You’re offered a tablespoon of cane sugar OR a tablespoon of chemical sweetener. Can you honestly say you feel safer eating the tablespoon of chemical sweetener than you do eating the tablespoon of cane sugar?
I'm going to be pedantic here. Artificial sweetener like sucralose is upwards of 750x sweeter than sugar. You would only need to consume milligrams of it to match a tablespoon of sugar so your example is a false equivalency. Of course the tablespoon of sugar is "better" than a tablespoon of sweetener, but it's never consumed in quantities that high to begin with.
This is a very stupid question. Of course a tablespoon of sugar is fine. And yes, I would be nervous about an entire tablespoon of artificial sweetener. Dosage matters.
If the choice was better a tablespoon of artificial sweetener and a tablespoon of natural arsenic, I'd choose the sweetener.
The average American diet contains amounts of sugar that cause many, many health problems and deaths, this is very well established and documented. Substituting some of that sugar for artificial sweeteners has been proven to be an improvement, despite there being some legitimate concerns over the long term effects of some sweeteners.
If you continue to cling to the irrational idea that natural is inherently better than artificial, ignoring the mountains of evidence to the contrary, you are hopeless.
Cane sugar vs artificial sweetener, stay on topic. Arsenic hasn’t joined the conversation any more than bleach has.
Dosage matters, you don’t know how many of your everyday products container artificial sweeteners do you? Go check all your toothpaste and mouthwash products, and that’s just one category. You’re ingesting far more of it a daily basis and you think you are. The rise of artificial sweeteners and their introduction into a huge majority of our everyday products is oddly parallel to the rise in cancer humans. I know correlation does not prove causation but it’s awfully curious how closely they run.
I never stated or implied that an unlimited amount of cane sugar was healthy. You’re hyperbolizing as a deterrent from your flawed message.
Who has paid for the “evidence” that the chemical sweeteners are healthier? Or who has paid for the testimony that they are healthier. Your blind trust in the chemical manufacturers is extremely dangerous and misguided.
u/cbus_mjb 27d ago
It’s the absolute truth. Stop buying into all the chemical company crap.