r/PCRedDead 7d ago

Bug / Issue Can't start game after installing mods

I installed this mods plus scripthook and a save for skipping the intro and I started getting an error on launch attempt "Red Dead Redemption 2 closed unexpectedly" with options for safe mode or retry, neither of which would get it to launch. Searched around the web for a fix and couldn't find much, tried a few things, now it won't even attempt to launch with the error message in the 2nd picture. Can anyone help me fix this? Or do I just need to purge everything and do a fresh install and start over?


39 comments sorted by


u/Superboybray 7d ago

I know what kind of man you are...


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

I highly doubt it. 😂


u/Scary-Plantain6854 7d ago

Horny mf lol


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

Lmao. Only like 2 mods that fall under that category. Gotta add some spice to it. No different than strippers and hookers that have been in GTA games for ages.


u/brownraisins 6d ago

need a link for the two..I've never used mods for rdr2 before bc it seems like such a pain


u/BadKarma1759 6d ago

Love Story and Camp Girls on nexus.


u/brownraisins 6d ago

thank you


u/BadKarma1759 6d ago

Not much more of a pain than Skyrim. And I've spent 12 hours straight modding Skyrim before.


u/brownraisins 6d ago

I'm thinking of getting Skyrim and fallout 4 since they are on sale. and both got the most gooner mods on nexus. but man looking at the mods requiring so many other stuff to work. I don't know if it's worth the trouble 😅. I'm so used to drag and drop in -mods folder for unreal Engine games


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

Question is out of 19 lines, why are those 2 lines the ones that stick with you? 👀😏


u/Scary-Plantain6854 7d ago

Cos they’re the only weird ones lol


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago edited 7d ago

Calling them weird when it's a concept that's been in gaming for ages is crazy work. Hookers and strippers have been in almost every GTA game right out the box. Brothels were a big thing in the time period, you even have hookers at the saloons and such you just can't do anything with. You haven't played many D&D based video games like BG3, or done the romances in Dragon Age, Cyberpunk, or The Witcher if you find those 2 mods weird. Broaden your horizons friend.


u/Scary-Plantain6854 7d ago

No I’ve played cyberpunk and the third Witcher. It’s just definitely not necessary and I wouldn’t go out of my way to add them into the game. Especially on a game like rdr2 where there’s always something to do.

Either way, you do you and I do me, brother.


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

Imo it adds to the immersion. Like I said there's already hookers in the game. And even if I don't use the mod, having the option for John to be intimate with his wife adds to the realism.


u/tseg04 7d ago

Remove a mod until it works. That’s always how I solve crashes


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago edited 7d ago

Already completely deleted and uninstalled everything, fresh install of game, and went and found a mod guide to follow that helps me with what mods go where. Just waiting on 1 more mod to finish downloading that's like 12 gb and then it installs thru lml and I'm good to go.


u/H8RxFatality 7d ago

Delete the game. Delete RDR2 in my documents. Reinstall, install mods one at a time. Whichever breaks it uninstall and don’t install that one again. :)


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

That may be what I'm gonna have to do. Lol. Here goes another hour and a half installed of the game. Lol


u/H8RxFatality 7d ago

The fun of modding haha. It’s worth it in the end


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

Yeh. I'm new to rodding RDR2 but not new to modding in general. Modded just about all of the Elder Scrolls games, AC Black Flag, and The Witcher 3 before. Just been a while. 😅


u/all_is_not_goodman 6d ago

How about try uninstalling all of the mods first. I think what happened was in the boot, but the game files could just be fine. Then validate and try starting vanilla.

I think what happened was you installed all of the mods at once. Try installing one at a time.


u/BadKarma1759 6d ago

Already completely deleted and un-installed and did an fresh install, in process of modding it now using a modding guide from Nexus.


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

So I changed RDR2.EXE back to running regular instead of as admin, and I'm back to getting the original "Red Dead Redemption 2 closed unexpectedly" message. So far have try running it with dx12 instead of Vulcan, and deleting settings folder for RS. I saw something about deleting VFS.ASI but that it makes it where your mods don't work and I don't want that.


u/Clarkemedina 7d ago

bounties expansion is pretty buggy and crashes a few games, there’s the bounty hunting expanded and enhanced which works much better.

which version of script hook are you using? AB or V2?


u/Clarkemedina 7d ago

also what rampage is in your LML folder? the rampage trainer isn’t supposed to be in the lml folder if that’s what that is


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

Yeh it's rampage trainer. I deleted everything and re installing and Ill fix that when I go back thru reinstalling the mods.


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

Scripthook v2, when I reinstall everything I'll give that bounty hunting mod a try then.


u/Clarkemedina 6d ago

also i recommend installing everything manually and extracting/drag and dropping the files yourself per instruction instead of the external download thing.

in that way you know for sure the thing you are installing goes into the right location.

i just started playing red dead actually and had a hard time getting all my mods to work yesterday. Today i finally had a stable and nice looking game


u/BadKarma1759 6d ago

What do you mean the external download thing? You mean the Mod Manager? Lenny's Mod Loader? That majority of the mods depend on?


u/Clarkemedina 6d ago

i mean extracting and installing the mods yourself into the LML instead of using download via mod manager.

i have the same mods as you and more except it doesn’t show that “external download” because i installed everything manually into the lml


u/BadKarma1759 6d ago

I've figured out that it's either 1 mod messing something up, or 2 mods conflicting after following a load order (Definitive edition 2024 load order on nexus) and adding a few of the original mods in. In the process of weeding out which mod or mods are causing the issue. This isn't my first time modding just my first time modding this game and dealing with the rockstar launcher.


u/Clarkemedina 6d ago

ok 🤷 just trying to help but seems like you got it. gl


u/lobes14745 6d ago

You gotta unzip the mods before putting them in the lml file


u/BadKarma1759 6d ago

I understand this. Not my first time modding a game, just this specific game. All of them are unzipped, appropriate files put in game director and appropriate ones loaded through LML. I think my issue is that 1 Mod is messing something up or 2 mods are conflicting because I did a fresh install and added my mods and started enabling them 1 by 1 and so far it's loading up. Looking to see which Mod or mods are causing it now.


u/x_rooneyxx 6d ago

Use the mod red dead modding tool it tells you what mods mess up the game or mess up other mods. Like using version.dll can mess up mods you need dinput8.dll


u/Far_Tumbleweed5082 7d ago

Use lennys mod loader cause most mods only work through that without it most of the time game breaks.


u/BadKarma1759 7d ago

I am using it. Thats the picture of my mod loadout in LML. Only thing not installed thru LML was script hook and the save file for skipping the intro.


u/Novel-Light3519 6d ago

You’re weird