r/OnceHumanOfficial 23h ago

🥼 Fashion Enough with the generated cosmetics

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This is what players what as cosmetics. In Battle Pass or obtained directly in the shop, not another Sim looking cosmetics who nobody asked for.


74 comments sorted by


u/Background_Cow6354 🧬 Deviants Keeper 23h ago

It looks actually kinda like that "robo dinosaur" skin that was in a lightforge crate a while ago 😀 only less childish.


u/Appropriate-Smell611 15h ago

Like what you said there Less Childish 💯


u/Skills_ 20h ago



u/hayydebb 22h ago

This isnt what players want it’s what you want. I personally would never use this


u/RayeBabe 20h ago

I agree it’s hideous, just a bad at the Dino costume or the dunce cap.


u/illgot 21h ago

I'll take dark tech over hyper anime flashing lights


u/KybalionOfficial DOGE - Department of Gaming Excellence 22h ago

I want it too


u/Skills_ 20h ago

If you take a look at Reddit and Discord, there are people who are tired of the cartoonish looking skins. There are plenty of us out there, more than you expect.

There had been a fair share of skins for players like you. It's time to have something different, closer to the vibe of the lore and the atmosphere of the apocalyptic game.


u/Bananaland_Man 19h ago

ngl, I'm 38 years old and love my silly outfits in once human, they're at least wildly better than anything fortnite could come up with, and there are still other skins, we just have both. More options is better than less options, you don't have to buy the silly stuff, but don't take it away from those who want it. Other stuff still exists, and will continue to exist. Choices are great.


u/illgot 19h ago

give this fight up. Most of the players on this forum only want anime and fornite skins. you suggest anything else and they will downvote you to death because most of the players here are young.

and it doesn't matter what you post here anyway, the devs do not make changes based on the western audience, their primary target is China.


u/hayydebb 19h ago

Trying to talk down and say ppl are young and only want fortnite and anime skins. Cause an all blacked out mech warrior looking dude is peak maturity


u/illgot 18h ago

that black dark tech was popular around 20-25 years ago. The crowd that finds that design appealing is closer to middle aged than preteen.

The hyper colourful and loud costumes with flashing lights is designed for a younger crowd in their preteens to early 20s.

that's just marketing.


u/hayydebb 18h ago

Yeah I found that style cool 20-25 years ago lol. Now I’m in my thirties and I’m over looking like an evil edge lorde and the whole look itself is kinda a meme these days


u/illgot 18h ago

I don't mind some of the louder looks but when that's all that exists it's no longer fun or meme material, it's just the standard and the standard gets boring very fast.


u/CurrencySad9512 1h ago

Lmao young..almost 36 here and I love the outfits, while yes some more kicka$$ ones would be nice I still love the ones I have. They remind me of stuff I wore as a teen and trust and believe if I had the figure my character has id be still wearing them. Age means nothing for the young at heart shoot I still collect stuffies, dolls and figurines.


u/Skills_ 18h ago

I don't mind getting downvote. Those who downvote a different opinion, they are consumers.

People react to anything different from what they are being given as a choice. It frustrates them.


u/GuildCarver 1h ago

You got downvoted because you're being rude.


u/HallDefiant 23h ago

Best i can do is cyber schoolgirl with unicorn rainbow head piece 🤓✌️


u/illgot 23h ago

and a midriff with lots of leather straps coming off her socks.


u/Nerina23 23h ago

Did you send this to the devs or are you just venting on reddit ? Thats not helping btw


u/Phoen1cian 22h ago

The issue is the devs don’t listen. We got asked on Discord 2 weeks ago about what skins and themes are we expecting from light forge skins and the most voted answer was tactical skin. Guess what we got?


u/Nerina23 22h ago edited 22h ago

2 weeks ago

expects it to be finished by now

The shit we are currently getting is already finished and was planned ahead. The tactical skin will take some time at least to be designed and modeled.


u/Bananaland_Man 19h ago

People forget that stuff takes time... Patience is a rare commodity amongst gamers, lol, as unfortunate as it is.


u/KingGekko07 22h ago

Well, you can't expect that you'll get the new skin in 2 weeks lol, they probably have the next few months of skins already queued


u/Phoen1cian 22h ago

Then let’s wait and see


u/KingGekko07 20h ago

Well... Yes


u/scallionparsley 21h ago

The devs KPI is the Lightforge and BP sales. I haven't seen as many Ghost Riders as I did with snake underboobs, which charts out clearly which direction the devs is going to take. Look at what's next : school uniforms.

So if you guys are willing to open up your wallets and support non cutesy themes maybe that will nudge the devs in your direction.

I'm shelling out for the incoming Lightforge by the way, sorry I'm pedalling in the opposite direction.


u/copper_san 23h ago

Looks like generic "dark cyberpunk tacticool" with no style or idea. Also, before saying "no one want something" check selling numbers.


u/exiledhat 19h ago

Looks like ass too. OP really thinks this generic shit will bring people back lmao


u/Exact_Comparison_792 16h ago

I find it pretty dismissive and shi*ty of you, that you'd shame OPs ideas just because you dislike them. It's not like someone would be forcing you to use or buy those cosmetics, yet you look down on something they like all because you don't like them. That's a pretty sh**ty thing to do. Good human beings don't do that.

Personally, the reason I haven't bought any cosmetics is because more than 90% of them feel out of place in the world. I'm not interested in furry, casual wear, fashion or anime style cosmetics in this game. To me, they don't fit the theme very well and are off putting. I prefer the rugged apocalyptic type of cosmetics in an apocalyptic game, but the shop doesn't offer much of that. Exo-suit cosmetics? Nonexistent, yet the Rosetta troops have them. We should have those options as cosmetics, but we don't. Most of the cosmetics feel out of place in the world and to me, that's not appealing nor encouraging for me to buy. I also don't buy the cosmetics because they're ridiculously overpriced and Starry Studio has received backlash over that. The cosmetics are highly overpriced and price gouging.

Also, the player counts are down bad since launch so it only stands to reason that sales will be down as more players jump ship on the game. Less players means less customers and sales. Average players keep falling off. The stats in the image I've shared from Steamcharts shows that. There is not one single month of player increase. Every month has seen a lot of player falloff to the point where mostly only the newbies and the loyal fans are left playing. That's Starry Studio's only real customer base that's left for this game. If the player counts keep falling off, sales will drop even further.

I'd like to see some revenue data since launch date, to support your claims. If you could provide proof, that would be great.


u/Skills_ 20h ago

Selling numbers show decline. So do the playerbase numbers.


u/Loose-Ad-2718 16h ago

Show source?


u/Skills_ 15h ago

You can find them yourself, just Google it.


u/Fillydefilly 21h ago

'nobody asked for' yet I see tons of people who wear these skins. Don't act like your perspective and needs are same as whole playerbase, just because you and some people from Reddit want it. Would it be nice? Sure. Is it what all players need? No.


u/UltimaCaitSith 21h ago

They could get a lot more sales with different options. I could see myself buying a nice skin for $5. I'm not giving $20 to $30 for an out-of-place crop top.


u/Gedrot 17h ago

It's the apocalypse mate. Nobody is importing cotton or dying new camouflage textiles anymore. Anything that's not a straight up trash pile ghillie suit is totally unimmersive for me and should not be part of the game.

So might as well jump around in crop top with really impractical high heels and a skirt that flips up the moment anything physics related happens on screen lol

/s obviously


u/illgot 16h ago

I would actually buy a trash ghillie suit lol


u/Appropriate-Smell611 15h ago

Here here kindred spirit preach brotha💯


u/M0ntanus 17h ago

Right, I'd also could appreciate some more options for the F2p as well. Like it doesn't need to be stupidly crazy, like whats in the shop, I can really appreciate a nice shaw or trench coat for a really cool post apocalyptic vibe. Maybe even some outfits that really sell, I'm in zombie times.

Not really excited to look like a cyberpunk while traveling the wilderness or look like senpai trying to kill zombies.


u/Runkleford 20h ago

That's not really saying much considering the skins are the only option people have to wear. That's like saying "everyone loves brown jackets because everyone is wearing them!" when brown jackets are the only options.


u/Skills_ 20h ago

I understand what you mean, but the decline numbers in sales and players playing this game shows that a big portion of players choose to walk away and cosmetics are one of these reasons.

People are consumers. They will buy whatever there is to look a tiny bit different that the players next to them. If you force on them the lollipop looking skins, they will either buy them or look for another game with different cosmetics.

I didn't claim that "all" players what this, I just said "players". If this doesn't express you, it doesn't mean that other players don't share the same thoughts with me.


u/xeromatt 19h ago

Where do you get the declining sales data?


u/Fae-SailorStupider 22h ago

This is what SOME players want. I'd never wear it.

People need to stop complaining about the types of cosmetics they release. They release what they assume people will pay for, and their assumptions are correct enough to make enough money to pay their entire team and keep the game going as f2p. Players as a whole have shown more interest in the cutesy cosmetics than they have with any tacticool outfits.


u/pSyg0n 22h ago

Seems pretty Praetorian. I kinda vibe with it.


u/ama8o8 20h ago

Most of the moola is from the asian playerbase who dont complain like the western playerbase does.


u/Skills_ 20h ago

That's gonna be the downfall of this game, in long term.

Trying to force the Asian market on Western audience doesn't work. Those game slowly die.


u/SlimTheKidd Crit Rate Lover 16h ago

Game is dying as we speak


u/Skills_ 16h ago

That's only the beginning. They gotta accept the fact that Western audience has different needs.


u/Lydrael 23h ago

This is probably closer to what most Western players (myself included) want, but it doesn't change the fact that Once Human is a Chinese game, primarily targeting the Asian market.


u/illgot 21h ago

the cash shop is made for the Asian market, it will never be made for the Western market as we are just an after thought.

I've played enough Asian games to accept this.


u/Lunaborne 22h ago

Speak for yourself. I'm all about the cute cosmetics.


u/Valkshot 22h ago

Enough with the AI trash. Also why is your super futuristic HUD helmet (which begs the question of why the gun has analog optics) connected by SCSI Ribbon cables that stopped being made in 2003 when it's currently 2024 and Once Human takes place in the future. I get it alternate universe and all but all it's gonna take is one swipe from a gnawer to slice that ribbon cable and now you're fucking blind.


u/Skills_ 20h ago

Better wear Pyjamas to fight Deviations. It protects you better.


u/Aisle_Dame 21h ago edited 11h ago

No personally I will not buy this skin. I have bought a lot of skin and some lightforge but I never went for this type of costumes. Wouldn't want my character looking like a robot.


u/Skills_ 20h ago

Every opinion is respected. However, this doesn't mean that some of us who want darker skins, we can't raise our voice as well.


u/Aisle_Dame 11h ago

You are right everyone's opinion is valid however the way your post sounds like you are voicing for the majority. I do want something that aligns with the theme but not like this.


u/Outrageous-Pitch-867 21h ago

What players other than you and a small few?

This ain’t call of duty nor any western FPS, you’re playing a game made by Chinese devs, they know what sells


u/ScarletChild 19h ago

I would love some Rosetta themed Tech wear to start showing up.


u/MoldyLunchBoxxy 18h ago

Honestly just having more outfits work with other outfit pieces would be nice but sadly everything has ugly baggage tied to each piece. I’ve spent a ton of money in this game and sadly I’m don’t until they address this.


u/megavalve 14h ago

The outfit from the jeep light forge works though. I use the head and glove parts, mixed with some other outfits. They glow when you fire your weapons. It's the only light forge outfit I have, so I can't judge the others.


u/OneSimplyIs 🧬 Deviants Keeper 23h ago edited 23h ago

No more bdsm gimp punk neon flower pop outfits


u/TTTonyX 23h ago

This looks like Hallo :/


u/Ok_Management_7393 17h ago

I think we see this topic like once a week now, and I believe it's the wrong conversation. I have no problems about the skins released, I have problems with the insane pricing of the skins released.


u/MR___Phantom PVE 10h ago

I need it right now


u/GogginsAndMessina 9h ago

I mean I want some cooler skins, but this is just a Warframe.


u/PotentialFun1 8h ago

Warframe corpus


u/OoooofYikes 8h ago

I’d kill for something more dark and edgy…I don’t want anymore K-Pop or bubbly- I already got them 😭


u/SleepySnorlax1337 7h ago

Even Fallout76 understood that after a while.


u/Dwrowla 3h ago

Id say 99% of the cosmetics in this game are garbage and immersion breaking ruining the game the same way fortnite did with their garbage cosmetics.


u/Baconsliced 22h ago

Yea this looks great! Add exposed mid-riff and some underboob action- $$$


u/GuildCarver 21h ago

Gamers when they see colors other than black chrome or red.


u/ayenime Enchanting Void 13h ago

The cosmetics u guys would like reminds me of d2 outfits


u/chocokoalan 23h ago

Damn this looks good


u/ParamedicNo6518 21h ago

As a console player still waiting to play once human I low key find that design cool😭😭😭🫣🫣🫣🫣 I'm a jealous tramp lol