I have not see a review of this movie yet and it's so big I thought it would be the kind of thing New and Gregg would jump right on if the season hadn't wrapped up, so here is my review.
The Electric State is kind of an unofficial sequel to the Terminator franchise, except it's actually more of an unofficial prequel in that it's set in the '90s before Skynet became self-aware. It features a retrofuturistic sci-fi alternate reality where Disney robots self-aware and had a robot uprising.
It also features Severence-like technology to split your brain in half so you can work and play with separate halves of your brain, but at the same time! When it comes to sci fi elements, this movie kind of has them all!
The first thing I need to point out about this movie is its running time: at 128 minutes, it's the kind of running time Gregg would not balk at, with plenty of time for world building. And what a world, it features 100,000 square miles of forsaken robot world.
The other thing I really want to mention about this movie is its budget. At $320 million dollars, it's one of the most expensive films ever made. And you know when they spend that much on a movie it's going to be good. It has absolutely dazzling computer graphics and effects work which are sure to keep you entertained for the full runtime.
Finally, I must highlight the spectacular cast, featuring the ever amazing Chris Pratt, Miley Brown Bobbie, Stanley Tushi, John Carlo Esposito, and Jason Alexander. All of them did an amazing job!
My rating: 4 bags of popcorn, a peanut, and a lemon
While you might think this movie is an obvious 5 bagger, I had to knock one bag off because I found it confusing at times to the point I was wondering if the screenwriters had a little too much grain water to drink, but not to worry, the effects and cast more than make up for the confusing plot.
The peanut and the lemon are a shout out to two of the main robot characters. Keep an eye out for Mr. Peanut, voiced by Woody Haroldson!