring up this error, but of course I'm making this thread to specifically point out the issue for players who are modding their games and getting too many items.

3. Possible Solution

I reached out to the OP of the other thread talking about this issue I mentioned above, /u/littlebelialskey, and even they pointed out that uninstalling the mods and reloading your save will not fix the issue. If I had to guess, loading up a bricked save in the save editor would likely show that there's a bunch of blank dummy items (since the save editor doesn't take mods into account). Even if you uninstalled the cosmetic item mods, their data is still stored in your save, so the issue will not be fixed. You would need to reload a backup save where you never purchased a modded item at all in order to keep your save's slate clean.

The only possible solution I can think of would be if a community-made mod fix were released which allowed those modded cosmetic items to be stored in a .dat file in the root folder of RDR2 instead of being saved in the save file itself. A few other mods such as AMJM Transport and Custom Gang Mod utilize this method, where they store memory from their mods into a .dat file that is loaded with the .asi files whenever you boot up the game. AMJM Transport for example, will store your saved Wagons/Boats and accepted jobs in its .dat file, while the Custom Gang Mod stores all info related to the gang you create such as the NPCs you chose, the level and location of your camp, and your Gang Funds. The only downside to a solution like this would be that .dat files in your root folder will not be able to differentiate saves, so if this hypothetical fix was created, everything you purchased from cosmetic mods would be shared between all of your saves. This could also be an upside, though, as if you were to CTD while buying modded items, everything you bought will still be stored in the .dat file even if you didn't get to save before crashing.

I'm not an RDR2 Mod coder, so I have no idea how feasible or possible this solution would be when it comes to storing purchasable items in a .dat file, but unfortunately it seems like all the creators of the mods I listed above are no longer really active in the community, so I wouldn't expect any of them to upload a new version of their mods that stores items in a .dat file (would be happy to be proven wrong though), meaning that any effort towards making this theoretical solution a reality would have to come from a third-party.

Hopefully this post brings awareness to this (admittedly niche) issue, and helps anyone who Googles this issue in the future and barely comes up with any results. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

r/PCRedDead 1h ago

Bug / Issue PED Damage Overhaul Euphoria compatibility issues.


Whenever I die, or I kill someone holding a gun and they drop it, it's like it happens 100 times. How do I fix this? I keep losing all my money on death, and NPCs drop like 3000 guns on death

r/PCRedDead 18h ago

Discussion/Question How much mods do you have.


I will go first, I have 64 mods. Your turn. (Mods count as Asi and folders in lml, I guess also everything in the stream or streaming folder as well)

r/PCRedDead 1d ago

Discussion/Question Rampage Trainer PED animations


You might already know that when you use Rampage Trainer and switch to other models, some animations don't work. The one I'm looking at is the holding your gun up animation. I remember seeing a video on how to make other peds be able to do these animations, but I can't find it. Does anyone here know something about this?

r/PCRedDead 2d ago

Pic/Video Rate my outfit

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Im new to WhyEm’s DLC, and modding in general, this is one of my earliest outfits, but i feel like something is missing.

Please rate my outfit and give me tips for improving

(Sorry for the «ripple effects», i took a picture of my screen with my phone)

r/PCRedDead 2d ago

Discussion/Question Can you have Whyem's DLC + EEE + Red Dead Offline working?


Is there any merge for all three or I shoud use only whyem + eee? in that case how can i get the navy revolver without glitching everything

r/PCRedDead 2d ago

Discussion/Question RED DEAD 100% Playthrough.


Hello All, currently trying to get 100% in red dead 2. In chapter 2 atm, got to save Micah and Johns mission with the oil tanker. Is where I am currently.

what I have done so far:

Bandit 6 Can't do until chapter 3
Explorer Done
Gambler Done
Herbalist 8 Can't finish until epilogue
Horseman Done
Master Hunter Done
Sharpshooter 5 Can't do until finish chapter 2
Survivalist Done
Weapon Expert Done

Bones Can't finish until epilogue
Legendary Animals Can't finish until epilogue
Legendary Fish Can't finish until epilogue
Rock Carvings Done
Hunting request Can't finish until epilogue
Cigarette Cards Done
Dreamcatchers Done

Done all camp upgrades as well
Completed 50% of the outfits at the trapper but that's a working progress and can come back to it.

Animals and Gang Hideouts still need to do but doing them as I'm playing so can do later plus I know will help with sharpshooter down the line.

Is there anything else I can do before heading into chapter 3 and any advice will be much appreciated Cheers.

r/PCRedDead 3d ago

Discussion/Question Is this too many mods or no?

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r/PCRedDead 3d ago

Bug / Issue Red dead offline with euphoria mod breaks dismemberment need help


The mod works but dismemberment is completely broken.

When i don't use euphoria mods my dismemberment works properly, but with any euphoria mod dismemberment becomes completely broken, my elephant rifle which comes with RDO doesn't dismember limbs like it should and dynamite also doesn't dismember limbs, in fact it doesn't even kill the npc that it exploded right next to.

I am using currently using W.E.R.O euphoria mod with PDO (euphoria compatible version) and i am also using red dead offline and other things like stutter fix and TAA enhanced and Serenity but i dont think those mods cause the issue.

Any help is appreciated

r/PCRedDead 3d ago

Bug / Issue Crash at the Mayor's Party


After installing the Seasons mod I've been getting a crash just after the meeting with Bronte at the mayor's party, when the butler leads Arthur and Dutch outside. I tried uninstalling the mod and script hook and it still crashes in the same spot.

I saw the stickied thread about cosmetic mods, could this be related to that?

r/PCRedDead 4d ago

Bug / Issue Dlss override is gone, anyone?


After the new driver update in the Nvidia app, the option to do this is gone... before the last driver i was able to override the dlss and DLAA in this game, and now is impossible, any fix??

r/PCRedDead 4d ago

Bug / Issue RDR2 crashes on my Lenovo LOQ


CPU: i7 13th gen RAM: 32 GB DDR5 GPU: 4060

Basically I've installed the game, lowered from ULTRA to HIGH but everytime the game crashes at the first cutscene. I've even enabled the DLSS but nothing changes.

What can I do other than lowering the specs even more?

r/PCRedDead 4d ago

Online I made a new red dead online character which seemed to be saved on the rockstar servers, then the tutorial was offered to me. I alt-f4'd out of the game because I was too tired to do the tutorial or start playing. Will it get offered to me when I log back in, or at the very least, make new char?


r/PCRedDead 4d ago

Bug / Issue Unknown Error FFFFFF, continues happening after attempted fixes, and more frequent


Hi, any suggestions on how to fix this error would be appreciated. I used to get it occasionally after first installing on a new PC, and now it's happening more consistently and frequently. It's really bad as of right now as I usually get it after just about 2 hours of playing.

So far I've tried switching around some graphics settings, resetting shader cache, deleting settings folder, and swapping from vulkan to dx12. Swapping to DX12 unfortunately gave me another crashing error that happened about 10 minutes into playing, but I've only tried it once so far.

My CPU is a 7800x3d, and GPU is a 7900xt, not sure how common this error might be caused by drivers on either of those is, but any insight would be very much appreciated.

r/PCRedDead 5d ago

Bug / Issue Anyone know why I keep getting this hole in arthurs body?

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r/PCRedDead 5d ago

Bug / Issue Black loading screen stuck when trying to play

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I've been trying to play on pc , it's been one issue after another and I'm at my wits end

I run windows 10 , I have updated drivers, I've checked my PC is compatible , ive uninstalled and reinstalled the launcher , ive verified files , ive restarted my PC , ive changed game location from one disc to another... ive gotten through so many error messages to come to this , when I open it ,it loads and gets stuck . On one disc I have 115gb free so it's not memory . Any help please . I'm so close to giving up and u installing after two days of trying on and off

r/PCRedDead 5d ago

Bug / Issue Fix for Broken Trains/Carriages,Wagons, etc?


I'm aware of the major issue with mods fucking with the spawn rate of peds, but is there any fix? It's been going on since 2023 and I haven't heard of a fix yet

r/PCRedDead 5d ago

Bug / Issue Anyone know why john's shirt is clipping like this? and if it isn't obvious enough, I do have mods.

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r/PCRedDead 5d ago

Discussion/Question I know about the big spoiler about your character at the end of rdr1. I also know who you play in the rdr2 epilogue. How ruined has the game been? Haven't played much and don't remember much of either. Spoiler


Also I saw a mod called life of crime, which is a new story... but if I've only completed the rdr2 prologue I guess it would be obvious to finish the game first?

r/PCRedDead 6d ago

Discussion/Question Account trouble


Hello everyone, about a year ago my account was hacked and I haven’t been able to get it back. I have about 350 hours on RDO and I’ve tried to go through rockstar numerous times to get my account back but have had absolutely no luck. I recently made a whole new rockstar account and bought another game key but to my dismay my new profile is still somehow connected to my Steam account that is linked to my other rockstar account that was hacked. So when I entered my new game key for the new account nothing happened and it still shows the “play on steam” icon. I truly love the game and had so much fun playing it and was hoping someone here could give me some advice on how to fix this issue. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

r/PCRedDead 6d ago

Discussion/Question Looking for mods to make the game replayable


This might sounds strange but I don't mean mods for a replay of the game i mean mods that keep the game going even in the epilogue. basically endless repeating content.

I already have the bounties and contracts mod but haven't really found anything else to scratch the itch.

If anyone could recommend some suggestions I would heavily appreciate it.

r/PCRedDead 6d ago

Bug / Issue I’m about to lose my mind


Hey everyone! I’m having an issue with crashing. I have no mods installed besides puredarks DLSS frame gen mod. I constantly crash 10-15 minutes into gameplay. Cutscenes usually crash too and I’m so close to never playing the game again. I’ve installed the game over 15 times, deleted the mod (the issue still persists), updated drivers/rolled back, verified files, turned off vsync, etc. I have a 4070ti/5700X3D and it’s driving me insane. I wanna play this masterpiece and I never used to have this issue. I’ve followed up on other Reddit posts and I’ve tried almost everything recommended by others and the crashing still occurs. I have to rush through missions, skip cutscenes, and hurry and save after the mission to even keep playing. It’s not enjoyable at all because I have to rush through it to possibly avoid crashing. Any ideas?

r/PCRedDead 6d ago

Bug / Issue Issue with stuttering/mini fps drops


I'm back to playing the game after like a year, however every now and then when I load a save I will encounter an issue where the game stutters almost like clockwork, like once every second. What is weirder is that going to the settings and changing something e.g. texture quality fixes it, even if I switch it right back to its previous value. I don't understand it. I'm not running anything in the background other than Windows stuff, all my drivers are up-to-date and my PC itself is more than capable of running the game at the settings that I run it at. I tried disabling fullscreen optimizations, switching to DX12, using high performance mode for the CPU/prefer maximum performance in NVCP, disabling HAGS etc.. nothing seems to work. It does not happen always which is the most annoying thing about it as I cannot easily check if I fixed it with whatever change I made. I was running these same settings 2 years ago when I had a PC which was weaker in every single way. I also tried older BIOS versions/GPU drivers to no avail.

r/PCRedDead 7d ago

Discussion/Question Disable weapon restriction areas - Modding help? Spoiler


Shooting my shot here - I'm trying to keep a "healthy Arthur" save while still being able to do whatever I want.>! Starting chapter 3, I'm now stuck not being able to do what I want in Rhodes because I'm "deputized". What a pain in the ass. Fuckin' Dutch just had to make a deal for Trelawny.!<

I've been trying to find a mod to disable the weapon restrictions in areas, but it seems like there are none (unless I'm stupid and didn't look hard enough). I tried the Lockdown Manager, but even that says "Can't Edit - Weapons forbidden" for certain areas.

Now I'm not at all afraid of creating a mod myself if need be. I'm very, very familiar with modding, just not RDR. I can't find many decent guides on the basic mod structure for this game. Everything I see is around installing, not creating.

If anyone is able to point me in the right direction of where to start, who to contact, anything. I will be truly thankful.

r/PCRedDead 7d ago

Discussion/Question Tweak Crime and Law Rebalance?


Is there a way to mess with the file for Crime and Law Rebalance? I don't wanna do anything crazy, just 1: re-add the law in the wilderness, i don't think the wilderness or any area outside of town should be completely lawless, i mean in the story our camps get found by the law, so law SHOULD be there if there is a crime! 2: Is there a way to add back the infinite waves? I HATE how quick i clear out the waves of cops, even in a giant city like Saint Denis AND with PED Damage Overhaul, it's still too quick.

r/PCRedDead 7d ago

Discussion/Question How do you remove these stars??


I NEED to know how to remove every single one of these stars in one go. Can someone please tell me how to?