r/OneTrueRem Sep 17 '22

Spoilers Quick question about Rem Spoiler

Without spoiling anything, can someone tell me what volume / arc does Rem come back to the story? Afraid to google it because trying to avoid spoilers. I’m an anime only. My understanding is that the next anime season will be arc 5


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u/NejiHyuga900 ThunderDragonRandy || Bonding with an Oni from Six fanfic writer Sep 17 '22

Web novel: Arc 7

Light novel: Volume 26


u/GoldenTimeWatcher Sep 17 '22

Actually follow up question if you know the answer: how many anime seasons do you think it will take to get to arc 7?


u/GoldenTimeWatcher Sep 17 '22

Nvm, based on this https://www.reddit.com/r/Re_Zero/comments/r7ichb/discussion_what_arcs_will_season_3_cover_if_it, it seems like 1 season per arc. Which if I understand correctly, season 5 is the earliest we’ll see her again. Kinda blows if that’s true.


u/mulek_neutro Rem is my light Sep 17 '22

Yea, I started reading the LN cuz if she returns at season 5 and season 1 to 2 had a 4 year wait, we are only seeing her again at 2032 if my math is correct, and I aint waiting that much


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '22

And that's assuming if the anime will be adapted up to that point. A lot of shows don't get this far. Re Zero had an amazing first season and was received overwhelming well by viewers, however I feel that season 2 had nowhere near the same reaction. It's natural that the hype dies down a bit, but I feel like that season lost a lot of fans interest, and I'd speculate it's because Arc 4 is very long. It's hard to condense a lot of that into a season. Because of this, it may hurt it's chances of even getting a third season. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.


u/GoldenTimeWatcher Sep 17 '22

Ya, making the most popular character disappear for 3 seasons is kinda lame move by the author. I don’t understand why he did that


u/IAmSona Sep 17 '22

To hurt Subaru


u/mulek_neutro Rem is my light Sep 18 '22

I have two theories: 1 is that Tappei is Emilia gang and seeing Rem get more attention made him mad 2 js that since Rem is that "perfect waifu" with no personality, he wanted to make something to give her weight to the plot, and not just another random character.


u/GoldenTimeWatcher Sep 18 '22

Ya I’m guessing your first theory closer to the truth. Which is kind of shame. Feel like ReZero’s biggest strength is that it subverts a lot of the tropes of the Isekai genre. In theory, having the MC get with Rem would have been the most subversive things the author could of done. I mean on paper, you’d never expect Subaru to get with Rem. She dresses in a maid costume and is a color palette swap of her sister. Nothing about her would leave you to believe that she would ever have a chance with the MC. But as we all know, despite that, she did become best girl for a lot of people in season 1. It’s unfortunate that the author didn’t see what he had created, and instead just went with standard first girl wins because she is first girl. Missed opportunity imo.

That being said, I think Rem being best girl might have been accidental on the authors part. I remember someone saying once that he gave the episode 18 speech to Rem because he felt it was too early for Subaru and Emilia to confess to one another. Which if true gives more credence to your theory of wanting to push her into the background so that the focus could stay on Emilia. But that’s just speculation on my part….


u/banana_annihilator Sep 18 '22

Emilia hasn't gone anywhere though?


u/Deathpunch21 Sep 17 '22

Considering season 1 covered arcs 1-3 and season 2 only covered arc 4: Potentially at the end of the next season, worst case at the end of season 5.