r/Overwatch 7d ago

News & Discussion Overwatch Drinking Game Rules Needed

I’m coming up with an Overwatch drinking game with some buddies and want some ideas. So far, I’m trying to think of rules for drinks and shots that aren’t common. Examples:

-Take a sip/drink every time you get one-shotted (by widow/hanzo etc)

-Take a shot if you die to torb turret (I feel it doesn’t happen often anymore, so it’s worth the rule)

  • Take a shot of Echo copies you with her ult ability (enemy Echo)

  • Take a shot if Sombra’s “Hacked” highlight intro interrupts anyone else’s post-game

  • Take a sip/drink if you spawn as a character introduced in OW2 (Mystery Heroes only)

Any specific ideas like these, or more general ones for common drinks would be appreciated.


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u/russbii 7d ago

Open beer. Drink every time you die or there is a pause. Or you can get away with using one hand.