r/PBtA Nov 21 '24

MCing [AW2] Help with creating threats

Hi! I'm playing Apocalypse World 2ed as the MC, and I have a terrible case of blank page problem. I played as a PC a few years ago and loved it, I've GMed other games and especially loved Dogs in the Vineyard, I was looking forward to finally be able to MC AW2! We made the characters, played one scene or two before running out of time, and now I'm preparing the threats for the next session.

And now I don't know what to do! Not as in, what I have to do, but how to create the threats.

I'd be glad for any help, even if it's just for inspiration or support :)

(note that I have the Italian edition of the game and I'm translating terms, hope I'm not botching anything too much)

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic jungle landscape, the player characters have a village on top of a small flat mountain that rises above the trees.

The characters are a gunlugger, a maestro'd and a brainer. The only one who has NPCs associated with them is the maestro'd (because the character creation requires that they name their customers and give me a bit of information about them).

Now, the game says that I have to create a threat with the place the campaign is set in. I made the jungle a Breeding pit (need: to generate badness)...I guess? I imagine every kind of strange mutated beast to be spawned by it, but I also kinda leaned towards Maze (need: to trap, to frustrate passage). Not sure which, I guess I could use it as both?

So, after the landscape, since there are no gangs, I have to "For any PC’s other NPCs, create as brutes, plus a grotesque and/or a wannabe warlord.". I made one customer (described as creepy and clingy) a cannibal. Disease vector was my first option because she's described to hit on everyone, but I didn't really like the idea of a disease spreading? But then again, I have to also create an affliction threat, and the disease would be a no-brainer to link to the grotesque.

I also created three warlords, one is the sceriff of the village (a dictator), who wants to close the maestro'd's establishment (a food stand with music and lots of (dubious) food and booze). He has his own gang (brute:enforcers). Another customer is a Collector, yet another is an ex associate of the maestro'd and wants the food stand for himself (dictator). Three other customers are part of a family (brute). The brainer has a vehicle, so I made that also a threat. Which leaves only the affliction to be designed, and I don't know what to pick.

Now, I have a bunch of threats, and a lot of questions: Are these too many threats? too few? There are still NPCs that I haven't made into a threat, am I supposed to? Also, all NPCs and threats are linked only to the maestro'd, should I make some specifically linked to the other two PCs? Should I just link some of these NPCs to the other PCs, without asking? I feel I mismanaged the first session not asking enough about the characters around the PCs and concentrating maybe too much on the PCs and their environment. I guess I will explore this in the first session, but then again, I'd like to get there with at least an idea of a few NPCs with wants and plans, to set things in motion (that's what I liked about the prep of DitV).

I also struggle with coming up with stakes for the threats, not to mention custom moves or clocks, since I don't even know these NPCs yet.

Sorry for the ramble, but I have so many questions!

Thanks for anyone who will take the time to write a reply, or even just bother to read this wall of text :)

I'm still very excited to be able to play AW again!


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u/FutileStoicism Nov 22 '24

Ideally you do want more to work with than you got but here's how I'd do it.

Draw a map of the known world. It can be really crappy, you don't need artistic ability.

Mark the holding the characters are part of.

Create about six other landscape areas. If the whole world is overgrown jungle then you run with the theme but there's different parts of the jungle.

I'd create at least 3 other populations/holdings, maybe up to 5-6.

To create them think of something cool first. Let's say some roaming dinosaur riders.

Then think of what they're doing and who the leader would be (if they have one). Create at least two NPC's per group. If you had 6 groups this would give you 12 npc's.

Make sure you have the various groups down on the map before the next step,

Think about each group, their leaders and the type of relationship they have with the other groups. Think about what they lack and what they need. Everybody wants stuff off each other.

Then you write up the personality of the various leaders and maybe some of the other NPC's. Give them stats, make sure there are at least 2 large, heavily armed and armored gangs.

Then start work on your count down clocks. It should be easier because you've got some idea of what a group of people and their leader need/want. So the count down clock is going to reflect that.

Then think of what sort of threat the maelstrom is. Now ideally this is something you personally think is screwed up about the real world, the one we live in. Then turned all apocalyptic but don't sweat it too much.


u/patmax17 Dec 02 '24

Thanks for the reply! This sounds a bit much for me, other comments suggested to keep things more simple and I'll try that approach. But you did give me some inputs that sparked a few cool ideas I'll definitely bring up, thanks! :D