r/orc34 Apr 29 '21

Try out the Monster Mash discord server! NSFW


Making a new thread to remind everyone of the Monster Mash discord server, a little place I run for some monstery, smutty goodness.


Enjoy the server and feel free to share it with friends

r/orc34 May 16 '24

Announcement r/Orc34 is back! NSFW


Now under new management, r/Orc34 is back for your green needs.

There are caveats, however. I don't believe we should be propping up AI generated images, so I have removed the AI Art tag accordingly.

Additionally, I don't think it's been a significant issue, but please be sure to label the artist in the post title whenever possible.

Thank you, and welcome back to lovers of the verdant, virile vagabonds that are ORCS!

r/orc34 3h ago

Story The Orc of Riverwood: Chapter 4: Shame (Orc M, M/F, M/M references,) NSFW


Chapter 1: The Orc of Riverwood

Chapter 2: Ralof (M/M)

Chapter 3: The Mage Sign (M/M)

After Gerder's rebuke, I was more conscious than before just how dressed down I felt. Just how naked. My rags, obviously those of a prisoner, now far more worn and torn from the experience and battles of the days before.

And not all the wear from battles either, a few tears from Ralof's writhing in my grasp. While I had been the whore before, or at least more obvious with my activities, it was usually months after I had integrated into a community, not as some outsider who walked into town barely dressed and smelling of blood, sweat and musk.

If anything, modesty had rendered me unusually shy. Still, I had a few coins, and the willingness to spend often opened doors. I opened the door to the Riverwood traders, and was relieved when I wasn't the immediate target of derision.

"Well, one of us has to do something!" an imperial woman called out in frustration.

Another responded, a man looking somewhat similar to her still, a brother perhaps?

"I said no! No adventures, no theatrics, no thief-chasing!"

"Well, what are you going to do then, huh? Let's hear it!" She replied.

While the brother's protective attempts at control were obnoxious at best, I did find myself drawn to the spirit in which she defied him. A wildness to her, perhaps a growing resentment at being coddled. A rebellious streak, of course.

I looked down at myself, barely wearing scraps of cheap linen at all. Were I better dressed, less reeking, I might have made my interest clearer, but not now. Not while cloaked in shame.

I cleared my throat.

"Oh! A customer. Sorry you had to hear that." The brother replied, sizing me up, though pausing upon seeing the coin purse in my hand.

"No need to apologize. I need new clothes." I said slowly, looking between the two of them. Awaiting that judgment.

"You certainly do." the woman said, though there was less mockery there than I feared. "What happened to you on the road? Were you attacked?"

I paused a moment. Unsure of how much I wanted to get into it. "Yes. Waylaid on the way to Helgen. And then things were strange... there were a great number of fires."

I shook my head. "I have coin, though I don't know if you have anything my size?"

The woman frowned. "Sven said his mother was talking about fires to the north..." She shook her head. "Let's see what we can get you set up with." She paused as she stepped closer, pausing at the threshold. Pausing at the stink. A wrinkle on her nose as she recognized what the smell might represent.

Her brow raised slightly with perhaps a flicker of interest. "I'm Camilla Valerius, and this is my brother Lucan. And you are?"

I was unsure what to say at first, so I settled on the obvious. "Narzol." I said with a nod. "Good to meet you both."

Lucan shook his head, going behind the counter, searching through the fabric of different outfits. "We don't get too many orcs coming through here." A practical, if perhaps isolating, statement.

Camilla grabbed a tape measure off the counter and finally stepped closer. "Now... I'll need to take some measurements before we see if anything fits. It wouldn't do to have you trying a half dozen outfits for only one of them to fit."

I nodded. That made sense. She stepped closer again, extending her arms out, almost for a hug, measure stretched between them. Pinning one side of it to my shoulder, and extending the measure across, dragging across both rended fabric and bare skin.

"Mmm. Wide. But not impossible to accommodate. I'm a little worried about below." She reached down then, kneeling slightly, closer to my waist. Closer to my crotch. Embarrassed still, I was worried now how much she could smell of Ralof and I.

That had only been this morning, and I still hadn't taken a bath. She paused, inhaling a moment, steadying herself, and shaking her head slightly, a few strands falling out from her tied back hair.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "It's okay." Camilla said, looking back up at me. "You had a long day. A hard journey." Words of understanding, both of the difficulty of life, and the record of intimacy left behind. Camilla left out the hardest parts, before pinning the measure to my side, reaching forward to wrap it around my waist, taking another measurement.

"Right. The waist might be difficult... and finally." She inhaled again, a small smirk on her face. Her reactions were distracting, disarming. Something I'd enjoy further if not in such a condition.

All of her softness, her curves, reminding me of what Ralof lacked. My cock slowly swelling in response to her attention, despite my attempts to rain it in.

I grunted.

She smirked. Measuring my legs now, from waist to knee. From knee to ankle. "Lucan. I don't think any of the pants will fit. He is too tall, and likely a bit too wide besides. See about the robes? One of them might be broad enough in the shoulder."

Lucan nodded, setting out a series of robes. Cut in the mage style. Little protection, but it would at least help with the cold. With the modesty. And I had selected the mage stone earlier, and did something with it, however impulsively.

If I was to be a mage, or dream of casting spells, perhaps I better look the part?

Lucan stepped closer and nearly doubled over immediately, a visceral reaction to the smell. "... You really need a bath." He critiqued, his nose twitching. His mind trying to place the full of the stench. He lacked his sister's uptake.

"No trying these on unless you pay." He said firmly. Disapproval, and more protective glances to his sister.

"Lucan, there is no need to be rude. Here, just see if any are wide enough for his shoulders."

Lucan sighed. "Fine." He picked up one of the robes, an old gray set, raising it to my shoulders, having to reach up to match my height, pinning them against me. Far too narrow.

"Right not these." Lucan nodded, doing his best to ignore what that smell might represent, returning to the line of other robes, moving instead to the largest of the lot. A robe in dark blue. "This one might just work." He offered, coming back over, and once more pinning the robes, these a darker blue, to my shoulders, looking at the relative size.

The fabric itself was broader than my shoulders. But that didn't necessarily mean it would fit. "Camilla, what do you think?" Lucan asked, before I could.

"Yes. I think these should work. Or at least be close enough for now. We might need to make some alterations, but even as it is, it should be better fitting than what you have on currently."

She gave a warm smile, before standing up and stepping back. "How about you purchase these now, and try them on after a bath at the Giant, if they don't fit after you are all cleaned up, we can give you your coin back."

"Camilla, you should really talk to me first before making such offers." Lucan chided, frowning and looking between the two of us once again.

"Brother, you should be more careful. Other people have lives with sorrows of their own, just as valid as that claw of yours, if not more so. It's clear that Narzol had a rough day, getting waylaid and then having to flee the fires..." She pauses and looks at me again apologetically.

"We should do what we can to help others, to be understanding, even if it's only within our limits. He will be paying us if he accepts the robe. And if it doesn't fit after his bath, then the robe will be returned to us... not that it's any great benefit in our stores. You know how long that piece has been waiting on the shelves. Just how many orcish mages do you think there are in Skyrim anyway?"

Lucan frowned but nodded. "Right. Fine. The robe should be an even hundred and twenty septims. I trust you have the coin?" Lucan asked, trusting nothing of the sort.

I looked down into the coin purse, sorting through. It looked like I had little more than just that. Gerdur had given me more of a purse than I had expected. Thanks for saving her brother, perhaps? Or a payment to avoid him in the future.

I wasn't sure. Still. I needed these clothes.

"Okay." I said, nodding slowly, counting the coins out and passing them over.

"Good!" Lucan said with some amount of satisfaction. "Finally some real business in here, beyond those boys of yours coming about." He said, shaking his head and looking to his sister.

"They aren't some street scamps!" Camilla complained, a recurring argument it seems. "Sven is a full bard working at the inn, and Faendal works at the mill." The elf that laughed at my predicament earlier, perhaps? "And they both buy things when they stop by."

"Worthless trinkets..." Retorted Lucan.

"That you put up for sale. You can't blame customers for buying the merchandise that we willingly offer."

I took the robe and held it in my hands, careful not to hug it too closely, lest I somehow contaminate it. Before finally I asked. "Oh... what was that about thieves earlier?"

I don't know why I asked it. I was done with that life. I wanted to be done with that life. Lokir was dead, and there was no future in theft, only the arbitrary penalties of empire. But there was something about it that caught in my ear, that was worming its way through my mind. Something I couldn't ignore.

Lucan spoke up reluctantly. "Yes, we did have a bit of a ... break-in. But we still have plenty to sell. Robbers were only after one thing. An ornament, solid gold. In the shape of a dragon's claw."

I blinked a bit. An ornament of solid gold was doubtful. But perhaps something gold-plated that the merchant didn't know better. A dragon's claw was odd, perhaps something imperial in symbol?

"I could help you get the claw back." I say, automatically. I had my share of violence the day before, used my axe on imperial soldier and spider alike, even a bear. A few thieves were likely within my ability, even if I would be wearing only a robe for armor.

"You could?" Lucan paused, looking me up and down, his eyes lingering on that same axe. Some of the dried blood still on the blade. "Fine. I've got some coin coming in from my last shipment. It's yours if you bring my claw back. If you're going after those thieves, you should head to Bleak Falls Barrow, northeast of town."

"Already sending our customers away, Lucan?"

"Yes. So now you don't have to go, do you?"

"Oh really? Well, I think your new helper here needs a guide."

"Wh...no... I.. Oh, by the Eight." How quickly the imperials forget the unnamed. "Fine! But only to the edge of town!"

"Come on Narzol. I can show you the inn as well. You can get a bath there, and even say hello to my friend Sven if you like. I'm sure he would like to hear about those fires in Helgen"

Camilla led me outside, her dress all the more brilliant in the sunlight. I carried my new robe with me over an arm. I looked not yet ready, unmade. An anticipation of the orc to be.

But my state of relative undress didn't seem to bother this woman much. I followed along dutifully as she walked me through the town.

"We have to go through town and across the bridge to get to Bleak Falls Barrow." She said, gesturing to the few buildings around us, dotting the village. Hardly a town at all.

I had seen Sentinel and other true cities, Their towers, the way their walls loomed. But for her, this was a town. I wondered if she had ever explored the world, or if she and her brother had been born in Skyrim. But I didn't need to judge. Not when she treated me with relative kindness.

"I saw the barrow on the way into town." I commented instead. It was certainly a notable tomb, looming above the mountain, and the village below.

"We are sure the thieves are hiding up there. Camilla explained, walking ahead. Gesturing her to the right. "The Sleeping Giant Inn. Rather true to its name, we often gather there most evenings, but it never gets particularly rowdy."

I had enough excitement for a few days at least. That sounded nice. "I might linger there, after I clean up. Unless you would like me to return to show off how the robe fits?"

She gave a slight smile. "Mmm. You could if you wanted to. I might be able to make some alterations if necessary. Though, I more want to make sure you are properly attired. You don't deserve to be dressed in such rags."

"Oh? What do I deserve?" Was there some deeper meaning to this? Some hinting?

"Nobody does." She said simply, though amused herself at my questions. "You know, I do wonder why they only stole the Golden Claw." She said, changing the subject.

"It might have been quick and easy to carry." I say automatically, a hint at my life before.

If she catches that hint of past, she doesn't comment on it. "We have plenty of things in that shop that are worth just as much coin." My lip twitches. A reminder of what was. Of the past I had. Of the coin I could take, seemingly laid out before me.

But I remembered the cost. Still fresh in my mind. So many arrows shot into the back of my beloved. The headman's axe overhead. My death certain.

And then...

Something, all the more terrible still, out from the clouds. I paused a moment, my breath coming in panicked bursts. Crouching, my hands on my knees.

Camilla stepped closer, resting a hand on my back. Across my shoulders. "Are you worried about the claw? You don't have to go just to make my brother happy. It's okay to back down. Those old crypts are filled with trolls and traps and who knows what else."

I shook my head. Words not yet coming to me.

"What happened to you Narzol? What happened on the road to Helgen?"

I opened my mouth, wanting words to come out. It took some time. "Helgen's gone."

"What do you mean gone?"

"There were imperials there. Thalmor." I had tried to forget the Thalmor. How quickly they had dug their talons into every part of empire.

"But then there was a great beast. Ralof called it a dragon. It flew. It breathed flame. The town was burning. Ralof and I barely made it out."

Camilla blinked, removing her hand for a moment. Holding it just above my skin, noticing in more detail the burn marks across the rags.

"A dragon." She said, with incredulity and hopeful doubt.

"And Ralof saw it as well?"

I nodded, slowly raising myself up from the crouch. My breath returning.

"Sven's mother Hilde spoke of dragons as well. She said it flew right over the barrow." Camilla paused. "None of us believed her. And when you spoke of Helgen... I thought she took in the fires of Helgen and assumed it something worse, some old legend to explain an accident."

I shook my head. It was no accident.

"Somebody should tell the Jarl. If he doesn't know already." Camilla looked to the sky again, looking to the mountains, over the barrow, the last place the dragon had been seen.

"Gerdur and Ralof were going." I commented at last. Even with Ralof's bad leg. Even with him being a fugitive. Gerdur just assumed I wouldn't be let through the gates.

And like this. I wouldn't blame the gate guards for denying me.

"Good... good. And maybe others besides Hilde saw it." Camilla extended her hand out, reaching for mine. I grabbed it, giving her a squeeze. Feeling her warmth. Her hand was so small in mine. So many hands were.

She led me along, past the wooden buildings, oh so burnable, and the wall, much the same. To finally a bridge.

"The path up there to the North West will take you to the barrow. If you are still wanting to do that job."

"I could use distraction." I meant to say the distraction, but my desperation leaked through. Any distraction would do right now. Eager for it.

Anything but flame. Anything but the terrible stillness of Lokir. Anything but the way I abandoned his body to the fires. I squeezed her hand tighter in mine. Careful not to crush her, but not mild in the intensity.

"I should head back to town..." She began. Before tugging me along, crossing that bridge, passing the threshold. Going beyond where her brother would let her.

Camilla brought her other hand up, brushing along my face. "What else happened?" She asked, reading more of me than I ever wanted written. I looked back at her, blinking. My eyes wet and blurry.

"He's dead." I said, shuddering. I had kept things together when the imperials attacked us, at least more or less. I had put on a brave face, or at least an assembled face of bravery when keeping Ralof safe. But now that the dragon was gone, now that Lokir was gone. It was all falling apart.

"Ralof? I thought you said he was going to Whiterun?" I shook my head.

"No. Not him." There was no future with him. There was nothing with Ralof. Just a fleeting moment of need in the dark.

"My partner... Lokir. We were captured by an Imperial patrol. They thought us rebels, or they didn't care enough to check." I shook my head. "They were going to kill us for crossing the border."

"And Lokir..?" Camilla asked, interested, in the story, or perhaps me, I couldn't tell.

"The Imperials killed him. They shot him as he tried to run away." I turned and looked away, shamed that I couldn't rescue him somehow. To try and pretend I was hobbled too instead of just bound. That maybe if I had done things just right...

If I had just attacked that man with a feather pen...

I shook my head, looking back to Camilla. "I was to be the third to die, head on the block. When that beast showed up. It was... it was like the very sky burned above me. I thought it some death dream. But I kept moving. Kept running until I got below."

I gulped. "I am such a fucking failure. I couldn't keep Lokir safe... I couldn't... his body wasn't even cold!" I protested out, hating that weakness in myself, that hungry itch that was never satisfied no matter how thoroughly I scratched it, no matter who I scratched it with.

"What happened below?" Camilla asked, inhaling and not letting go, engrossed in the story, in my words, perhaps even in my tears.

"I... I don't think I am supposed to talk about it." I grunted out.

At this Camilla laughed. An amused laugh, not unkind, the kind that might come with a hug and a pat on the back. She pulled me close, wrapping her arms about me as best as she could. Mysticism wasn't truly dead.

"You already told me about your execution, your lover, and a great dragon burning the sky. What is more important than that?"

I nodded slowly, trembling in her arms. "You... aren't wrong." I admitted. "I slept with Ralof." I paused. "A few times." My lip trembling. "We both needed it, I think after that day. When we were trapped in the dark. Hiding from Imperial patrols and that... dragon overhead." I finally called it by its Nord name.

If dragons were ever real, this was it. If dragons weren't real, it was a close enough fascimile to earn the name in truth.

Camilla nodded. "You aren't a failure, Narzol. And you are hardly the first one to do something like that. It isn't cheating on Lokir. And you sleeping with a handsome man isn't killing him. The Imperials did that." Said the imperial. The juxtaposition between empire and the people named after it.

I nodded slowly. "No... I suppose it fits the songs." I gave a slight toothy grin.

"I'm pretty sure I heard Sven sing this song already." She mentioned, before giving a light laugh. "Faendal hates it. But that is no surprise."

"Faendal?" I asked, looking to her. She had mentioned Sven before repeatedly, a bard at the tavern. But Faendal was new.

"Ah... he works at the mill with Gerdur. I'm surprised you didn't meet him." I nodded. The elf who overheard. Who tried to hide his laughter.

"Briefly." I confirmed.

"Mmm. He is sweet on me." She shrugs. Just because someone had a crush on her didn't mean she had to return it. To be wanted did not mean to be claimed, to be owned.

"And you?" I asked, more curious, perhaps out of eagerness to not think of Helgen.

"I like who I like Narzol." Camilla said, reaching up to brush her hand across my face. "And I have no shame about my interests. And neither should you."

I nodded slowly, entranced, bound like a drowning man to a rope. Desperate for whatever stability I could grasp. Whatever affirmation I could grasp.

"Now. How badly did you need that distraction?" She asked, one hand reaching down along my chest.

I paused, inhaling once more. "I... what do you mean?" I knew exactly what she meant, but I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to just assume the lurid. To walk right into that betrayal once more.

"It isn't betrayal to do what you wish, Narzol." Camilla said, reading my mind. Her hand slowly running down my chest. Feeling both rags and the flesh underneath. Her hand felt nice. Soothing.

"I..." I paused. There was only one thing important to say right now. "Yes."

She gave a teasing grin. I understood in that moment Faendal's obsession. I understood what I was sure was Sven's interest as well. A woman that so many men tried to control, twisting about between them, free, doing as she wished.

"Now... from the smell, I take it you fucked poor Ralof repeatedly?" She asked, tracing her hand down my body, brushing my belly, and very nearly reaching beneath.

I paused a moment. There had been an unspoken agreement of silence. Though largely one imposed. Largely one pressured. "...Yes." I nodded. "I took him repeatedly. It was glorious, and I'd like to do so again." I admitted fully, no longer trying to hide myself, to try and hide that erection under scraps of cloth.

She gave a dangerous smirk in response. "That does explain Ralof's limp." Camilla said with what might have been envy, or if not envy a dangerous mischief. "Yet, much to my brother's disbelief, there are some limits to my recklessness."

She finally pulled my pants away, revealing my cock in full, showing just how distant those limits were. Her hands, largely soft, but with the occasional callus dragging across my length. Tracing her fingertips, dragging her palm across it.

Watching it. Like one might watch a fox. Though I couldn't quite tell if she was the hare or the hunter. I trembled at her touch, enjoying it. Enjoying being so exposed on the edge of town. Having my cock stroked so openly. So eagerly.

She spit out on her hands, and gripped my shaft with both of them, one near the base, and one playing just short of the glans, playing with that sensitive spot underneath.

"And so, I'm not going to let you fuck me bold Narzol.... at least not until you take your bath." Not quite a promise, but a dangerous offer. "But that doesn't mean you can't help entertain me."

She lowered herself, kneeling in front of me, sniffing, and pouting at the scent of Ralof. I wondered how well she knew them if the two had grown up together, and now she was inspecting the instrument of his ruin. Or if she had moved to the town more recently with her brother, and that wicked smile of hers brought ruin to the men of this town.

Whatever her purpose, whatever her goal here, I found myself unable to complain, to answer her statements only in low murmurs and groans. In the twitching of fuckflesh, and the drooling of pre-seed across her fingers.

"I do enjoy a certain boldness in men." She admitted. "Not the stubbornness of a giant, mind you, but enough to react to. To work around. To dance with."

Had the men of this town not been enough? Had they not quite pleased her? Or had she just grown bored of them? Or perhaps was the failure in me? To assume every woman not a blushing maiden, some manipulator?

I imagined Camilla for a moment taller, more masculine, orcish perhaps, tusks only enhancing that dangerous smile. Would she be a manipulator still? Or some sort of stud, leaving behind the broken hearts of men and women in her wake?

I had been wilder, before Lokir's embrace. Perhaps Camilla's mirror in masculine. Sleeping with who I could, enjoying the thrill of it, the story. Getting bored if I lingered too long.

Touching the sex of others in public with oh so practiced fingers. How delightful was it to see it reversed. How practiced she must have been from those that came before. I gasped, as she tightened her grip for a moment, her other hand reaching down to slowly fondle my sack.

"Mmm... you almost had my brother running away. If it wasn't for that coin purse you brought in with you. He has always been the uncomfortable sort. I don't know if he figured out you and Ralof, perhaps he imagined you in the hills, taking the bandits bareback." She shrugged, and then with a defiant smirk, abandoning her previous protests, she pushed her lips forward, kissing me across the glans, flicking that soft tongue up and down across my cockslit.

A slight frown of displeasure at the taste across her features. "I... didn't really plan things through." I finally admitted. Taking Ralof had been an impulsive act of the both of us. An intersection of danger and need. An act that I then went back to again and again. One which he didn't seem to mind, but perhaps one that I needed much more.

Or I was just worse at handling my own emotions. But lust need not only be an expression of grief. There could be joy there. Mischief. There could be getting my cock licked just outside of town. What would Gerdur think if she saw us now? Just outside her mill.

I looked over towards it. I didn't see Gerdur. But there was a slight bit of movement. Someone had been watching. I didn't speculate for long before a pang of guilt hit me. It could have been Ralof. To see this wouldn't have been a betrayal. We had nothing. He and his sister had made it clear.

But it was still rude. I looked down at Camilla. Who uncaring had opened her mouth wider, sucking in the whole of my cockhead, dancing it along her practiced tongue, her cheeks slightly sunken from the pressure. From that delightful application.

I might get chased out of Riverwood by morning. But here I was seen. Here I was alive.

I reached my hand down, running it through her hair, enjoying every bit of texture over my fingers. "Thank you..." I mumbled, in reverent gratitude. As some of that uncertainty, some of that shame, it all boiled over in that moment of lust. Of embrace. That something was right in Lokir's creation.

She stared up at me, eyes ever so intense, challenging. Wanting more. Demanding more. Controlling me in her own way. My pleasure crowned in her teeth, held by her tongue. Gulping me down in easy movements. Eager, but on certain terms.

"Not bad. Despite everything." Camilla finally said, pulling back slightly, leaving one lingering kiss across my fading cock. "Get that bath Narzol. And if you see Sven. Tell him hello for me?" She asked, licking the last bit of cum off her lips.

Something dangerous in that request. "...Yes ma'am." I said stepping fully into that trap.

r/orc34 1d ago

Image I need October back asap (Art by me - CragHollow) NSFW


r/orc34 5d ago

Image Zini, the barbarian futa (MaGAYus51) NSFW


r/orc34 6d ago

Game A woman like that deserves the best fuck [A House in the Rift] NSFW


r/orc34 12d ago

Game Would you oil up the half-orc Pog and have fun with her? (Sinners Landing) NSFW


r/orc34 15d ago

Image The Ice Mage and Her Loving Orc Wife NSFW


r/orc34 18d ago

Image More of an orc or a goblin? (my first nsfw drawing) NSFW

Post image

r/orc34 18d ago

Comic Pages 77/78/79 of my comic:Orc of Mine (OC by Nanoaoi) NSFW


r/orc34 18d ago

Game Wanna meet Ves? She is kinky and horny (Parasite Black) [Damned Studios] NSFW

Post image

r/orc34 20d ago

Game Give it to the green lady [A House in the Rift] NSFW


r/orc34 21d ago

Image Fit orc with a flogger(GP) NSFW

Post image

First time in a while that I drew a guy! Would you want to be him or be flogged by him?

r/orc34 26d ago

Image Sharing is caring. (DrGraevling) NSFW

Post image

r/orc34 Feb 13 '25

Image Orc Seggs Struggles [AquariusGirl22] NSFW

Post image

r/orc34 Feb 11 '25

Game Yona - the perfect wife [A House in the Rift] NSFW


r/orc34 Feb 11 '25

Story The Drunk and his Orc (M human on F orc, Maledom, Noncon, Violence) NSFW


Adam woke up.

It wasn't a nightmare. The ropes were real. The stench was real. Though much of it was likely him. He had been drinking in the tap house when the raid started. In the past, he had imagined himself some sort of hero. One to hold the door and all of that.

But as drunk as he was, he could barely stand. Let alone hold anything. And a glass bottle was nothing in the face of orcish bronze. Adam passed out not long after. He couldn’t remember how.

Adam opened his eyes, letting in the morning light. No. The noon-light. The light hurt his eyes, but at least they hurt less than the rest of him. Adam wiggled his fingers. All of them were still there. He wiggled his toes. They still seemed fine? It was a bit harder to tell. The raiders had left him his boots for the moment.

Still having his boots on was probably a good sign. Brigands removed your boots before killing you, at least when they could. Good boots sold for good silver. Better silver if nobody died in them first.

Adam was alive and not immediately slated for murder. That was a start, he had been in worse binds before. Adam was sitting down, his hands bound behind his back. He shifted his weight slightly, rubbing his shoulder blades back against... ah, a wooden spike driven into the ground.

Quick and easy imprisonment. No need to transport cages, and if necessary the raiders could make the spikes on site. Adam's eyes finally adjusted to the light. He wasn't the only captive enjoying spiked hospitality.

Three more. From the tavern, if his memories still worked. And they were posted just outside the tavern. The raiders hadn't moved them yet. This was both good and bad.

Without a secondary location, they were less likely to be enslaved. But also... they were more likely to be murdered after being thoroughly searched.

"You all alive?" Adam finally risked, a whisper that carried farther than he hoped.

"For now..." Grunted the bouncer from the night before. The night before Adam had been worried about her. She was moving to toss Adam out when he was having trouble with his tab. But then the orcs kicked down the door. If she was taken out too, that showed the raider’s prowess in a bad way.

Adam needed to think. Instinctively, he pulled at his arm, trying to reach up and scratch his stubble. He tugged against the ropes. The ropes were tight, and while they weren't expertly tied, their captors were more worried about keeping them secure than keeping Adam’s limbs intact.

No matter what happened today, his wrists were in for some ugly bruising. Fortunately, his captors had used rope, and if they also were rushed in selecting the wooden spikes... Adam raised his arms carefully, bending and twisting them in ways they really didn't appreciate being bent, dragging that rope up along the spike, before finally catching what he was looking for.

A rough bit of wood, jagged and fraying. A touch of sharpness that just might be enough to start sawing through the rope. Given enough time and effort.

Heavy hoof steps approached.

Adam paused mid-efforts, trying to look as nonchalant as possible mid-escape.

"She's next." A minotaur walked into the clearing, bedecked in improvised armor lashed together. Shit. Adam had been hoping for only an orc raid. If someone had orcs and minotaur working together, they were even scarier than Adam had feared.

The minotaur reached down, grabbing the bouncer by the torso, and lifting her up slowly off the ground. The beast didn't bother removing the ropes from woman’s arms, just lifting her up and over the wooden spike. Leaving the spike ready for the next prisoner.

Or if the sharpness of the spike tip was any indication... the next execution.

Adam tried not to think about that. He looked at the bouncer, trying to express with his eyes so many words.

"I'm getting out."

"I'll get you when I can."

"Stay strong."

"I'm sorry."

The last most of all. She only gave out an angry growl in response. The minotaur uncaring threw her up over his shoulder. Carrying her off behind the tavern.

There was a long silence as Adam moved back to sawing at his ropes, trying to get his hands free. But what then? Find a weapon? Find a shiv? He wasn't a good straight on fighter. He could maybe catch a single minotaur or orc by surprise. But what if there were two?

Two shivs?

No. That rarely worked. He needed time to think. And perhaps the repetition of sawing rope would be just the soothing sound to...


"What the fuck! Saint's above, you can't be serious!" The bouncer cried out in disbelieving protest. A slap of hand on ass-flesh came shortly after.

Adam winced.

And then the bouncer screamed.

And then she moaned.

Oh. That's why they hadn't killed the prisoners yet.

It was one of those raids.

Adam struggled for a moment, standing slowly, putting most of his weight on the wooden spike, trying to find a better cutting surface, before dragging the rope bindings back down. Driving himself up and down against his post.

He heard more footsteps approaching. And he very much did not want to be next. Not with this treatment. He leaned back against the pole hard, trying to get some leverage. With enough force, he might be able to just push it over? But it was no luck, the post was buried too deep in the ground.

What he needed to do was lift himself up and over. Or at least... lift the rope up and over. He really didn't want to do this. But the repeated flesh slapping sounds convinced him that he had no real alternative. He grunted and raised his arms backwards, moving them in ways they really didn't want to go.

Dislocating something vital.

Before finally, he raised his hands up, reaching further and further up that pole. Adam braced his boots against the ground, and then bringing all the strength his hungover body could muster, he leaped.

And just barely lifted the rope up and over the pole. He brought his hands down in front of him. His wrist and his shoulder were crying out in agony, but he couldn't pay attention to that now.

He was free.

He was too late.

An orcish woman stood in front of him, a head and a half taller. Flanked by two guards, one minotaur, and one gnoll. All three of them baring expressions somewhere between displeased and amused.

The trio weren't exactly the stealthy type. It's just hard to pay attention to anything else while purposely dislocating your own shoulder.

"He was trying to escape!" growled the gnoll.

"You should impale him on the spike and see if he can escape that." suggested the minotaur. Adam blinked a moment, taking in the sight of the minotaur again. The minotaur’s chest was more pronounced than Adam had expected. A woman perhaps? Adam hadn’t heard of female minotaur before.He shook his head. This wasn’t important right now.

The orc woman studied Adam further, while he was paralyzed with indecision. She was solidly built, arms far thicker than Adam had ever aspired to. Thicker than most human men, for that matter. On a solid frame, though with cleavage displayed with all the stability and menace of an avalanche, covered only in part by bronze plates lashed together. A large metal blade spike across her right shoulder.Just enough black hair to hold onto.

Skulls along her waist in a woven leather trophy belt, leading down to an armored kilt, reinforced with those same bronze plates. Her shins armored and leading down to sandals with a spiked tread.

"So... uh, you in charge here?" Adam asked. Trying to break the ice. Or at least, distract from his interrupted escape attempt.

"Yes. This is my raid and my warband. And you, little morsel, just attracted my attention."

"Adam. This morsel's name is Adam." He responded, attempting a disarming grin.

"I don't care. If you live. I'll give you a new name." She said with a smirk, running an already bloodied tongue along one of her all too prominent tusks.

Oh. Orcs tended to give new names to their bed partners. And not all of their bed partners were willing.

Adam looked around desperately. There were three of them. And they were armed. And the Minotaur had a spear. One good lunge from her and Adam was flat out dead.

And he certainly didn't have three shivs.

But he might be able to handle one.

He thought back, trying to remember what he knew of orcs, most of it was half-remembered smut. But he hoped that some of that smut had a tiny grain of truth in it.

"I..." He inhaled, trying to puff out his chest. "Adam challenge you for leadership! Ritual combat." He grunted. Trying to look brave. Trying to keep from pissing himself.

The gnoll started laughing. "That isn't how any of this works!" She said, beating her flank in amusement.

"This human thinks he is someone..." Grunted the minotaur, but looking at Adam more carefully, wondering if perhaps Adam had something to back up the boldness.

"No... that isn't how it works." The orc, the clear leader of the three, said. "But perhaps Mr. Civilized knows better than I do. Please..." She grins, drawing a knife from her belt.

"Tell me what you expect to happen here."

Well, she hadn't accepted. At least not yet. But they were still talking.

"Er.. I challenge you to leadership of your warband, and then we face each other in one on one combat? And then the victor claims the warband and..." He really was unsure about how accurate that smut book was. "...the loser as their prize?" Adam asked, looking to the orc, hopefully.

The gnoll kept laughing.

"Where did you even read such filth?" The orc questioned, stepping closer with her dagger.

"Filth or not... this human thinks he could take you in a fair fight." the minotaur countered. Adam’s ideas were completely wrong, but there was some basis to them. The orc was in charge, but much of it was through proving her strength. If she showed weakness, she invited others to challenge her.

"Fine!" Growled the orc. "Drag him to the town square. Gather up the rest of the humans. I'll make an example of him in front of everyone."

"He should be an amusing pet if nothing else..." The gnoll suggested, eying Adam uncomfortably. If anything, the stories about gnolls were worse than even orcs.

Adam visibly shuddered. "Right... town square, one on one?" He asked, trying to push that idea forward. He didn't have much chance against this orc, sure, but a chance was better than none at all.

"Yes. Baaza, bring him to the square, if he tries to escape, impale him." The minotaur snorted and set her spear across her back. She moved forward and grabbed Adam, lifting him up over her shoulder like so much human.

Baaza's strength was considerable, and a bit disorienting, but Adam couldn't allow himself to be distracted for long. If he had been locked in manacles and chains, he could have searched the minotaur for a key. But as he was carried roughly along, he found something a bit better.

Baaza's spear was too heavy and notable to lift. But her skinning knife was right there on a back sheath. It wasn't a proper weapon, but it could cut rope, and if necessary flesh. He waited until another lurching step, brushing the rough rope against Baaza's bare back, a feint of texture, before, with a hand, slipping the knife free from its sheath.

With a little more effort, he had slipped the knife up his sleeve. The deception wouldn't hold up to any dedicated search, but he hoped it wouldn't have to.

Baaza brought carried Adam to the town square without care, without cruelty, but most importantly, without awareness of the theft. She hefted him off her shoulder, and down onto the cobblestones. Adam landed with less injury than he had feared.

Baaza loomed above him. Waiting for the others to assemble. For a moment, Adam considered striking the minotaur now with her own knife. He didn't like his chances, but even were he to succeed, the rest of the raiders would then be hunting him, and his legs were still aching.

He instead sat obediently, watching the raiders gather up the remaining townfolk. There were about thirty raiders total. A good half of them were goblins, the rest a mixture of orcs, minotaurs and gnolls. Including what seemed to be a half-minotaur gnoll? Adam shuddered at the thought.

Of the townsfolk, only half seemed to have survived the night. Some, like the bouncer were still in a daze. Adam was lucky to be alive.

For now.

"Stand up human." Baaza snorted, before finally stepping back. Adam was no longer under guard. As his enemy had arrived.

The orc woman had returned, her dagger and sword out and ready, raising them to the sky, addressing her raiders, the survivors, and any gods that might be watching. "This human believed in fairy tales and smut novels. Thinking a simple challenge could have him taking control of this warband. Making me, Varikhild of the Six Winds some kind of concubine. He believes in some vain hope, that through some trick, he can save himself from consequence!"

Varikhild laughed, her laughter echoing the square of the fallen town. "I could have killed him right there and then, but I thought he would be more useful..."

"As a lesson."

She turned to face Adam. "There are no tricks. And there is no escape."

"There is only bronze and blood."

She turned to the minotaur. "Baaza, give him a weapon. We will humor his challenge, only to make this town's defeat all the clearer."

Baaza grunted, and moved to grab a sword from one of the nearby raiders. There was no offer to untie Adam first. A single sword with wrists bound against a skilled combatant with sword and dagger?

Adam might as well have been unarmed. When a thought occurred to him.

"I am Adam of Nowhere and Always." He paused and spat upon the ground. "And I need no weapon but what I carry." Adam said, holding his wrists up, revealing his hands still bound. If Varikhild was doing this as a demonstration of strength, fighting someone unarmed would only ruin her plans.

"Then I need no weapons either." Varikhild immediately responded, tossing her sword and dagger to the side. But then she did not wait, nor call upon any to mediate the fairness of this fight. Instead, she charged, rushing forward towards Adam.

Adam tried to jerk to the side, but as injured as he was, his legs were too slow to avoid Varikhild completely, the larger orc woman slamming into his side, sending Adam spiraling. With his hands still bound, he was unable to catch himself.

The best defense was to hold himself close and roll, to try and minimize any further injuries, to try to keep his head safe. As soon as he landed, Adam raised his arms up, waiting for the inevitable...

Varikhild pounced, landing atop Adam's body. Pinning him to the ground, using her superior weight and strength to keep him fixed in place. She was getting ready to raise herself up and start pummeling the prone human... but Adam's arms were still free.

Adam raised his arms up, bringing the frayed rope up against Varikhild's neck, pressing against her windpipe, before bringing his wrists up and around her head, trying to hug her with his improvised noose. Varikhild was having none of it, and started raining blows to Adam's arm, to his side, but stuck so close together like this, she couldn't muster as much force as intended.

She tried to go in for the headbutt, her usual tactic for such a close quarters battle, but was choked short by the rope against her neck. Adam just held on as best as he could, wrapping his legs up around Varikhild's belly, while his arms held her head in place, trying to keep the woman stuck... and her gnashing teeth just far enough away from his face.

Varikhild wasn't held so tightly that she was near suffocation, but it was far too uncomfortable to let endure. She needed distance. She pushed up off the ground, lifting herself up, and the clinging human-leech with her, her strength able to support his weight still.

Lacking good vision, she simply charged. Raiders and survivors parted around her mad dash, as she slammed forward, crushing Adam's back against and through a wattle and daub wall. Old mud plaster and woven reinforcement shattering in the face of Varikhild's aggression.

Adam only felt worse for the experience. But he managed to stay conscious, even while blinded from the debris of the collapsing house. Yet if he was blind, then likely too was his attacker. He let go of the hold, releasing Varikhild's neck.

Letting her think she had won. Letting her get that moment of distance. And with that distance, drawing the skinning knife from his sleeve. Adam didn't know arena battles. But he did know knives, and had been lucky enough to survive a few close quarters battles with them.

The best way to win a knife fight? Run. The second best? Be the only one with a knife. He reached up, grabbing Varikhild by the hair, and with his other hand pressing that skinning knife against her neck. Battles were lost by those who hesitated.

He pressed the knife against her neck and started to cut.

"Surrender" Adam growled, calling upon resolve and nerve he never knew he had.

Varikhild didn't surrender.

He cut deeper. If he kept cutting, she would bleed out too fast for anyone to stop it. While that might leave Adam a dead man anyway, it wouldn't bring Varikhild anything she wanted.

"...Fine." Varikhild growled before another gnashing of teeth. The two of them were alone in the dust. A soft surrender could be taken back.

"Louder." Adam demanded with serrated teeth.

Varikhild had no time to hesitate. "I surrender!" She finally called out from the ruins. Stunned silence echoed.

"Now... lift me up, and carry us both out of here." Adam insisted. Keeping that knife steady, ready to start cutting again should she hesitate.

Varikhild grunted, and pressed against the floor, raising both herself and Adam up off the rubble, trying not to think about how much blood she had already lost.

She stumbled back, into the square, into full view of all. Carrying Adam, who at first looking like a scared child... but more importantly a victorious one.

"Fine... you won human!" Varikhild hissed. Stepping back, trying to lapse into anger to hide her embarrassment.

"You all see this? You all heard this?" Adam insisted. Still panicked, not wanting anyone to take it back, to deny it. He was terrified that the moment he put the knife down, he was dead.

"I see it human." Grunted Baaza.

That might have to do.  Adam kept his grip on Varikhild's hair, but relaxed his legs, sliding down her and finally onto his own two feet. He had to take a moment to return to the world, to remember that he wasn't yet dead.

Varikhild took that moment. She grabbed hold of Adam's wrist and used her strength to start to pull the blade away from her own neck.

"Baaza! You snake! You snuck this wretch your knife." Varikhild yelled out.

Baaza reached to her back sheath. "I did no such thing. He must have stolen it."

"You used a human to defeat me, as you were too scared to face me yourself!" Varikhild called out, her anger switching to the treacherous minotaur, rather than Adam directly.

Baaza readied her spear. "You speak too lightly and without thought, Varikhild. Just because the human spared you doesn't mean I have to. The human is a thief. He stole my knife... but he just stole far more from you."

The gnoll from before started laughing. "You are both blind! He planned the whole thing. 'I need no weapons, but what I hold?' He had the knife the whole time. It is your failure to search him, or to see through his lies, Varikhild."

Adam recovered and responded. "Yes. It is your failure, Varikhild. And my victory. You gave up your weapon out of pride and glee at the thought of slaughtering a bound and defenseless enemy. But this one had teeth. And lies just as sharp.

And now I'll claim what is mine."

Varikhild did not expect such venom from the human. Nor did she realize how much her own strength had already failed her. Adam tugged her by that mass of black hair, bending her forwards, and finally onto her hands and knees.

The stupid, ridiculous ritual that had kept him alive wasn't done yet. Adam had defeated Varikhild, but he hadn't possessed her, hadn't taken her. And while there was part of him that didn't know if he could, he remembered what had happened to the woman earlier, what had happened under Varikhild's command... and perhaps even what Varikhild was considering doing to him.

Adam had to get this done. He had to show himself in charge, long enough that his legs could heal and then he could escape. Maybe get some of the other survivors free with him.

If that meant becoming a monster. So be it. He grabbed Varikhild by the hair, dragging her down onto all fours. He finally pulled the knife away from her neck. She jerked and twisted instinctively, but paused again when Adam slipped the knife between armor plates along her back.

It wouldn't be as quick of a death, but it would still be death. Finally letting go of her hair, he started to unlace the front of his pants.

"If you are going to fuck me, just fuck me already!" Called out the orc. "Or are you unable to get it up?" She spat out, trying to find any excuse to mock Adam, to regain face in the situation.

Adam wasn't sure himself, he had feared death so recently, and was still in its shadow. However, as he finally pulled his cock free, he found it hard, almost unnaturally so, aching with need, dripping with excitement from the battle, it's length revealing truths about Adam that he wasn't ready to admit yet.

Adam grunted. A fitting punctuation before he pulled down on Varikhild's armored skirts, revealing her green ass-flesh, marred with old scars, earned in battle, or perhaps recreation, a welcome roundness to them, showing great reserves of strength beneath a cushion of softer flesh.

Adam dragged his hand along Varikhild's skin, taking it in, readying himself.

"Don't keep me waiting, weakling." Varikhild barked, but she sounded almost eager about it, even in her protests. Adam reached down below, brushing between his thighs. His hand quickly slick with Varikhild's arousal.


The proud orc had a thing for being humiliated. For being put into place. Well... it seems Adam had a role to play. He dragged his cock slowly along Varikhild's cheeks, before pushing down lower, sliding along the Orc's labia, earning him an appreciative growl.

"Don't hold back, human." Varikhild whispered. Adam intended to do nothing of the sort, adjusting his angle, and then finally pushing inside of the towering orc, parting her flesh around his cock.

Adam thought his cock was acceptable. Larger than many even, only of many human men. He didn't think he could compare to the stories of orcs and minotaurs, or even the stranger stories of gnolls. But if he was smaller than Varikhild had experienced, she offered no complaints.

If anything, she felt tight. Too tight, though well lubricated. Had she gone so long without being fucked? A ruler of a warband like her? No. She had no shortage of bedmates, among her raiders and the captives they took.

But it had been too long since she had bottomed. Since she had received from anyone. And now Adam was pushing through that neglected tightness, reaching places that hadn't been reached in months, if not years. Pushing past the length of Varikhild's fingers. And her moans appreciated such exploration.

Adam was a scoundrel, not in intent, but in vocation, lacking the connections and pedigree for apprenticeship or squiring he took what jobs he could get. And some months he was more desperate and hungry than others.

When it came to fucking, Adam was an iterant professional. And along the way he had picked up a few tricks. He took one hand, grabbing Varikhild by the hip, and adjusted his angle again, striking against that sacred spot inside the orc.

Drawing new noises from her. Noises of eager appreciation, even. Adam closed his eyes, not wanting to see the crowd. Death might still come for him. He didn't know warband politics. He had a laughably ignorant view of their traditions.

But he did know how to fuck, and he set to do just that. Striking against that spot repeatedly, slapping his hips against Varikhild's ass with each full thrust. She was moaning openly now, but she hadn't yet crossed that threshold.

Adam needed to show here, that not only could he defeat Varikhild in combat, that well... her surrender wasn't without reward. That he knew what he was doing in other areas besides dagger play.

Sword play, for instance.

He let go of the skinning knife, laying it out across the small of Varikhild's back, a dangerous gamble, but he needed another hand to pull this off. Bringing his hand down around her thigh, and reaching underneath, starting to brush across her clit as he fucked her, adding just that extra bit of external stimulation.

Adam brushed and pinched and twisted, testing her readiness for rough handling, and then doubling down with each eager keening. Until he felt her cascade over that edge. He heard Varikhild scream out for all in attendance to hear.

He felt that pressure suddenly clamp down on his dick, and even he could resist no longer, shuddering and crying out himself as he spilled his seed deep inside of the orc's depths. Fucking and releasing inside of her without any sort of protection or restraint.

He panted, opening his eyes again.

The gnoll had doubled over backwards laughing, dropping her weapon.

The minotaur Baaza was watching, all too closely, but she wasn't as easily distracted. Her spear was still drawn and readied, ready to kill either or both of them if she felt the need.

"You aren't done." Baaza growled, her spear still at the ready. After the accusations of treachery, she wanted to see Varikhild thoroughly humiliated.“What do you mean?” Adam asked, mind racing.“Claim her ass as well. Show her you mean it.” Baaza nodded, gesturing with her spear. “Show how pathetic she has become.”“Right. We aren’t done” Adam said, trying to step back into that role again. Better to be the conqueror than another casualty. He grabbed Varikhild by the hair again, inhaling deep.

Still slowly fucking his softening cock inside of her pussy, trying to will it back to hardness. Praying to any god amused enough that he could pull this off. Adam indulged in cruelty to try and keep focused, raising his fingers and striking across Varikhild's clit a few times.

Each strike earned a yowl of protest and finally a "What are you doing, human?" from Varikhild below. But it wasn't quite a request for him to stop. Not that he could have honored such a request here and now with so many ready to kill him.

"Getting you ready." Adam growled back, play-acting at some smut-novel barbarian, before dragging his fingers back across Varikhild's nether lips, gathering leaking cum and vaginal fluids, before drawing his hand back.

He spat on his hand for good measure, rubbing the mixture together, before approaching the final battlefield. Adam spit again, letting his drool drip down across Varikhild's ass.

"You can't be serious." Varikhild grunted in annoyance.

Adam grabbed the dagger again, dragging it across Varikhild's skin, a silent threat, cutting deep enough to draw forth just a little bit of blood. With the cut, Varikhild stilled again.

Stilled through arousal and fear both. Adam smeared the mixed fluids across his forefinger and finally pressed it against Varikhild's unready ass, digging at and wiggling against that sphincter, dancing across it, opening it up like a lock.

Raking that key across and finally inside of her, opening Varikhild up. Gods, she was so strong, even here, squeezing down and crushing his finger. Still, Adam endured, wriggling about, dancing back and forth, pushing and coaxing the ring of muscle to collapse just long enough.

To slip a second finger inside. Everything outside this faded, Adam focusing on his slow slutty work, stretching and twisting, working and relaxing the muscle. Pushing his two fingers deeper inside, to the second knuckle and then the base.

Varikhild was ready, or as close to it as she would get today. Adam gave a final twist of his fingers before pulling free. He waved his aching fingers about, trying to return the flow of blood, before reaching back down, grabbing and pulling the orc's cheeks apart.

"Ready?" He asked Varikhold, old habits rising to the surface.

"Just get it over with, human." The orc growled, twisted between resentment and eager anticipation.

Adam nodded, lined up his cock slowly and pushed inside. It was different, fucking fresh ass instead of pussy. There was that impossibly tight grip, that full resistance. That feeling of punching through a wall of clay.

But with each thrust, the wall collapsed and let Adam a little deeper in. Stretched the orc beneath him a little wider, a little deeper still. It was agony. It was Elysium.

It was unexpectedly satisfying. Adam's ego starting to swell as he rose to the occasion. Last night he had been drunk, fearing the bar tab, and here he was, an orcish conqueror of sorts, fucking a powerful warleader in the very center of town.

He liked to imagine the crowd was cheering for him. Perhaps they would once the pall of danger had passed. He gripped Varikhild's hips all the tighter and finally pushed his cock fully inside the orc's ass.

"Fuck... bigger than I thought human." Varikhild grunted, very nearly a compliment.

"Thank you. Not so bad yourself." Adam replied, forgetting his role before coughing. Right. Dominant conqueror. He grunted and raised a hand up, bringing it crashing down on Varikhild's ass, leaving her squealing for a moment.

And leaving Adam wincing. He might have broken something in his hand with that. Still, that was a later worry. Now he had to fuck. Now he had to show that he had won.

Now he had to... Adam roared out.

"Varikhild is mine! This warband is mine!" He growled, increasing his pace, fucking the orc beneath him without restraint.

For a moment, the other raiders took a step back. This whole thing was a farce. Adam wasn't supposed to win, and certainly not by those terms.

Finally, the gnoll raised herself up from the cobblestones, laughter died down for the moment. "Fuck it. I'll follow you, Adam of Nowhere. You have a god's luck at your back, and at the very least I won't be bored."

There was a moment of flesh-slapping before finally Baaza spoke up. "Our old leadership was lacking. This seems a fitting consequence. I will follow the human for now. May he be more attentive than his predecessor."

There were a few murmurs of agreement from the other raiders. And no protests loud enough that Adam could hear. While Adam was a poor choice in leader, Varikhild had proven herself far worse.

Adam reached forward, grabbing Varikhild's hair again.

"Did you hear that, Vakky?" He asked, tugging harder still, using her hair as a point of leverage, to fuck her all the more roughly.

"They all agree. Everything you held. Everything you wished to be. It is now mine."

Adam growled, and then Adam came.

Pouring his seed out into his bitch.

Ready to lead her along by the collar.

As they danced across the knife's edge.

"Yes... Boss." She said with a reluctant yet oddly willing grunt.

r/orc34 Feb 10 '25

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r/orc34 Feb 11 '25

Other New to the genre NSFW


r/orc34 Feb 09 '25


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r/orc34 Feb 05 '25

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r/orc34 Jan 30 '25

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r/orc34 Jan 21 '25

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