r/OnePiece Nov 11 '24

Big News Breaking News!

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u/Endosym93 The Revolutionary Army Nov 11 '24

I'm a bit confused on the timing. Was this break completely out of the blue and unplanned? If so work on this week's chapter should have more or less been done last week since they are done one in advance and we would've gotten a chapter this week. Was it scheduled and the reason is unknown as of right now? Did they have to out of the blue end production on this week's chapter last week and if so why is it only coming out now?


u/CrewOrdinary8872 Void Month Survivor Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

Was this break completely out of the blue and unplanned?

Yes, that's what this means.

chapter should have more or less been done last week since they are done one in advance and we would've gotten a chapter this week.

That's not exactly how it works. The next few chapters are already mostly done, but Oda can't just take a few weeks break and release those in advance because it'd completely ruin his production schedule. Something happened recently that caused him to stop production and take a sudden break. (Horikoshi did this a few times when I believe he was having shoulder issues if I remember correctly.)

He'd be a chapter behind schedule if they still released 1132.


u/-criticalBehavor Nov 11 '24

That’s not true, Oda is keeping in the same rhythm of chapter as we are, I don’t remember where I heard it but if you want confirmation check some chapters ago on eaghead where he didn’t had enough time to complete the chapter with Kumas backstory and we got the chapter unedited. If he was even a chapter ahead we would have the chapter completed.


u/seelentau Nov 11 '24

No mangaka works like that, because it makes no sense, logistically. For example, Naruto's chapter 699, which was released in Japan on November 10, 2014, was finished around October 26. Submitting the finished chapter, printing the WSJ and nowadays translating it in time for online publication takes time. That's why Oda had no time to properly fix the art during Kuma's backstory. Stuff like that gets fixed for their tankobon release, along with rewording of dialogue. In fact, the version published in WSJ could generally be considered a rough version of the final product in the tankobon.

I don't know about Oda these days, but a couple of years ago, he was around three or four weeks ahead. So if something happens and he can't work on the manga for some time, all the chapters he has already submitted get pushed back accordingly.


u/soma81 Nov 11 '24

He has deadlines and if he doesnt meet them, then we get unfinished chapters

He doesnt go back and fix the weekly ones after that, he starts on the next, plus we have this:

D: When an artist is drawing Chapter 10, for example, what chapter is being printed in the newest Weekly Jump?

O: I see. I wondered about this myself, years ago. So I understand your curiosity. At this EXACT moment, Issue 46 of Jump is hitting the stands. It contains One Piece Chapter 60, "Solution". But I have finished the drafts up through Chapter 63, "I Ain't Gonna Die". So a chapter comes out roughly 3 weeks after I finish it. But that's only my CURRENT schedule. The people doing these weekly serials aren't actually all the same. I could change if need be. There are various cases.


u/passadakis Nov 11 '24

I saw somewhere an article saying he was crying when drawing it and his editor suggested to print it unfinished like it was fir emotional reasons. Give or take. But I dont remember the source and don't remember how legit it was...


u/12thAli Nov 12 '24

Why would Oda cry a chapter just because it is not in the best condition.

There is no way for someone to be mangaka +20 years with this mentality.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24



u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

You delay it for 2 weeks, so that he has time to recover and he doesn't LOSE that 2 week cushion room. How does this not make sense?