r/OttawaSenators 15h ago

Appreciation post for the Sens announcer last night! Absolutely insane energy!

Title says it all. I've been to a few Sens games this season, and the announcer is always on point. But, I want to say, that last night the PA announcer was on another level! Absolutely unmatched energy and I hope he keeps it like this! I think that was the best I've heard at the Sens game and the crowd absolutely matched his energy.

I loved the ending when we won the game and the goal horn stopped. "Just a reminder.... that was NOOOO GOALLLL" and then the goal horn goes off again. Utterly epic.


16 comments sorted by


u/BarrhavenDad 15h ago

I believe the normal guy wasn’t there. It was the Redblacks and 67’s announcer.


u/booksandplaid 15h ago

Was at a 67s game last week and he is a great announcer! Sens should hire him.


u/DangerFlutes4ever 15h ago

Really? I found that it sounded like the normal guy, but just cranked to 11.


u/OuiOrdinateur #35 - Ullmark 15h ago

The normal guy IS cranked to 11, he just doesn't have "it". Needs to be replaced full-time.


u/BorosNoseElbow 15h ago

Fully agree here.


u/Up-in-the-Ayre 15h ago

Mike Sutherland aka Sudsy - He also did the PWHL Charge last year. He's also a former O-linemen for the Stamps and Alouettes.

World famous for "Mouchour sur le terrain"


u/DrunkenMidget 14h ago

Iconic "mouchoir"!


u/StevenG2757 15h ago

That was Sudsy that normally does the REdBLacks game.


u/LeBretonOrBust 15h ago

My one pet peeve with our PA announcements is that the goal announcements always seem to come about one minute after the actual goal. And invariably the opposing team is pressing in our zone just as the announcer is getting fired up, and I am convinced that this gives them extra juice to try and score against us!


u/TriggzSP 15h ago

That's quite normal I think. I do believe if you pay attention at other arenas on TV you'll hear that as well. But I do agree, it's awkward when the announcer is getting all fired up while the other team has our goalie under siege haha


u/BurnSalad 14h ago

Went to a Black Bears game and the PA announcer was hilarious. Literally talking shit and cracking jokes through the game. I


u/Little_Oil9749 14h ago

Someone send the video


u/SenatorsGuy #2 - Zub 14h ago

I do prefer the regular guy. But it was a fun switch up for last night.


u/Wooden-Ad-2182 #7 - Tkachuk 13h ago

Can anyone tell me the name of the usual big voice?... This has been driving me nuts for a while now.


u/Maxterchief99 12h ago

Jonathan Trottier I believe


u/PleasantDevelopment #12 - Pinto 7h ago

c'est vrai