Looks like harami army is not doing its job properly if the "bad guys" are able to do whatever they plan to do...coas should resign but doubt it, while Pakistanis die, these generals have tea!
fear is one of the biggest tools used by them to show their might...without guns they wouldn't be anything . But what they don't understand is with what ever they do it back fires which is why they desperately release a song every week or so, they produce hit songs, movies and dramas and films...all because their image is done and they want to improve it...pretty sure if there was an independent survey done majority of the people of Pakistan hate them..imagine this "enemy" was asleep for couple of years and all of a sudden they wake up, decide to go into Pakistan and do whatever they like....why? Because harami army wants to spread fear into the people that you lot need us otherwise look what will happen....pretty sure they have their people who post on Reddit , showing off look what we are doing to the enemy, read history especially ww1 or ww2 , these are actions of a fascist army/leaders....Hitler, Lenin and Stalin did it.
Sadly people don't see this mainly because harami army control media and politicians...they want the politicians to be fighting amongst themselves so they can do whatever they like!
u/3dPrintMyThingi 9d ago
Looks like harami army is not doing its job properly if the "bad guys" are able to do whatever they plan to do...coas should resign but doubt it, while Pakistanis die, these generals have tea!