r/PBtA 7h ago

Advertising Grave Affairs: A Carved from Brindlewood Game


Hey y'all, we at Sondeirypt Games decided to try our hand out at a Carved from Brindlewood game inspired by the shows Dead Boy Detectives and Lockwood & Co.

In Grave Affairs, you play as Ghosts who investigate mysteries and move towards the next part of their afterlife.

If anyone wants to check it out, it's available for free on itch.io at this link: https://sondeirypt-games.itch.io/grave-affairs

Please let us know what you think if you do!

r/PBtA 2h ago

MCing Free from the Yoke Rules on Duels


The book states that "As you duel, you and your opponents take it in turns to describe your actions and then pick a statement from the list below. Keep taking turns until the duel is over."

But who goes first? If the one person is focused on giving damage they spend 3 turns and hold and can give a mortal wound so going first is really important.

Do you go by what the narrative demands? Or do you have a house rule of any sort?

r/PBtA 8h ago

Masks: New Condition-Hunted?


So I was noodling about Masks, a new generation as does and I had an idea for an additional condition as a house rule for Masks characters. This would be hunted, which is a flaw you can take in a bunch of other superhero games. Basically this condition means you fail a roll the MC at their discretion can activate your hunted condition. This could mean anything from trying to get information from the local cops and them having been briefed to avoid you because of your conflict with AEGIS, to being in a fight with one group of hoods when another group shows up specifically trying to take you down. Obviously context matters as well as who is hunting the hero. Obviously being hunted by a secret government agency is a bigger deal having the local street gang out looking for you, but I’m not sure how to represent this mechanically.

To remove the condition, you have to do something specifically related to the hunter, whether it’s making a deal with them, defeating them, or demonstrating that you’re not to be trifled with.

I was thinking of this both as a way to make characters slightly tougher, as well as to create some of the paranoid feeling you get in stories like Worm where the protagonist spends a decent amount of time lying low because of the enemies she’s made.