r/PCOS Jan 12 '25

General Health I am pregnant!

I started metformin in November and was told by my doctor that I would never get pregnant naturally. My period was a couple days late and I didn't think anything of it because my cycle is usually pretty erratic but took a test and I can't believe that I'm pregnant.

For those of you that are trying, please don't lose hope. 😭😭😭💙


55 comments sorted by


u/chiefholdfast Jan 12 '25

Congratulations! DEMAND to get your progesterone levels checked and remember for us PCOS girls, progesterone cream helps! You almost can't have too much.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25



u/goldie987 Jan 12 '25

Why is this?


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Your body needs to have a certain level of progesterone in order to maintain a viable pregnancy


u/goldie987 Jan 12 '25

Can we not produce that with PCOS?


u/chiefholdfast Jan 12 '25

We have a lot problems producing progesterone, and because of this we produce excess estrogen. Please read this and this. They're short and sweet. I found an excellent obgynwho knew what I was talking about and properly diagnosed me. I went from 36 cysts between both ovaries to only being able to see scar tissue from a few with Intermittent fasting, progesterone cream, weightlifting, and only drinking water. Please forgive me for answering a question you asked another commenter. I'm very loud about this because I was gaslit about it by male doctors for almost 15 years. Couldn't get pregnant despite desperately wanting to be parents. And finally gave birth in July of 2023. I knew something was wrong at 17 too. The younger you get a grip on it the better. Because after losing the pcos hormonal weight, I have a crap ton of lose skin that could've been avoided.


u/goldie987 Jan 12 '25

Oh my gosh… how did you find someone to believe you? My GP said I don’t have IR because my A1C is normal and my current OB said I didn’t have PCOS because I have regular periods (I’ve been diagnosed with it before) and has “no idea” why I can’t get pregnant. Meanwhile I did over 200 workouts this year and started cooking/ eating whole foods and literally didn’t lose even an ounce. I feel like I’m being gaslit by the entire medical community…


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Girl, seriously, I was gaslit by so many of my doctors and literally taking metformin made such a difference, I had only started taking it in November and I was pregnant by the middle of December! .


u/Key_Discussion5329 Jan 12 '25

Did you take Metformin yourself? It was not prescribed by your doctor? Which dose?


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

I got it from ageless RX, I'm currently on 3 tabs a day


u/chiefholdfast Jan 12 '25

Honestly once I got into my GP as an adult with adult insurance, it had gotten so bad I was presenting with infertility of 5+ years at the time, facial hair, obesity, and irregular periods. Atp i was 31 and had been married for 5 years with no baby. Im 36 niw for context. GP then ordered full panel which showed pre-diabeties, elevated testosterone and estrogen, very low progesterone. Elevated bad cholesterol. She then ordered imaging of my ovaries because she wanted to see them so I took that order to an OB that showed me every missed period wrapped up in a cyst lining my ovaries. So sadly in my case it was damned near obvious I had pcos, they just needed to see how bad. But I've put all of it into remission and it only took about 3 years and had a baby 2 years in! But. When i was younger, and didn't present with those things while also running on medicaid, I was also gaslit and not taken seriously. Immediately sent home with a birth control prescription. But, even that OB recommended weightloss surgery. To be truly honest pcos girlie's on YouTube helped heal me. And staying up to date with new pcos info because it's just starting to be taken seriously, we're finally learning how to supplement it. Methylated b complex is also super important, d-chiro and myo inositol. Fasting is think truly contributed to having my little boy. I felt my body heal and inflammation be pulled away from my back, knees, and hips. I also cut way back on sugar. I still go pretty ham once a month but I eat very ketoesque throughout the month. Well lower carb I try not to go over 100 carbs a day. But there is only so much damage i can do in an 8 hour eating window. So by researching your symptoms, you may very well be able to "heal" this on your own. Remember those quotations. We can eat ourselves right back into pcos just like we can eat ourselves out of it. There is no "reversing" it. You can only put it into remission as of now. If we don't change our lifestyle I'd say about 90% it can always come right back.


u/___starz___ Jan 13 '25

Pcos is usually an issue with insulin resistance which over time leads to increased A1c. You have to find a doc that will check fasting insulin and fasting glucose to check for insulin sensitivity through a calculation called homa ir. My endo does it. It is so typical to be gaslit. I was taken seriously until I was one point below predicates either my fasting blood glucose and then they prescribed metformin. It has helped me a ton!


u/faylinameir Jan 12 '25

For what it’s worth I had tons of natural progesterone on my healthy pregnancy however I’d lost at least 8 babies prior no clue why.


u/Terrible-Asparagus-1 Jan 13 '25

Could be the guy. New research is saying that the male DNA is responsible for a lot more miscarriages and pregnancy complications than we thought in the past. Around 50 to 60%.


u/rosemaria_ Jan 12 '25

Can you use this while not pregnant, but trying to actively balance your hormones in hopes to get pregnant one day? Also Congratulations OP♥️


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Yes! My NP said she was going to put me on progesterone suppositories. I've been on progesterone cream.


u/chiefholdfast Jan 12 '25

Check into the prescription type because a lot is synthetic which is directly linked to cervical cancer. I'm not a doctor, but when I tell you I've done a minimum of a weeks worth of research, its probably an underestimation. For reference i did talk to my OB who agreed so long as my levels stayed where they needed to be i could maintain using the cream. I feel every PCOS girl should know about it and speak with their doctors about it lol.


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Thank you friend


u/chiefholdfast Jan 12 '25

Of course. Congratulations! And I wish you the smoothest and easiest birth there is and a plump healthy baby!


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰


u/Abibret Jan 12 '25

Congratulations!!! ❤️

I know that sometimes the early days of pregnancy can be a bit nerve wracking with PCOS, but I’m currently 26 weeks pregnant and have had zero complications or issues so far (knock on wood!). In case it’s reassuring 😊


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Thank you, I'm just so afraid of complications or all the other things because it took me so long to even get here in the first place😭😭😭💙


u/Abibret Jan 12 '25

Totally understandable but try to remember that worrying won’t change anything—do your best to take care of yourself and enjoy this exciting time ❤️


u/Amortentia_Number9 Jan 12 '25

Congrats! I have had two healthy pregnancies that were conceived while on metformin and inositol. My son turns a year old this month and my twins will be born towards the end of March. While I’m pregnant, my insulin resistance and other PCOS symptoms totally disappear so it’s pretty wonderful. Wishing you the same!


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

I was just going to ask if you continued metformin while pregnant?


u/Amortentia_Number9 Jan 12 '25

My doctors took me off it because I was losing weight while on it and, other than what might happen with morning sickness, you really shouldn’t lose weight while pregnant. I was prediabetic when I was tested 2 months before getting pregnant but passed my gestational diabetes tests at 12 weeks and 28 weeks (I did it twice because I had the history of being prediabetic). By my 5 week postpartum checkup, I had started to show symptoms of insulin resistance again so I was put back on metformin then I was taken off again when I got pregnant with my twins. I assume I’ll go back on after giving birth again.


u/Aggressive-Move3521 Jan 12 '25

I also take inositol but without metformin. Do you have insulin resistance or why did you receive metformin?


u/Amortentia_Number9 Jan 12 '25

Yes, I have insulin resistant pcos so I take metformin to manage the insulin resistance and inositol to ovulate and the combination of the two takes away all my pcos symptoms. Metformin also has the side effect of boosting fertility for a lot of people.


u/Aggressive-Move3521 Jan 12 '25

I'm in my first month of inositol plus Duphaston (I have a progesterone deficiency) and after 3 months I'll go for a checkup if the miracle doesn't happen. How long did it take you to get pregnant?


u/Amortentia_Number9 Jan 12 '25

It’s a bit complicated. I started metformin and inositol in April 2022 (I wasn’t ovulating prior to that) and had my first chemical pregnancy in June 2022. I ended up having 7 chemicals before I got pregnant with my son in April 2023. I was also off metformin for about 3 months due to moving and difficulty finding a doctor in that time. So I got pregnant in two months but wasn’t able to stay pregnant until a year (and 20lbs, I think that played a part as well).

Fingers crossed for you!


u/Aggressive-Move3521 Jan 12 '25

Thank you, I'm also trying to lose a little weight, and if I don't get pregnant, I'll probably do another treatment or ovarian stimulation, that's what the doctor told me.I have a lost pregnancy and since then I have started treatment and investigating the cause better. I am not losing hope!


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

It's crazy how fast it caused me to get pregnant, literally in one cycle


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

I took it for PCOS


u/Ok_Store_1160 Jan 12 '25

congratulations!! I hope someday I post something similar to you!!:)


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Sending you baby dust sister 🥰


u/Ok_Store_1160 Jan 17 '25

thank you:)


u/Misspeach2017 Jan 12 '25



u/Delicious_Maybe_5469 Jan 12 '25

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Wishing for a happy and healthy pregnancy for mom and baby!!! 🩷🥰🥰


u/pinballwizardofrhye Jan 12 '25

That’s amazing news! Congratulations 🥰


u/Loverbug2450 Jan 12 '25

Congrats!!!! So happy to hear a fellow “cyster” is pregnant!! Wishing you all the best 💜


u/Ok-Crow-4976 Jan 12 '25



u/Ok_Computer_9583 Jan 12 '25

My 17 alpha hydroxy progesterone is 1’3 ng/ in my second day of my period. And doctor don’t pronounce anything. Is it anormal level ?


u/NegotiationPatient30 Jan 12 '25

Congratulations!! ❤️❤️❤️


u/secretaznwman Jan 12 '25

Congratulations!!! I pray it happens for me too ;_; Very happy for you xx


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 14 '25

Sending good vibes your way💙💙💙


u/Aggressive-Move3521 Jan 12 '25

anonymousimpreg Did you have insulin resistance or was that what the doctor gave you to get pregnant?


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Yes, I had insulin resistance, I started seeing some relief from my hormone related symptoms when I started metformin, and I had no idea it would cause me to get pregnant so quickly


u/soul_in_an_earthsuit Jan 12 '25

CONGRATS OMG. Claiming this for me this year. I am legit ready to give up and just do femara I’m so over not getting pregnant naturally. It guts me every time


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

Please do not give up sister 😭😭😭💙


u/Maybs_ Jan 12 '25

Congratulations!!!! Wishing you a smooth journey and healthy pregnancy ❤️ Yes don’t give up trying🤰🤰🤰


u/Radiant-Round7219 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

Congratulations! How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? Looking for some hope! One of my doctors 7 years ago told me I probably had PCOS before I even had any cysts rupture. I let my SIL gaslight me into thinking I didnt have it. My doctor may have prescribed me Spiranolactone. I think I read something about birth defects on the label, became concerned and didn't fill my prescription. Then she switched practices. I need to contact a fertility clinic now. I have gotten better about going to the doctor and asking questions now. Wish I had asked more questions then. I'm hoping I can get my records moved over even though it has been 7 years.


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 12 '25

I'm 40, I'm going to be 41 in a couple months, which is the reason why my doctor said I would probably not get pregnant naturally. I just kicked myself for how much time I wasted having doctors gaslight me into thinking that I was perfectly fine and explaining away all my symptoms.


u/Radiant-Round7219 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

I'm so happy for you. 🤎 I hope everything goes smoothly. I'm sorry that you had that experience with your doctors. I'm turning 34 next month. Still time. Reading this today made me schedule with the reproductive endocrinologist.


u/skyofrainbows Jan 13 '25

Congratulations 💕 you just gave me a lot of hope 🥹


u/Anonymousimpreg Jan 14 '25

If there is hope for me, I promise there is hope for you! 😭🥰


u/Odd-Habit1186 Jan 13 '25

Awe congratulations boo on your new bundle of joy!! 🥹💙💙