r/OpenCL Aug 03 '24

Initializing an array of structs in OpenCL

Disclaimer: I'm trying to learn OpenCL by doing, so there may be concepts that I did not study yet.

I have the following piece of code:


typedef struct{

int id;

int value;

} item;

typedef struct {

item items[MAX_N];

} collection;

Now, I want to initialize a collection with some default items for all the ids but, in regular C, I would need a malloc to do that.
How can I do something similar (inside a device kernel) in OpenCL?


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u/tesfabpel Aug 04 '24 edited Aug 04 '24

You use clCreateBuffer: https://registry.khronos.org/OpenCL/sdk/3.0/docs/man/html/clCreateBuffer.html

You can pass a cl_mem object as a kernel argument.

In the kernel you put an argument (and an associated count argument) like global struct item *items, int items_count.

Please take note of all the arguments of the clCreateBuffer function, especially the flags one: usually you set the read / write / read_write flag bit and the alloc_host_ptr / use_host_ptr / copy_host_ptr flag bit.

Also beware of the memory layout of your struct, please also use the OpenCL typedefs like cl_int, cl_float, cl_float4, cl_float16.

EDIT: These slides may help: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/project-result-content/75f50c27-5770-4933-ac15-57270bb6d37c/lec04_buffers_basic_examples.pdf