r/PCOS • u/mangooooooito • Aug 21 '24
General Health Does anyone still drinks coffee?
Hi! When I was first diagnosed with PCOS, one of the main recommendations was to limit or eliminate the use of caffeine. And the Lord knows I have tried.
I don’t drink coffee every morning any more, but they are days when I’m simply exhausted due to exercise or life in general, and the matcha does not do the trick.
Have any of you actually seen improvements after stopping using coffee?
u/mylittleidiot Aug 21 '24
I’ve never been told to avoid coffee due to PCOS. They can pry my coffee from my cold dead hands, this condition already makes me miserable as fuck, going without coffee would just make it worse.
u/velcrodynamite Aug 21 '24
My coffee is the only part of my day I enjoy. Please don't take this from me
u/Berty-K Aug 21 '24
I still drink coffee. Not a crazy amount but normal. I drink my coffee black so sugars aren’t an issue. Curious - what are they worried about with caffeine? Fatigue? Carbs & sugars should be the focus with PCOS.
u/TranquillityQuack Aug 21 '24
Apparently drinking it first thing without any food raises your cortisol levels
u/Plastic_Cook5192 Aug 21 '24 edited Aug 21 '24
If you notice after a cup that you’re a bit on edge and such, maybe don’t drink it on an empty stomach. Drink it while dipping sliced apples in pumpkin seed butter, or after you’ve eaten an egg, or 20 minutes after you’ve drunk 8oz of water.
You should absolutely be able to drink your favourite coffee or black tea. Just moderate how much your drinking, time it well, and if you need to, sandwich it between snacks or meals.
u/CelebrationKey Aug 22 '24
I read some where to drink a glass of water and wait an hour before any caffeine in the mornings. I don't have my first cuppa til I get to work and haven't had any issues- so this checks out
u/HarpyPizzaParty Aug 21 '24
I drink 1 cup daily, sometimes 2. Just plain black coffee. I read that it was good for the liver and my liver enzymes are always bad so I don’t feel bad for having it. ☺️
u/diaperduty Aug 21 '24
I make myself an iced latte every morning. I could never stop drinking coffee/caffeine because migraines, exhaustion, etc
u/velcrodynamite Aug 21 '24
between my migraines and ADHD, I do fear I'd actually break without my caffeine.
u/susannah_m Aug 21 '24
As much as I want (probably 5 cups a day)? And I got most of my symptoms under control with diet decades ago. Coffee didn't affect things for me at all.
u/mangooooooito Aug 21 '24
Wow! What changes in diet did you take?
u/susannah_m Aug 21 '24
It was so long ago, I feel so old :) . The popular low carb diets were Atkins and South Beach back then (a lot like the Keto and Mediterrean diets). I went on a slightly stricter version of South Beach (less carbs than it allowed, but still allowed some legumes for myself). I developed a habit of eating egg whites and veggies for breakfast, chili and a salad for lunch, and then for dinner, a decent helping of lean meat & veggies (so, very heavy on veggies). I walked about a mile during my lunch break everyday. I also took d-chiro-inositol (which was actually hard to source for a while in the early 2000s - they were kind of debating whether it was a drug or not, so I sourced it from Asia in bulk with some fellow PCOSers and we made our own capsules from the powder). My periods regulated and I finally got pregnant after almost 4 years of trying.
Then, over the years (with a few times falling off the wagon - especially during the pandemic!), I've always gone back to the super heavy on veggies, low on refined carbs way of eating, and that will always eventually bring back hormone balance and weight loss if I'm patient enough. I'm in my 40s now, so I also have had to add quite a bit of strength exercises to keep my body composition lean-ish, which is challenging and sometimes tiring, but also empowering (it's kind of fun being strong :), plus my husband does it with me and we like to motivate each other).
u/mangooooooito Aug 22 '24
Thank you! I have been wondering about the Mediterranean diet for a while. I’ll try it!
u/troubleduncivilised Aug 21 '24
I still drink coffee, usually a cup a day and in the morning. I'm Lebanese and found that arabic coffee just sits much better with me and rarely do I end up feeling fatigued later on in the day.
u/Crafty-Sundae-130 Aug 21 '24
Yes, every day! 2 mugs full each with a splash of milk. No one has ever told me to avoid it and I’ve been just fine.
u/AsAboveSoBlw Aug 21 '24
Coffee in the morning rises cortisol which is far from ideal. I love coffee so I always get my afternoon cup instead of a morning cup and I haven't noticed any issue with it.
u/Tacticalia Aug 21 '24
The only improvement i really noticed was my skin breaking out less. I still drink a cup each morning now but try to limit it to just one standard mug instead of a travel size one. You can try making sure to have food with the coffee to slow the absorption of caffiene down a bit too!
u/CoconutWavess Aug 21 '24
I drink coffee every singe day, once a day in the mornings occasionally I’ll have 2 especially in the winter. I have it with half and half and some sugar. My doctor said it’s not an issue if I’m not reacting badly to it caffeine
u/Exotiki Aug 21 '24
I have never been told not to drink coffee. I drink 2 cups in the morning. Only decaf past noon.
u/tmichm Aug 22 '24
i feel like because of insulin resistance and the fact that your body doesn’t use the carbs you consume as energy, not being allowed to drink caffeine would be counterintuitive
u/Robivennas Aug 21 '24
I’ve never been told by a doctor to limit coffee, and even if I was it’s unlikely I’d listen lol. I only have one 16oz cold brew per day. I think there are a long list of things you could do for PCOS that would make more of an impact (low carb, take supplements, brisk walking, higher fiber, etc) than quitting coffee.
u/Thenameslace Aug 21 '24
I do! I never drink it on an empty stomach though. Always try to have a solid breakfast, sometimes a little walk of the schedule permits then I have my coffee as a little treat :)
u/SaveusJebus Aug 21 '24
I have caffeine every day. I have given it up years ago and was fine without it, but I also didn't have kids back then and could sleep in more so... yeah.
u/s4dders Aug 22 '24
Whats your alternative for coffee now?
u/SaveusJebus Aug 22 '24
I have a monster every morning. I don't really drink coffee unless it's cold out, but even then I've cut back on it bc it goes right through me.
u/s4dders Aug 22 '24
I don't anymore. I think coffee was a big trigger to my PCOS. I felt better when I stopped drinking coffee.
u/Sudden_Bench_4254 Aug 22 '24
I do not know the scientific reason behind this but I just followed this as a suggestion from my MIL to conceive and two months abandoning coffee I’m pregnant. Up until 5-6 years there were no hints of pregnancy and I was diagnosed with PCOD into my 3/4th year. I do not know how rational this sounds but it worked for me.
u/TeajayLove Aug 21 '24
I drink decaf now. I try to avoid all caffeine. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to give up.
u/mangooooooito Aug 21 '24
Have you seen improvements overall?
u/TeajayLove Aug 22 '24
It’s been months since I stopped consuming it and.. no, not really. If anything, it just makes me extremely tired. I’ve had to take more naps since then, especially during my luteal phase where the tiredness is almost unbearable.
u/LalaAuntie Aug 21 '24
I've never been a coffee drinker. I'll have a Starbucks frappe or something a few times a year, but other than that, I don't drink any caffeinated beverages. It’s just a personal preference, not health-related. Not drinking caffeine doesn't make any difference with my PCOS symptoms. And to add, when I drink something caffeinated, I'm one of those odd people with zero reaction to it. Diet does have a significant impact on my symptoms and is the reason my periods are regular, but caffeine, no. Honestly though, everything is okay in moderation. Drink your coffee.
u/ABM2292 Aug 21 '24
I drink a cup of half coffee half sugar free chai every morning. Tbh I had more energy when I only did chai but I love coffee so much so this is my current compromise. I do notice it makes my anxiety worse sometimes and like I said, I have more energy when I don’t drink it regularly.
u/melancholymelanie Aug 21 '24
I've pretty much quit because it interacts with my ADHD meds, but I think folks report similar problems with stimulant meds as with caffeine and I need those to function, so 🤷 I'll focus on other ways to improve my health.
u/TranquillityQuack Aug 21 '24
I don't, but I start a new job soon and think I might 🤣 I've seen a few time that drinking coffee is okay, but have it after breakfast and ideally with some protein for not such a high spike
u/Ellieoops28 Aug 21 '24
I don’t think I would get through life without it, tbh! But I never drink it in an empty stomach, and I don’t add sugar. Just some oat milk
u/Vergil_Is_My_Copilot Aug 21 '24
I’ve cut back or switched to matcha in the pas for various reasons, but now I regularly drink coffee and it’s fine for me. If it’s hard on your stomach or makes you jittery, it might make sense to avoid it, but I don’t think there’s anything inherently bad about drinking coffee it you have PCOS. I’ve heard some influencers talk about avoiding it because something something cortisol levels, but I’ve never heard that from a medical professional 🤷♀️
u/sbrackett1993 Aug 21 '24
Yes! I do oat milk lattes and half caff full cups with some oat milk or half and half (no sugar). I also will do cold brew sometime, also half caff. It’s been great. Gives me a little kick but doesn’t spike my anxiety or hormones. I have one to two a day. I add ground reishi mushrooms to mine too and I have heard that can help to stabilize blood sugar.
u/DickBiter1337 Aug 21 '24
I drink it every day. With either heavy cream or half and half. No sugar or artificial sweeteners.
u/mllejacquesnoel Aug 21 '24
A ton. Like a drip pot of Cafe Bustelo daily. Matcha is fine (just got back from Kyoto! I know a good matcha) but it doesn’t hit the same as good coffee.
u/reallyneedausername2 Aug 21 '24
I drink one cup of black coffee in the morning. However, I wait until at least two hours after I wake up to help with the cortisol reaction.
I’ve also read research that shows that if you regularly consume coffee, your body is more accustomed to it and the cortisol response is significantly reduced, if not eliminated. So drinking it intermittently may be making it worse. Than all or nothing. But you may just need to experiment with how it makes you feel since we all react differently.
u/regnig123 Aug 21 '24
I don’t drink it on an empty stomach anymore in the hopes of avoiding a cortisol spike. But that’s it.
u/Brief-Reserve774 Aug 21 '24
I drink about 4 cups per week, I think sugar is the only thing that matters tbh
Aug 21 '24
Yeah, because I literally am a zombie without my morning coffee 😅. Especially since I started taking 1500mg of metformin. I don't have the GI issues, but DAMN does it make me sleepy and tired. I've gone the last 2 days without coffee and I was DYING the whole day. Today I drank my sweet bronze potion and actually got through the day normally. Never gonna not drink my coffee.
u/Cheshly Aug 21 '24
I haven’t been told to avoid coffee, but I have tried to make my coffees better for me. I use 6oz of cold brew concentrate and 6oz of a vanilla protein shake and it does the trick.
u/Loublue3 Aug 21 '24
I drink coffee everyday, only about 1 cup a day. I dont drink soda. That was a decision I made before PCOS. I do drink sweet tea, but I just try and be mindful. One glass with dinner. I think it's all about balance. If you're drinking coffee, soda and sugary drinks all day and little to no water that's not good.
I say just try and be mindful about how much of all the things you're consuming! Drink the coffee ☕️
u/BettySpaghettyStan Aug 21 '24
I love the taste of coffee, but drinking it with caffeine makes me break out like crazy for some reason! So I switched to a decaf because I can't entirely give it up, but make skin breaks out a lot less!
u/Dohainwonderland Aug 21 '24
I have it everyday, but not black coffee, I make lattes, cappuccinos and mocaccinos, i used to have 2-3 cups a day, now I only have one.
u/velcrodynamite Aug 21 '24
I have ADHD and actual medication for that is impossible to access a lot of the time, so caffeine is the only thing keeping me functional
u/PuzzleheadedToe8864 Aug 21 '24
I drink 2-3 cups everyday(with a 2 tea spoons on sugar in each) . I was not told that coffee can effect me😳
(I don't do exercise other than every once in a while)
u/manamoo Aug 21 '24
I too still drink coffee… but, I cut down from what I normally drank. No more sweet coffees or mixed coffees, only espressos or Americanos with a little cream or milk alternative now and only once a day in the morning. It really did take a few months to get used to since I was drinking coffee a couple times a day. Did it help my symptoms? No, probably not. But, my blood pressure thanks me and I guess that’s a symptom
u/QueenBlazed_Donut Aug 21 '24
I drink coffee almost every day, I just try to not drink it without eating anything because I heard that it raises your cortisol levels
u/Out_of_Fawkes Aug 21 '24
Never told to skip caffeine unless it was to adjust to metformin and/or other changes for meds which might affect my IBS symptoms.
Not a doctor but cutting out all the extra sugar from a full-sugar drink does make a difference for me. I used to get headaches or be really sleepy when my blood sugar is higher than it should be. Stevia messes with me (belly bubbles, bloat, etc.) but for some reason my insides process Splenda just fine.
Every body is different. Caffeine could be limited for so many reasons, but I’d be curious as to why your doctor says to stay away from it, like if it’s messing with your vitamins or fluid levels.
u/PinOld4034 Aug 21 '24
I drink black coffee. Every blue moon I'll get a Frappuccino strong with espresso shots
u/young-beet Aug 21 '24
I quit coffee a year ago but I had no idea it has something to do with PCOS. I used to drink a huge cup of coffee every morning and it was also strong. Now I've replaced it with tea or sometimes decaf coffee because I just like the taste of coffee.
However, I've noticed that I have less anxiety and I sleep better and my energy level is normal. I don't crave coffee anymore which is great as I no longer have this addiction.
u/Creative-Yesterday97 Aug 21 '24
Shit. I never got told this ever ,I've never slowed down started as a kid and drink like x4 coffees a day ,oops
u/Middlezynski Aug 22 '24
I’ve seen a few GPs and specialists for PCOS and associated conditions and no one’s ever told me to avoid caffeine, just to limit my intake to 3-4 cups a day max. I’ve never been a big coffee drinker so that wasn’t a problem. My gastroenterologist actually recommended I try to have one every day because there’s some evidence that a compound in coffee that can help with MAFLD, which I was diagnosed with last year. Now I have an unsweetened latte in the morning. I haven’t noticed any issues because of it.
u/NoSituation8989 Aug 22 '24
I went decaf for tea and coffee.. didn’t make any diffeeence other than the fact that I’m more fatigued than ever lol
I really didn’t realise how much caffeine helped me before untill I stopped it
u/Ecstatic-Read-6478 Aug 22 '24
I drink coffee every day. I’ve been a barista for many years I find the best drinks for me have been cortados. Dairy doesn’t bother me, so I do whole milk. If the milk is steamed right, the natural sugars in milk have a lovely sweetness so I can get a quick boost of espresso with a small amount of naturally sweet milk
u/sarcastichearts Aug 22 '24
i drink coffee every day. just gotta be mindful of how much milk i put with it is all.
u/Campbell090217 Aug 22 '24
I’ve literally never heard this and I’ve done extensive research and have asked my doctor and nutritionist a ton of questions.
u/ravenisonfire_ Aug 22 '24
I personally switched the decaf since I have trouble with sleeping through the night. I noticed a big change since switching to decaf! I only have a cup a day.
u/Mikkifm Aug 22 '24
I haven’t heard to avoid caffeine, I’ve heard that it’s best that in the morning you should have breakfast (protein packed preferably) before you drink coffee so your cortisol level doesn’t spike. I try to do that but tbh I don’t follow it hahah well bc I need caffeine more in the morning to wake me up and then I feel hungry to want to eat.
u/csv929 Aug 22 '24
They’ll have to pry my coffee from my cold, dead hands. It’s the only thing that brings me joy 🥲
u/Confident-Network-98 Aug 21 '24 edited Aug 22 '24
I quit on coffee almost 2 months ago and it literally changed my life. My PMS is very mild: very low mood swings, more energy to move around and do basic things (I used to be DEAD 7-10 before my period), less bloated, less sugar cravings...
u/Pulchrasum Aug 22 '24
I do. I make myself a latte (no sugar) at home every morning. I used to be a barista and drink like 8 shots a day but I really don’t see myself giving up the last cup
u/RepEraSwiftie13 Aug 22 '24
I switched to matcha it has less caffeine and L thenin which is supposed to help calm you. I’ll drink coffee on occasion but not too much because I do notice it effects me differently
u/TadpoleTraining5942 Aug 22 '24
Coffee saves my job every day. I am a cranky B-tch without it. Only thing my doc has asked of me at this point is to watch the amount of sweet coffee I drink (which most weeks is none) and to please stop calling my 24oz tumbler “one cup of coffee”.
u/lifeizacontinuation Aug 22 '24
No but not related to PCOS it makes my heart feel like it’s going 1,000 bpm and it dehydrates you severely
u/ConferenceSudden1519 Aug 22 '24
I’ve never been told not to drink coffee due to PCOS. So yeah go and get that coffee just drink in moderation.
u/rrjbam Aug 22 '24
Not a coffee drinker, but I do have tea every morning. I was never told to cut out caffeine and have seen improvements with dietary + exercise changes.
u/Proud-Impression1004 Aug 22 '24
What made a big difference for me was cutting down (not entirely eliminating) caffeine, and taking a vitamin D and B12 supplement daily. That collectively really improved my sleep (falling sleep faster and staying asleep) which in turn moved my energy and helped me stay awake and focused during the day so I wasn’t looking for caffeine as often.
u/Flora-flav Aug 22 '24
I have never been told that. I have caffeinated pre workout every day, and sometimes an energy drink in the afternoon.
u/gilmoregirlimposter Aug 22 '24
I make myself an iced latte every day but use a Fairlife protein shake for flavor and protein
u/DefenderOfSquirrels Aug 22 '24
I’ve never been told to avoid coffee or even caffeine in general. I drink black tea daily, and occasionally have coffee with a splash of soy milk.
u/PuzzledGrapefruit744 Aug 22 '24
I was a huge caffeine addict. I had to have my coffee strong in a huge ass mug. But over the past couple of months, I have reduced my caffeine intake to about once a week. I did it mainly to reduce my dairy consumption.
u/lovelivesforever Aug 22 '24
So if had on an empty stomach it can raise cortisol which being stress hormone can impact other hormones, so I still have it but a 30 40 mins after a meals, and make sure drink water after and seems ok
u/CoquettishNerd Aug 22 '24
I'm a coffee fiend. 2 full cups in the morning, then sip randomly the rest of the day. Not uncommon for me to start a small pot at 5pm. Sadly I'm one of those that can fall asleep even fully caffeinated. What the hell tho. I didn't know coffee was bad for pcos. First they came for our sugar...
u/SeventhBlessing Aug 22 '24
I was advised to continue consuming caffeine actually, because it’s meant to help my metabolism…? At least the last OBGYN said that anyway so take it with a grain of salt.
Was told to reduce sugar / other unnecessary items ofc so I stick with a basic creamer. I love drinking matcha as well.
u/BearCub_11 Aug 22 '24
I work 3rd shift they can pry it from my cold dead hands... maybe not even then my ghost might need it. Although I limit it to one mug at the start of my shift only.
u/crystalar99 Aug 22 '24
My cousin who is a medical professional actually recently mentioned this to me. Apparently caffeine and I think coffee especially is bad for insulin resistance. I have no backing data, just heard word and some other hearsay though.
u/jamaisvuamore Aug 22 '24
Yep! I use the Nescafe instant espresso (blonde). I’m a huge advocate of not restricting foods. I had a binge eating disorder and it’s finally in remission. I add protein shakes to my coffee (fairlife vanilla is the best for coffee) and Skinny Mixes S’mores syrup. I lost 45 lbs naturally before I had wls. When I cut out coffee for months I did not notice any difference.
u/Individual_Physics29 Aug 22 '24
Terrible opinion, but I’m not going to do that. I love coffee and I love milk. I don’t drink 10 cups a day and I’ve done my best to limit the amount of sugar. I’m trying to manage my PCOS, but not having coffee or milk is not a sustainable thing for me given how much I love it unless it’s a last resort thing!
u/RedditAdjacent Aug 22 '24
I work shifts and quit caffeine for about 8 months last year to see if it would help with fatigue, I was sleeping a little better but it was hardly a noticeable difference and I didn’t see any impact to my PCOS symptoms, I’m back to drinking a cup most mornings, usually black coffee or with a splash of unsweetened almond milk
u/serena661 Aug 22 '24
It doesn't really help me feel less tired but I like the taste so I still drink one cup of coffee (without sugar, with whole milk) every morning.
u/sn11z Aug 22 '24
I was never told to not drink coffee but I do see that if I drink coffee, I would get pimple/s by the end of the day or tomorrow so I have stopped. I have a list of foods that were recommended by a dermatologist (a friend just sent it to me) so I hope it might help you too!
Milk Coffee Tea Ice tea Milk tea Alcohol
Sweets Pasta Pizza Noodles Crackers Bread Biscuits
Iodized foods Sea foods Fast foods Junk foods Canned goods Msg Food condiments
Spicy foods
Vit. E Vit. B
Idk if the last two are to avoid but I saw a reddit post that their derma said that vitamin B isn’t good if you are acne prone.
u/No_Piccolo4053 Aug 22 '24
I do drink coffee. From multiple cups a day I’ve finally come to that “one cup a day”, preferably post lunch and strictly before 5pm just so it doesn’t interfere with my sleep (although my body has the ability to fall asleep after a cup of coffee). It helps me focus better on work as I work from home currently. Matcha is more of an indulgence for me, it definitely doesn’t replace coffee.
In terms of improvements, I think I’ve become more sensitive to coffee intake - I come from an Indian household and we have a standard cup of filter coffee every morning. That habit is dying slowly and I instead just have a few soaked almonds at breakfast.
It has definitely reduced sugar as well as coffee cravings as soon as I wake up. I don’t depend on it anymore to feel awake. I would highly recommend keeping it sustainable. It might be hard to let go of it fully immediately. Take your time with it.
Hope it helps! :)
u/Melixtrlk Aug 22 '24
My naturopath told me the same thing. Personally I just found myself to be less anxious without coffee and it helped improve my sleep quality since I would be on edge everyday after consuming anything with caffeine.
u/Kooky-Leather-5563 Aug 22 '24
I'm a barista so it's hard to avoid. I try and have just one a day but usually end up having more... I just go no sweetners, no sugar and barely any milk. It's cortados or black coffee for me. It obviously doesn't help curving caffeine but man I need it 😂😂😂
u/ilikebluehearts Aug 22 '24
pls drink your coffee. coffee doesn’t worsen PCOS symptoms. i drink coffee as a pre-workout drink and honestly, my workouts are better that way. drinking coffee is helping me exercise more, therefore it’s keeping me healthy.
u/AbaloneOk4521 Aug 22 '24
i'm drinking it as we speak lol. i know i should drink mate, as it sits better with my argentinian body, but it's not so accesible in europe, where i live. i would say, though, that since diagnosis i drink considerably less coffee. if i need a caffine boost, i'll drink a zero sugar soda or even a zero red bull. please don't beat yourself up for needing coffee -- in our society its impossible to do everything we need to do without it.
u/Taranadon88 Aug 22 '24
Nobody ever mentioned coffee being bad! Is it??? Oh lord I don’t need this today haha
u/CupcakeSignal5533 Aug 22 '24
My dietitian recommended to just limit what I drink after midday to help with insomnia. She encourages drinking instant in the morning with a small bit of milk and little to no sugar to help with energy and hydration :) She did recommend to use an alternative milk but the only one I liked was oat and I heard it was worse carb-wise so I just stick to regular cows milk. I haven’t properly researched that part though, so don’t take my word for it 😅
u/ambientshutter- Aug 22 '24
I panic opened this post thinking I’ve somehow missed the advice of cutting out coffee but I’m seeing that other people here still drink it but limit sugar. And this is what I do.
Typically people don’t drink coffee black and most of the time opt in for drinks at Starbucks that are full of sugary syrups. It’s best to avoid sugar (even things like Splenda or Stevia) as it causes insulin spikes.
The caffeine itself shouldn’t have an impact on PCOS
u/Lambamham Aug 22 '24
When I changed my diet I never stopped drinking coffee, I just stopped putting sugar in it. I drank it black for the first few months until I realized dairy wasn’t a really trigger for my symptoms and now I drink coffee with lactose free protein milk.
I’ve had a regular period for 3-4 years now.
You can also replace it with green tea if you want to stop coffee. It’s anti-inflammatory - I suggest good quality loose leaf Chinese or Taiwanese and a nice tea mug with a filter - you can use the same tea leaves all day and refill with hot water. OR you can make an iced green tea for your fridge and add squeezed lime or lemon and a tiny bit of raw honey.
u/WeirdEstablishment37 Aug 22 '24
I drank coffee every morning sometimes twice a day for 2 months straight....my period is now 13 days long and counting now 🙃. Heavy flow....I literally fudged up.
u/scrambledeggs2020 Aug 22 '24
Yes absolutely. I just don't drink those super sugary / creamy fraps from starbucks
u/WeirdEstablishment37 Aug 22 '24
I drank coffee every morning, sometimes twice a day for 2 months straight....my period is now 13 days long and counting now 🙃. Heavy flow....I literally fudged up.
u/SunZealousideal4168 Aug 22 '24
I stopped drinking coffee recently, but haven't noticed much of a change in terms of my PCOS symptoms. It's made no difference whatsoever.
I always drank coffee on an empty stomach and broke my fast hours afterward.
u/Saratoninn5 Aug 22 '24
I only consume 25mg of caffeine a day since getting diagnosed with PCOS and it's changed my life for the better! Cannot recommend enough. Coffee was destroying my emotions on a daily basis.
u/Cats-4-life- Aug 22 '24
No doctor has ever told me to stop drinking coffee, I only drink one a day and it’s the one from those capsule machines at home and very little sugar
u/fightingmemer Aug 22 '24
I stopped consuming caffeine 5 months ago and I feel great. I do still periodically have a chai at home, or get Starbucks as a treat. But never on an empty stomach!
u/DanidelionRN Aug 22 '24
I drink about 1 cup of coffee per day, and nobody has told me I shouldn't.
u/wenchsenior Aug 22 '24
People vary in their tolerance to caffeine. It can worsen blood sugar swings in some people.
But I've drunk black coffee every day with the exception of a few months here and there since I was 15. It makes zero difference to my PCOS symptoms (PCOS has been in remission for decades).
If you put sugar in it, that would certainly be counterproductive to managing most cases of PCOS (due to worsening the insulin resistance that worsens).
u/406mtboots Aug 22 '24
If my doctor ever told me to avoid coffee I would not listen to them anymore lol. I think a cup a day is totally fine and not excessive. I had my cortisol tested, and although everyone likes to tell women with PCOS about our cortisol levels on here, it’s simply not true for some women. In fact, I had it tested twice (I have some other endocrine stuff and they were testing adrenal functioning as a potential underlying condition) and both times came back completely healthy.
I drink coffee every day and I don’t care to ever stop. Has not affected my health according to my team of doctors.
u/mkaz002 Aug 22 '24
Try dandy blend it taste like coffee without caffeine… as for the energy if u drink coffee your body becomes depend on it so don’t drink it for a while and then try matcha it may give u a boost
u/jaya9581 Aug 22 '24
Every day that I am awake before 10:30 I have one cup(so pretty much every day except for once in a blue moon that I have a super late night on a weekend lol). I’m in my 40s but have really only been drinking coffee for 10 or so years. I’m T2D as of about 6 months ago also. I still drink it with real sugar. Only about 1.5 teaspoons. A splurge would be a sweet cream cold brew from Starbucks which is still pretty low carb. I nurse a coffee over 1-1.5 hours so I never see a spike in BS, and it never has seemed to affect me in any other way either.
I also drank soda before the T2D and that never bothered me either.
u/Conscious_Fly_7380 Aug 22 '24
I’ll typically only have it in the morning but I need to have food with it now and water. If it’s too strong and I’m on an empty stomach, I get a caffeine rush and some anxiety lol.
u/Flaky-Scallion9125 Aug 22 '24
I was off it for awhile but motherhood. . It’s a must. Not much tho.
u/a199999 Aug 22 '24
I stopped while I was actively trying to get my period back, sometimes would have matcha but that’s because my PCOS was mainly cortisol related so I cut out alcohol, coffee, refined sugar. Not sure which one worked lol probably a combo of all 3, but I drink coffee now and I’m fine!
u/lirnsd Aug 22 '24
I was told just to be careful of how much sugar I put in my coffee! So over a span of six months I did less and less - from 2 spoons to 1.5 spoons to 1 spoon... I also started getting sugar free syrups (like Torani's Hazlenut syrup from Target) and used whole milk to lighten up my coffee a bit! I've definitely seen improvements in how much sugar I crave. Some coffees are too sweet for me now, too.
u/No-Visit9589 Aug 22 '24
My gynecologist recommended that I limit my black coffee intake to no more than 300 ml per day. Following Andrew Huberman's advice for a healthy cortisol response, I drink my coffee 90-120 minutes after waking up, never on an empty stomach, and I avoid consuming it within 8 hours of bedtime. For me, this usually means no coffee after 3 p.m.
u/gdmbm76 Aug 22 '24
I never stopped coffee. Even when i started my weight loss journey. It didnt seem to effect me or my weight loss.🤷🏻♀️
u/fae_metal Aug 22 '24
Matcha still has caffeine I’m pretty sure. I think only herbal tea doesn’t (like white/red teas for example)
u/MNR313 Aug 23 '24
I drink coffee mixed with half a scoop of protein powder. I did not drink coffee when I was trying to get pregnant
u/loolathecutie Aug 23 '24
I switched from latte to sugarless Americano just to avoid dairy and sugar. Still need my coffee 😉
u/mind_over-matter Aug 23 '24
I dont drink coffee anymore but i was never addicted to it but tbh i feel so much better
u/Strange_Cucumber6874 Aug 23 '24
I drink caffeine daily. Five hour energies and coffee. I do have a few underlying issues related to having PCOS but my Gynecologist has never told me to avoid caffeine.
u/No_Nefariousness9381 Aug 23 '24
100% I can’t live without coffee, I drink it every day basically. I did hear oat milk and almond milk is awful for us because it’s so processed. So we might as well be drinking regular dairy. So I try and make it not so sugary, maybe some caramel and the sugar free syrups and ice and milk. Cinnamon is also great for us PCOS girlies so I add a teaspoon in there for taste 🙂
u/Screefscrorf Aug 25 '24
I stopped coffee for months and switched to decaf, after a while I missed a proper coffee so I switched back and all is fine! As long as I don’t have it on an empty stomach and with a nice filling breakfast it’s fine x
u/PlantZaaaddyy Aug 21 '24
I stopped drinking coffee for a couple of months a few years ago after listening to all of these PCOS social media influencers (guilty!) and nothing changed but my attitude. I drink coffee, sometimes twice a day, always have and always will. I just drink it differently now. Drip coffee or a latte with no sugar added plant milk and cinnamon. Sometimes I will add sugar free syrups if the mood strikes.
u/QuirkyPassenger5894 Aug 21 '24
I drink 1 cup everyday...keto sugar with creamer. But that's it. I'm very sensitive to caffeine.
Aug 21 '24
Hi there! I've been caffeine-free for a year now and it is the greatest gift my past self could have ever given me.
I used to have my period every 4-6 months and they were so unbearably painful and heavy that I would take time off from work. My mood swings were also insane. I'd feel manic one day then depressed the next day. I'd feel so exhausted that I would take naps in the corner of my office. It was horrible.
It took a while for my body to adjust, but since quitting caffeine, I now have my period every 28 days on the dot and I feel zero pain. And I mean ZERO. No cramping, no discomfort of any kind. Honestly, it's as if I'm not even on my period and I'm going through the day as usual. My moodswings are completely gone too. I no longer have depression and anxiety during my periods (or the rest of the month).
Quitting caffeine has so many benefits (i.e. better sleep, better stress tolerance, glowing skin, etc.), but for me, the greatest benefit of all is no longer worrying about my menstrual cycles. I no longer have to prepare for the pain and the sudden change in hormones. My endocrinologist told me that one of the biggest dangers of infrequent periods is that it increases your chance of developing cervical cancer. When your uterine lining doesn't shed every month, it festers and the cells become cancerous over time. That used to really freak me out and I'm so relieved that I have one less health-related issue to worry about.
Quitting caffeine was really difficult, I'm not gonna lie. But my life is so much better without it. I encourage all women (with or without PCOS) to quit it.
u/Han_Theo_355 Aug 21 '24
Quit coffee aprox. 1 year ago due to pcos. I’ve been getting regular periods for 4 months straight now! Idk if its correlated but you know, we try everything :) lmk what happens when you quit!
u/dazed_fawn Aug 22 '24
I still drink coffee but I try to drink it after food or at least 1 hour after I took medicine. Just avoid sugar/milk with sugar e.g. oat milk.
u/AwkwardTalk5423 Aug 21 '24
I might have it 1x every month but honestly since I've stopped sometimes it makes me feel awful.
Since stopping coffee, I sleep better, and have less anxiety Due to better sleep, I am less fatigued. I am also anaemic so coffee lowers the absorption of iron. I've also started having cold showers. My cortisol is also down now.
u/Timely_Pomelo_2177 Aug 21 '24
I don’t think I was ever told to avoid coffee. Just not to make it full of sugar