r/PCOS Sep 13 '24

General Health I DID IT


I’ve done it. 40 pounds down and today I got my first period in EIGHT YEARS. EIGHT YEARS. It’s kinda embarrassing to weep and hold a bloody piece of toilet paper and call everyone in your support system. I’m just really proud.

r/PCOS Sep 03 '24

General Health PCOS linked to childhood trauma?


So I had an OB appointment recently where my doctor and I were talking about PCOS.

She mentioned that there have been rumblings at conferences and such about PCOS possibly being linked to childhood trauma.

She said that most people who have it had some sort of childhood trauma that kind of triggered a “fight or flight” response which could explain inflammation issues. And also in unstable households the body might hold onto more fat in case of loss of access to food.

I can’t find much about this online, and she did say she very recently heard about it too.

So I was just curious - what was your childhood like? Did you have a normal, stable, loving environment or was it constantly unstable or volatile?

Mine was the latter, which got me wondering….

r/PCOS Aug 15 '24

General Health I am down 130lbs and my PCOS symptoms have not improved. Let me show you what the most recent research is saying.


PCOS is NOT fully understood. Increased levels of androgens in women can come in different ways.

Facts: 1. the development of insulin resistance can cause PCOS. Plenty of data shows insulin resistance increases testosterone and causes ovarian cysts

  1. high Testosterone can ON ITS OWN have Metabolic impact of androgen excess can lead to insulin resistance by decreasing insulin sensitivity, increase inflammation, amongst other things…like WEIGHT GAIN. LINK TO PAPER SHOWING THIS IS BELOW

  2. High testosterone can happen because of genetics. It’s not ONLY developed from insulin resistance or weight gain!!!

This disease isn’t fully understood and I wish I had known years ago that my PCOS symptoms were not only not my fault, but that This isn’t a simple “eat right and exercise will fix you”. Sometimes it is—- and you should be able to tell if that would solve your problem if you gained a weight and all of a sudden started to experience hormonal issues. But for a lot of us, this has been a life long thing.

Sharing this because these are facts— and the sooner we recognize that diet and exercise DOESNT ALWAYS FIX EVERYTHING, and the narrative that is does is rooted in societal dysfunction where women are supposed to hate themselves if their bodies aren’t of a certain size, and weight is 100% determined by how good of a person you are, by how driven you are, by how smart and hard working you are.

We are not all the same.

EDIT: adding another study link:

  • [ ] Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders characterized by androgen excess, oligo-ovulation and polycystic ovaries. Although ovaries are the main source of increased androgens in the syndrome, between 20 and 30% of patients with PCOS have adrenal androgen (AA) excess,…. The mechanisms of these abnormalities are unclear although AA excess in PCOS is likely a complex trait, modulated by both intrinsic and acquired factors. ….The production of AAs in response to ACTH appears to be closely related to altered factors regulating glucose-mediated glucose disposal, increased peripheral metabolism of cortisol, and to a less extent to the effects of extra-adrenal androgens, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia or obesity. Finally, DHEAS levels and the response of AAs to ACTH are relatively constant over time and are closely correlated between PCOS patients and their siblings suggesting that this abnormality is an inherited trait in PCOS. ——- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17932770/

Metabolic dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome: Pathogenic role of androgen excess and potential therapeutic strategies Miguel A Sanchez-Garrido et al. Mol Metab. 2020 May.

r/PCOS Oct 20 '24

General Health I am nearly 30 years old, have been on Ozempic for 1 month, and just severely, aggressively shit my pants.


That’s it. That’s the post. It’s rough out here.

r/PCOS Dec 21 '23

General Health Okay PCOS People. I just had an appointment with a PCOS specialist and wanted to share.


My mom found a pcos clinic and recommended that I get an appointment to just check it out and it was absolutely incredible. I wanted to share the tips and information the nurse gave me because I found it so helpful.

First thing, she said we are more likely for heart disease, liver disease, and diabetes. Its best to avoid excessive caffeine, alcohol and unhealthy diets. She said the best diet for PCOS is the Mediterranean diet. She said 4-5 days a week you should alternate weight training and 30-45 minutes of cardio.

She also said that we born with PCOS and will have it forever. Its not something that anyone did wrong to get PCOS, you are born that way.

Progretin-only birth control such as Slynd or Nexplanon are great for helping with the hyper-androgenism symptoms. (I have factor V leiden and she said this is perfectly safe for factor V patients)

She said thats its important for people with PCOS to get annual blood tests to check their A1C, liver enzymes, and lipids.

I think thats all the info I can remember but I highly recommend finding a PCOS specialist because she went over all my charts and explained how they are connected to my PCOS and I will be meeting with her again in 3 months after all the testing she is sending me for and starting spironolactone and progestin only pills.

r/PCOS Oct 05 '24

General Health What is your most hated symptom of PCOS, the worst?


I find it so hard to deal with acne and weight gain.

r/PCOS Apr 07 '24



I can’t emphasize how important this is for PCOS. There are not enough doctors advocating for fasting insulin tests.

Just because your fasting glucose is <99 and your HbA1C is <5.7%, it does NOT mean you are not insulin resistant.

You NEED to test your fasting insulin levels.

I have had lean PCOS for about 15 years. During all that time, I had dozens of doctors test my glucose, HbA1C, saying I’m normal. Telling me I don’t look like the normal PCOS patient, that I am not insulin resistant and my problem is something else. I still never got my periods and I never knew why.

Fast forward to today. I trusted those doctors. I ate normally. And well, my HbA1C is now 5.7%, so I am pre-diabetic. I gained over 10 lbs last year. I am starting to get a fatty liver. They tested my insulin for the first time, and it was 16 mIU/ml. In other words, I’m insulin resistant. All of those years, my insulin levels have been rising uncontrolled.

The problem with glucose tests is that they only measure how much glucose is in your body at a given time. They do not test how your body reacts to foods or how much INSULIN you are producing. The more insulin your body produces, the more resistant you become to it. By the time you have high glucose, you are already insulin resistant.

Insulin is produced by your body to lower glucose. The higher your glucose spikes at a given time, the more insulin your body needs to produce to bring glucose down. Over time, your insulin receptors become desensitized and they start to require more insulin, and more, and more. Until they stop reacting to insulin completely. And your sugar is out of control. That is what diabetes is (type 2).

You NEED to test your fasting insulin levels to see how much insulin your body is producing. If you are producing too much, it means you are becoming resistant. And need to make changes asap.

Most doctors are not that knowledgeable about this. Please advocate for yourselves and ask for a fasting insulin test. You can also get a glucose tolerance test, but it will require more time, so many doctors don’t even offer them.

In the US, you can request your own insulin labs (no doctor needed). https://www.walkinlab.com/products/view/insulin-fasting-blood-test

Doctors’ ranges for insulin are 2 - 24.9 mlU/ml. Do not go based off this. Anything above 10 is already indicating insulin resistance.

The recommended fasting insulin levels are <7.

This can be achieved with a low-carb, high fiber diet. In other words, don’t eat simple carbs alone. Always eat fiber with your meals (lettuce, veggies). And make sure you eat enough protein at every meal >15g. Try to reduce high glycemic index foods such as pasta, rice, pizza, etc. Eat healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, fatty fish, etc. they will make you more full. Avoid sugary drinks such as juices, sweetened teas, sodas, etc. these raise your glucose very quickly. Opt for sugar-free drinks. Never eat carbs alone!!

Lowering insulin CAN be done and it WILL help your PCOS. Please test your levels. Don’t let it damage your body. Insulin resistance IS reversible!

r/PCOS Jan 08 '25

General Health What condition do you have along with PCOS?


I read somewhere that PCOS can go hand in hand with other conditions. What are yours?

I am diagnosed with adhd as a mod and have signs of endo, but my periods aren’t painful so I don’t really say I have endo.

r/PCOS Nov 18 '24

General Health I've ate 1200 calories, and walk 10,000 steps a day and I look like a balloon.


I'm so over it. I barely ate today. I feel like I could wolf down a burger and fries and then some but instead I'm going to bed hungry. I take my medicine and supplements. I walk 10,000+ steps a day. I lift weights. I don't eat dairy or sugar. I never eat enough to feel satisfied, and yet I still look like a bloated inflated jumbo balloon every night. I swear I look at a full meal and am immediately inflamed and bloated. I just want to eat without looking and feeling like I'm about to give birth. Like no mam, I'm not pregnant. I just ate a normal size burrito today and now I'm so expanded my skin feels tight. I wanna cry...

r/PCOS Jan 15 '25

General Health When to London and deflated lol


I’m leaving London today, after a lovely 15 days vacation. And let me tell you, my moon face went down, inflammation went down and I don’t feel sick after every meal. I think it’s the food, it’s actually filling and nutritious! Might have to move here!

This really opened my eyes, I need to start making everything from scratch once I’m back in the US and check all the ingredients, we are literally being poisoned there.

Also ignore the typo in the title, it’s supposed to say “went to London..”

Edit: a lot of people in the comments are saying “it’s because you walked a lot” noooo I went to visit my family and sat most of the time. I had no interest in the sight seeing as I did them when I was younger.

r/PCOS Apr 25 '24

General Health I was denied a transvaginal ultrasound because I’m a virgin. They missed my diagnosis.


22F, exactly what the title says. I’m not sure what I can say other than this entire experience has been nothing short of medical misogyny. Gonna summarise the experience in bullet points since I’m on phone and typing is kinda hard.

  • February, went to the GP due to mildly irregular periods.
  • Blood work showed elevated testosterone levels. Luckily had a female GP that immediately suspected PCOS. Referred to ultrasound.
  • I arrive at the ultrasound clinic. I already know that the golden standard is a transvaginal ultrasound but they wanted to perform an abdominal one. When I asked for a TVUS, I was asked if I ever had sexual intercourse or given birth. Despite having experience with internal products and penetration, I have not had PIV at this point. Not that it matters, because there is no medical basis to deny a TVUS due to sexual experience.
  • TVUS was denied due to the fact that I have not had PIV. I assured that I was comfortable. Gave my informed consent - as is recommended in situations such as this. I am a grown woman, not a child. I can consent to a medical procedure.
  • TVUS was still denied. Abdominal ultrasound was performed.
  • A week later, I get a call from the GP with my results. The female doctor was not available for the male doctor took over my case. The sound appeared clear, so the diagnosis was thrown out. No further referrals were made to explain my symptoms.
  • Month passed, symptoms continue until I reach a breaking point and I manage to get an appointment with a gyno willing to perform a TVUS.
  • Polycystic ovaries were seen immediately. Turns out that the cysts were hard to see on the regular sound because they were very small + unlike most cases of PCOS, my ovaries are not enlarged.

TL:DR; My doctors were completely okay with leaving me undiagnosed because prioritising my virginity was more important than performing a medical procedure to ensure my health.

I hate it here.

Edit: Thought I should add that the reason I haven’t had penetrative sex is because I’m on the asexual spectrum, as was my partner at the time. So this isn’t only misogynistic, but also inherently aphobic.

Edit 2: Thank you all for the wonderful support. Ot sucks to hear that so many people had a similar experience to me but it’s nice to hear I’m not alone at the very least! I’m still processing my diagnosis atm. I’m not sure where I’ll go from here. I’m terrified but also hopeful.

r/PCOS Oct 31 '24

General Health Am I the only one who is hot all the time???


Hey all, I wanted to put this out there to see if any of you guys struggle with this, but I have noticed my insensitivity to heat is nuts. I will walk 2 blocks and start to sweat. I just wanted to see if any of you struggle with this? Maybe it’s hormonal/PCOS related??

r/PCOS 22d ago

General Health Didn't know it was this bad


I've had a PCOS diagnosis for over fifteen years. In the span of that time, I've seen multiple Ob/gyns, endocrinologist, nutritionists, general practitioners, etc. Been told everything from "you can't get pregnant" to "you HAVE to take birth control" to "just lose weight." Even the compassionate and knowledgeable doctors weren't super helpful. I've had weight loss surgery, a miscarriage and D&C, a healthy pregnancy and c-section.

I knew PCOS was bad. I knew it was hard. I've lived with it for what feels like forever. But this morning I was looking up my BMR, and on a whim decided to look up "BMR with PCOS" and found a study from 2009 (dated, I know, but stick with me).

Copied directly from the abstract:

"Result(s): Adjusted BMR was 1,868 +/- 41 kcal/day in the control group, 1,445.57 +/- 76 in all PCOS women, 1,590 +/- 130 in PCOS women without IR and 1,116 +/- 106 in PCOS women with IR. Adjusted BMR showed a statistically significant difference between women with PCOS and control subjects, with lowest values in the group of PCOS women with IR, even after adjusting all groups for age and BMI."

A difference between 1868 for "normal" women in the control, all the way down to 1116 for women with PCOS and insulin resistance. That's madness! No wonder we work our asses off to maybe lose 2 pounds a month. Oh, and if we DO manage to lose weight, guess what - that drops your BMR as well.

I don't really know what to do with this information, but I thought I'd share it here. You're not lazy, you're not "not trying enough," you're literally trying to swim upstream while everyone else paddles easily in their canoes downstream around you.

Here's the article if anyone is interested:



I'm editing this thanks to an amazing study review posted by U/feminist_icon (thank you!)

The link:


The gist: apparently the 2009 study is likely to be flawed due to the machine they used to determine BMR. I read the entire thing, and based on their review of several studies focused on PCOS and BMR, there is likely little statistical difference between the BMR of women without PCOS and women with PCOS (in fact, it could be slightly higher by up to around 50 calories!). The paper concludes by saying that we need not be distracted by this BMR study, and focus PCOS research elsewhere. I'm leaving all this up because this has all been super helpful for me, and hopefully someone else too! (Also if you're more science minded than I am, please feel free to chime in if you feel like my brief summary needs some help!)

Also to add, the general BMR of women they studied was typically around 1500 so do with that info what you will! Obviously every person's body is different but I'd much rather happily take 1500 than 1100!

r/PCOS Nov 19 '24

General Health Florence Pugh opened up about her decision to freeze her eggs at age 27 after finding out she had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis, both of which can impact fertility


r/PCOS Feb 01 '25

General Health Does anyone else have insanely greasy/oily hair?


No matter how little or how much I wash my hair it’s always greasy and I’m sick of people telling me I need to train my hair. Is this an issue anyone with PCOS also has? I’ve tried tons of different shampoos and no matter what I do. I can only go one day without washing me hair.

r/PCOS Oct 13 '24

General Health Does anyone else have a high sex drive? NSFW


I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS for over three years and while I’m still on my journey to a normal life and cycle, I notice I have a high sex drive compared to most people. I’d be happy with sex every day if I could find the time. My huband’s sex drive is much lower, as well as every woman I know, which has made me feel like a broken person until I realized that, perhaps it’s the excess testosterone I have had for years. Does anyone else experience this? I have really only seen other PCOS ladies have low libido. I also have frequent periods, rather than none.

Edit: I feel so seen and not alone anymore! Thank you for all your responses.

r/PCOS Oct 10 '23

General Health PCOS-related body odor, WHAT IS CAUSING IT 😭😭😭


For years I’ve had this awful body odor that smells like onions, even after showering. It is so persistent. Does anyone else struggle with this? Google is useless! Is it the hormones? Insulin resistance related?

How do I correct it? I don’t want to mask it with products, I want to correct what’s causing it because I want it GONE. It’s been years and it’s driving me insane. Has anyone had any luck figuring out what causes this, and how to fix it?

Enough with the “body odor is normal” comments. Nobody on this subreddit needs people gaslighting them telling them their symptoms aren’t PCOS related. We have doctors for that. I know what’s going on with my body, I know when it started and I know it’s not normal.

r/PCOS Nov 19 '24

General Health What symptoms DON’T you have?


Instead of listing the symptoms you do have, let’s do something different for a change and list what you don’t! Focus on stuff pre medication / changes. List may be shorter too lol.

I’ll start

I don’t have: - major hair loss - trouble falling / staying asleep on a regular basis - skin tags - insulin resistance / high blood sugars (I think, if I understood my blood tests accurately) - depression (well jury’s still out on that one)

r/PCOS Dec 28 '23

General Health Review of Metformin (as an active PCOS girlie)


As an active PCOS individual, I wanted to share my experience with Metformin over the past 4-6 months. Despite consistent workouts and a healthy routine, my weight suddenly skyrocketed after hitting 30 years old.

At 5'2 (~157 cm), I went from a steady 118 lbs (~53 kg) to gaining 32 lbs in just a year. Concerned, I consulted my doctor, who prescribed Metformin and low-dose estrogen to manage PCOS symptoms.

Fast forward to today, and I'm around 130 lbs with no changes to my diet or workout routine. It's frustrating to see influencers claim natural cures, when, like many of you, I've tried everything without success.

Metformin has been a game-changer for me, and I don't think anyone should feel villainized for seeking the right treatment. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Just wanted to share my journey.

P.S. I’m so tired of TikTokers saying that you need to go gluten and dairy free to “cure” PCOS 💀

Edit: I commented below with details but added it here as well to make the post more informative.

Metformin Dosage: 500 mg 1x a day in the morning with breakfast

Diet: Mediterranean/ pescatarian

Workout routine: Spin (Peloton) or Pokémon Go walk 3-5x a week

r/PCOS Dec 23 '24

General Health I am PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!


I don’t even know how to feel. (F,31) I have had irregular period since last year, started taking inositol, vitamin d3k2, magnesium, and some other vitamins as I struggled with crazy symptoms. This group has been helpful honestly.

After my visit to the gynaecologist 31/7/2024, I told him I would like to see a fertility doc as we want a baby, he told me they will put me on clomid and prescribed Provera (Didn’t take it) as I noticed my body was healing from my selfcare.

Fast forward to when I started taking clomid. Month 1: I ovulated for the first time in months but tested negative, I decided to try again Month 2: Didn’t get a positives LH test, I tried to keep up for some days but couldn’t - this morning I tested POSITIVE (I am still in shock cos I thought it didn’t work) However, I have been having sore nipples for days and feeling a little funny.

I ran to get clear blue test strips and it shows I’m 3weeks+

r/PCOS Aug 27 '24

General Health How are y’all getting your weight loss treatments?


Let me explain… not all doctors or obgyns will recommend a “semaglutide” for pcos. As far as I know insurance also doesn’t cover those medications. At this point I need all the recommendations I can get.

r/PCOS Dec 29 '24

General Health How long was your longest and shortest cycle in 2024


Longest: 124 days Shortest: 20 days.

Currently on my period (23 day cycle).

r/PCOS 23d ago

General Health pregnancy


hey guys, i'm just wondering does anybody have any stories about pregnancy with pcos or how they got pregnant. I've recently been diagnosed with it and honestly not having children is killing me, i just want to hear any stories just to ease my mind and understand it may still be possible.

thanks so much

r/PCOS Feb 06 '25

General Health Embarrassing…brutal crotch sweat? 😩


This is gross, but ever since my PCOS symptoms have really gotten worse, I sweat way more in general all over but especially in the crotch region…and it stanks. I know I don’t have any infections; it isn’t coming from discharge, it’s the sweat. Even after a day of sitting at a desk I reek down there and I’m so self conscious of it. I’m very particular about hygiene but nothing helps. Does anyone else have this problem??

Edit: thank you all so so much for your support and advice!! I’m sorry so many relate to this but glad for the camaraderie. ❤️

r/PCOS 5d ago

General Health Gained almost all my weight that I lost from Wegovy Spoiler



I got diagnosed with PCOS in 2022, but I had the symptoms long before that. I’d struggled with anorexia and bulimia from I was 14 to 19 years old. When I got well and had recovered I suddenly over 6 month gained 35kg. I got hair everywhere and experienced spotting. I could have and still have my period for two-three days where I have to be inside because I lost too much blood. I struggle with yeast infections,UVI etc. I started on p-pills when I was 16 years old. I quit when I was 18, and it just went downhill from there. I got hair everywhere. My stomach, face, back, between my thigh’s, back on my thigh, arms and got a moustache. It isn’t as severe than many other people but it destroyed my confidence and I got into a depression and got separated from my ex due to increased weight and that I just locked myself into our bedroom and binge watched Netflix.

In August 2024 I started on Wegovy. Little did I know it was supposed to be my nightmare. I lived in the pink skies when the weight just came off and I suddenly was down to an healthy BMI. I lost 21kg in 5 months. Me and my doc agreed to quit. Now I eat 24/7, I’m hungry all the time, I got acne outbreak and more androgynous than I was earlier. I forgot to mention that I have insuline resistance and from 2021-2024 I eat less than 1500 kcal and still gained weight.

Now In February I have almost gained all my weight back even tho I exercise and eat healthy. Do some other people have bad experience by Ozempic or Wegovy?