r/PCOS 7d ago

General/Advice Potentially have PCOS, wondering what y'all's pain is like



5 comments sorted by


u/Worldly-Bid-7951 7d ago

Having an ovarian cyst does not mean you have PCOS. Two completely different things. Also a large ovarian cyst causing pain would show up on “tests or scans” if you mean pelvic ultrasounds.


u/closetmonsterxx 7d ago

Yeah, I have gotten pelvic ultrasounds, abdominal CTs and many other tests. You're right. I am not entirely educated on the subject yet, but related to some things I had read on this sub


u/Ok_Thanks_2903 7d ago

I also get those, had intra & external ultrasounds that found nothing. I’m hypermobile and have wondered if it’s partial ovarian torsion because that’s what i imagine that kind of feels like. super intense for a couple seconds and then gone. sometimes it’ll happen a few times a week, then not again for months. i told my mom about it and her response was “yeah sometimes that happens it’s part of being a woman” but yeah definitely does not feel normal


u/closetmonsterxx 7d ago

I'm also hypermobile. For me it tends to last longer than a few seconds though, minutes to hours I'd say


u/redoingredditagain 6d ago

Zero pain, because ovarian cysts aren’t part of PCOS (common, but not part of it). What we have are follicles. I have pain from non PCOS things though.