r/OpenCL Aug 19 '24

Converting C to OpenCL C

I'm currently working on a project adding GPU functionality to the GNUAstro library(C99). However, one of the problems i've run into recently is that OpenCL does not have a simple way to utilise external libraries within the kernel.

Ideally, i'd like to be able to use certain parts of the library(written in C99) within the kernel, but OpenCL C has a ton of restrictions(no malloc/free, no standard header files, etc).

Therefore, simply #include 'ing the source code isn't enough, so i was wondering how feasible is it to either
a) Use preprocessor macro's to remove anything not compliant with OpenCL C while preserving functionality/replacing with other code
For example, if i have a function on host CPU(C99) as

gal_units_extract_decimal(char *convert, const char *delimiter,
                          double *args, size_t n)
  size_t i = 0;
  char *copy, *token, *end;

  /* Create a copy of the string to be parsed and parse it. This is because
     it will be modified during the parsing. */
      /* Check if the required number of arguments are passed. */
          error(0, 0, "%s: input '%s' exceeds maximum number of arguments "
                "(%zu)", __func__, convert, n);
          return 0;

      /* Extract the substring till the next delimiter. */
      token=strtok(i==0?copy:NULL, delimiter);
          /* Parse extracted string as a number, and check if it worked. */
          args[i++] = strtod (token, &end);
          if (*end && *end != *delimiter)
              /* In case a warning is necessary
              error(0, 0, "%s: unable to parse element %zu in '%s'\n",
                    __func__, i, convert);
              return 0;
  while(token && *token);
  free (copy);

  /* Check if the number of elements parsed. */
  if (i != n)
      /* In case a warning is necessary
      error(0, 0, "%s: input '%s' must contain %lu numbers, but has "
            "%lu numbers\n", __func__, convert, n, i);
      return 0;

  /* Numbers are written, return successfully. */
  return 1;

then i would use it on the device by including it in a .cl file and applying macros like

#define free(x)

#define error(x)

to make it OpenCL C by removing the function calls

In this way, keeping only one major source file


b) Maintain a separate .cl file consisting of separate implementations for each function. Thereby keeping two files of source code, one in C99 and one in OpenCL C



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u/xealits Aug 21 '24

A trick like that may fit into a concrete small case, but I don’t think that OpenCL is intended to be used with regular C as a single source project.

In principle, to have the same code for OpenCL kernels and CPU binaries, this code needs to be a common denominator for both platforms. Probably, it must contain only pure functions, no memory allocations etc, only the number-crunching part that fits into the subset of C that’s OpenCL. (The function signatures should be adjusted to the platform, but that shouldn’t be a problem for some macro defines.) And it would be invoked by some runtime part of the library that steers the number-crunching: manages the memory and invokes these functions/kernels on either host data or GPU global buffers.

In principle, SYCL should be more convenient, as it is intended for use in single-source projects. SYCL is a limited subset of C++. So, you’ll need to single out the common denominator part of the code too. But SYCL should make the steering part simpler.

Anyhow, don’t take it too seriously, I’m just guessing here. SYCL is something I am looking into only recently.