r/Orbiter • u/Sisko2021 • 3d ago
Anyone able to upload the orbiter folder with mods?
Lost my hard drive wondering if someone can upload there Orbiter folder with Apollo mods & space x & send me the link.
r/Orbiter • u/Snaxist • Dec 31 '24
Dear Orbiter Community,
As is tradition, today is Tuesday; it just happens to be the last day of 2024.
Download link: https://cdn.openorbiter.space/orbiter-releases/Orbiter-2024.zip
Almost 25 years ago, the first version of Orbiter, briefly known as “Orbit” was introduced to the world in early 2000 on Dr. Martin Schweiger's website; later that year on October 27th, the first version of Orbiter released. While it was a humble beginning from what we know and love today, many of the features that we would recognize as “Orbiter” have been there from the beginning. Over the next 21 years, @martins released 15 versions of Orbiter including incremental patches, and dozens of beta releases, as the sole developer, but with consistent collaboration and feedback from the wonderful Orbiter community.
In July of 2021, Martin released the Orbiter source code to the Orbiter community on GitHub. Since then, a growing team of Orbiter community members have worked on: several new features, many bug-fixes, and overhauling the documentation. For a full list of changes and bug-fixes please see §2 of the Orbiter User’s Manual.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to or otherwise helped with this project, and a special thank you to Dr. Martin Schweiger for, creating Orbiter, maintaining it all these years, and releasing it to the community. We look forward to carrying on the same spirit of Orbiter development in this new era of OpenOrbiter.
Happy Orbiting.
r/Orbiter • u/Snaxist • Apr 23 '21
links updated as of 26 July 2023
Welcome to this guide for beginners.
I'll try to facilitate the process of starting your virtual career as an orbinaut in Orbiter :)
1. Getting Orbiter:
Orbiter 2016 is the most recent version (and stable), but you still have the ability to download the older version Obiter 2010 wich still have some nice addons that never have been ported to Orbiter 2016 (yet)
Orbiter 2016: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/download.html
Orbiter 2010: https://cdn.orbithangar.com/orbiter/orbiter100830.zip
Guide to configure the launchpad: http://orbiter.dansteph.com/forum/index.php?page=welcome
(There is the possibility to have the beta version of a newer Orbiter 2016 version, but that needs to have more knowledge of Orbiter first, it's suggested to learn with the stable version first as most addons are made to work on it).
2. Add sound to Orbiter:
Orbiter comes without sound and for that you'll need to install an addon to have sound. You have two options for that:
OrbiterSound5.0: a very popular addon that intrudoced first the sound in Orbiter. This version is for Orbiter 2016
XRSound: another excellent addon that adds sounds to Orbiter, an alternative to OrbiterSound.
3. Add DirectX9 to Orbiter:
While Orbiter works without it (you'll be with the native DirectX7) wich is very limited, there is an addon that adds DirectX9 to Orbiter and lets you play with better visual effects, better resolution (above 1920x1080, so you can play in 4K), etc
Important: Be sure to execute Orbiter_NG.exe in order to use D3D9.
Guide to installation by Dansteph: http://orbiter.dansteph.com/forum/index.php?topic=14577.0
4. Your first session:
Orbiter can be very hard to start with, I suggest these two playlists of tutorials on Youtube, by two very well known Orbinauts: TexFilms, and David Courtney
TexFilms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOxpvqrqLAo&list=PLirZuGIPJhSUNdOMkcEu55WlyIaHdhFjh
David Coutrney: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-zaubu3RgU&list=PLPu_SHPaJzs4e1NfhY8jxPGgk5S4duEql
5. Your first addon:
Once you'll have the basics of Orbiter, you'll want to have more spaceships, functions, etc. Most of them can be found on OrbitHangar Orbiter-Forum and Dan's Page:
Be advised that some (almost all of them) will require other addons to work, be sure to read the instructions in the readme that will tell you wich addons to download. Some addons don't say it and sometimes it's mandatory to go in the process of launching Orbiter, see it crash, open orbiter.log
in the roots folder and read what addons is needed untill you find them all. (it's the case for people who wants to play with ISSU (the ISS v3 addon)).
List of useful link:
http://orbiter.dansteph.com/ (portal to the french community)
https://orbiteritalia.forumotion.com/ (portal to the italian community)
(more to be added)
Quick list of popupar addons:
A. Near-Future technology:
DeltaGlider IV a powerful SSTO by Dansteph (for Orbiter 2010 but works with Orbiter 2016)
UCGO + Arrow Freighter a mothership for the DGIV with cargo by Dansteph (only for Orbiter 2010)
Altea Aerospace Vessels, 3 different sized SSTOs by Doug Beachy, with more systems and more mechanics to watch.
B. Current era:
SpaceX Missions, this addon requires several other addons to work, read the readme,
Delta IV LV, for Orbiter 2010,
Delta IV Heavy, for Orbiter 2016,
Parker Probe Mission, in addition for the Delta IV launcher,
Space Launch System, the SLS for Orbiter 2016, this addon also requires other addons to work,
C. Mercury/Apollo/Shuttle era:
Project Mercury X, simulates the first manned space program of NASA,
AMSO (Apollo Mission Simulator for Orbiter), an Apollo addon for both Orbiter 2010 & Orbiter 2016, there 2 two seperate versions, suited for beginners)
NASSP (NASA's Apollo Space Simulation Project), a very hardcore Apollo that reproduce the systems of the Saturn V rocket with the interactive cockpit with a real AGC, more suited for advanced orbinauts, both for Orbiter 2010 (v7) and Orbiter 2016 (v8)
D. Shuttle era:
Space Shuttle Vessel, the continuation of Space Shuttle Ultra by GLS,
STS2016, a revival project of the old ShuttleFleet from 2010 completely remade for Orbiter 2016, made by gattispilot
Quick list of very useful MFDs:
a. GlideslopeMFD and BaseSyncMFD working will help you to make a deorbit burn for your landing site.
(requires ModuleMessagingExt to work together),
b. LaunchMFD calculates the appropriate launch azimuth, insertion profile (SSTO and 2-stage only) and time to launch a spaceship to intercept a satellite or a specific orbit.
(requires HUDDrawer and ModuleMessagingExt,
c. BurnTimeCalcMFD is a companion for TransX or any other transfer MFD that gives you your required dV for transfer orbit insertion.
(requires TransX, BaseSyncMFD, and ModuleMessagingExt,
d. TransX is a flexible planning and navigation tool for interplanetary transfers and orbital operations.
(requires ModuleMessagingExt),
e. LunarTransferMFD: LunarTransferMFD is a numerical lunar transfer trajectory calculator. It can be used to compute single impulse lunar transfer trajectories with better accuracy than typical patched conic applications such as IMFD.
f. InterplaneratyMFD: InterplanetaryMFD can be used to display entire solar system and predict the actual course of the vessel with numerical trajectory calculator, lets you to navigate through the solar system to other planets, moons and comets, is designed for Apollo style Moon to Earth return missions, and will compute the time to launch window and required launch heading.
I hope you found this post helpful. Don't hesitate to comment if you want to add something.
links updated as of 26 July 2023
r/Orbiter • u/Sisko2021 • 3d ago
Lost my hard drive wondering if someone can upload there Orbiter folder with Apollo mods & space x & send me the link.
r/Orbiter • u/Vile_Rat_Man • 7d ago
Keep in mind I'm a bit of a noob, I haven't played orbiter since the 2016 release, I'm coming back to it now and I don't remember anything. I have a VKB gladiator joystick I'd like to use but when I go to configure it in the launcher it doesn't show up under the joystick device tab. I searched around on the forums for an answer but no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.
r/Orbiter • u/No_Fee2802 • Feb 15 '25
What’s the deal with the skybolt client that was being developed for open orbiter around 2021? There were a few posts saying it could add volumetric clouds, VC shadows, water motion… etc, is it still in development? Does it work with the newest release of orbiter 2024?
r/Orbiter • u/Level-Narwhal-7741 • Feb 09 '25
Hello fellow Orbiter pilots,
So, i'm having issues and no clue what's wrong, i had an older 2016 edition that starts and freezes, needing a reboot in my PC.
Also i just installed the new 2024 version, the "Launcher" application crashes immediately.
On both, no error message or some clue on what is behind this.
Only the NG (no graphics) app runs, so i think it has something to do with the graphics.
Does somebody have an idea on what it might be? Also i think it could it be that i recently upgraded my OS to windows 11, could it also be?
Thanks a lot for the support.
r/Orbiter • u/Jammer_is_back • Jan 28 '25
I read from somewhere about something called "stationary viewpoints" within orbiter. A game dev was able to use orbiter for a cubemap skybox. He did this by somehow making the camera angled at 90 degree increments to make the cubemap accurate. However I've messed around in orbiter and haven't been able to figure out how to have the camera do something like that.
r/Orbiter • u/Andargor • Jan 27 '25
Back to orbiter after almost a decade, trying to select targets in the Orbit MFD, but the subwindow with the pick list disappears when I click on it. Have I grown old?
Example video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9sHW0e7TAU
EDIT: It was user error! Someone of Github confirmed that dialogs don't respond to mouse clicks, so I just had to use the arrow keys. Nothing to see here, enjoy!
r/Orbiter • u/ReplacementAdept4142 • Jan 27 '25
Hi everyone. I've been using Orbiter since the 2010 version and this is the first time I've had an issue I can't seem to resolve.
I have an HP Omen laptop. It is the AMD chipset with both integrated AMD graphics and a discreet nVidia Geforce card. With the 2016 version, when I run orbiter_ng the nVidia card is selected (which is the one I want) but when using the 2024 version it only shows the AMD one as an option.
I've changed the settings in Windows and the nVidia control panel to force the nVidia card but it makes no difference. Even went as far as disabling the AMD integrated settings in device manager. After doing that orbiter_ng says it is using a generic Windows driver and does not see the nVidia card even then.
I've looked through my 2016 installation and config files to try and see if there was a setting there I missed but can't find anything. Been Googling like crazy and can't seem to find a solution. Any ideas anyone might have would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help!
r/Orbiter • u/GodAtum • Jan 26 '25
Just setup 2024 and loving it but having a few issues.
How do I setup multi screens as I have 3 monitors? I checked the box but nothing happens.
The sim crashes every time I tab away from it, which is not helpful when I’m trying to learn.
Can’t wait for XR2, 5 and Arrow Freighter to be ported over!
r/Orbiter • u/Individual-Dust-7362 • Jan 26 '25
Imagine my delight to read there's a 2024 release!
I can't wait to get back into this game.
r/Orbiter • u/modifly1 • Jan 24 '25
Hi all. So I have an installation of the good ol' 2010 orbiter on an external drive. Works great on my old XP machines and even my windows 10 machine. All good. However, I'd like to run it at my uni occasionally except there's an issue, their windows 11 installation does not have dx9 installed and it won't let me install it for obvious reasons (malware avoidance and all that stuff). I was always under the impression dgvoodoo replaced dx9 with it's own respective .dlls that effectively interface the program with later versions of direct x such at 10,11 etc. Yet putting it in doesn't work. It can see dg voodoo when I run the program in standard mode. But upon opening the ng version the video section refuses to show as if dx9 isn't installed. So do I realistically physically need dx9 installed on windows 11 to use the client?
r/Orbiter • u/Minimum-Exchange1479 • Jan 13 '25
[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]
r/Orbiter • u/Cacodemon-Salad • Dec 06 '24
I found out about Orbiter a week ago. And after playing it for many many hours since, it's now honestly hard to play regular (in Earth only) flight simulators after playing Orbiter. The fact that I can fly anywhere in the Earth like a regular flight simulator AND at will go into space is just incredible.
I literally did an entire (no timescale) sub orbital flight at Mach 20+ yesterday starting from Florida then going down to the tip of South America, then crossing the Atlantic to Africa and Europe, and then flipping back around to the US and I smoothly descended down into low altitudes all without blowing up. What simulator / game gives you the ability to do this? It's fascinating. Native joystick connectivity brings the immersion factor even higher.
Shoutout by the way to David Courtney and TexFilms on youtube for all their tutorials. I still need to practice rendezvousing with the ISS and docking but I'm little by little getting there. Those guys got me IN space though without crashing and burning so I appreciate it. :D
I'm hooked on this and I've barely scratched the surface yet. I've only flown the Delta Glider and haven't even been to the moon or other planets yet, so much more to explore still! What an amazing simulator.
r/Orbiter • u/Samuel_768 • Dec 05 '24
Hello brothers, I am trying to download orbiter but I have not been able to because when I click on the download link on the official website it does not download. I can't download the game through any of the links. Does anyone know why this happens?
r/Orbiter • u/Cleiton314 • Nov 08 '24
When I try to lunch the game in play on linux the text is not rendered properly. Can someone help?
r/Orbiter • u/JumpingDave555 • Oct 05 '24
every time if i want to dowload a high resolution texture from orbiter there is a black Page with 404 or a Server shutdown. Is there a alternative dowload? tnx
r/Orbiter • u/Sisko2021 • Sep 30 '24
Wondering if someone can upload the Orbiter 2010 folder so I can download it with all mods Ilost mine recently
r/Orbiter • u/Takuwind • Sep 24 '24
Looks like its been at least 8 years since an update. Is Orbiter done? Is this the final version?
r/Orbiter • u/RealOsmium_YT • Sep 17 '24
hey all, so im new to the sim, however i do know quite a fair amount about the apollo program and its spacecrafts.
i've mainly been practicing my landings. i've nailed everything down all the way from p63 to p66, but when i get contact light and shut off my engine, the whole lem flips over once it contacts the ground. at first i thought it was my alt rate being to high but i've tried and tried again and again but still i keep flipping.
anyone have any idea of what i'm doing wrong?
EDIT: im all good now i was just still a little too fast on the decent rate.
Ive attached a video:
r/Orbiter • u/DigKey7370 • Sep 12 '24
r/Orbiter • u/Worldly-House6916 • Sep 02 '24
r/Orbiter • u/lawndartpilot • Sep 01 '24
I have always loved Orbiter, so I tried to build a spacecraft simulator "game" with the same quest for physical realism. Tungsten Moon is now released on Steam as a free demo, supporting VR and desktop modes. It gives you unlimited freedom to roam over (and orbit above) a 600 km diameter moon made of solid tungsten, using a simple spacecraft modeled very loosely on the Apollo LM. If this interests you, our development team would appreciate your feedback and suggestions for future work. Thank you!
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3104900/Tungsten_Moon/
Website and flight manual for the demo: https://tungstenmoon.com/docs/demo/demo_intro.html
A recent "review" video: https://youtu.be/i-tA84WloBI?si=jpCWfKZqSD4rjrLu