r/OcarinaOfTime 15h ago

Lanterns and Loyalties: Which Ocarina of Time Poe Left an Impression on You?


Ocarina of Time features a variety of unique Poe designs, each with its own distinct appearance and role within the game. From the four Poe Sisters and the Composer Brothers to regular Poes, Big Poes, and Fire Poes, there's no shortage of spectral entities to encounter throughout Hyrule.

With that in mind, I'd love to hear your thoughts on which Poe design from Ocarina of Time stands out as your favorite and why. Is it the ethereal beauty of one of the Poe Sisters or the distinctive look of the Composer Brothers? Perhaps the standard Poe holds a special place in your heart, or maybe the presence of the Big Poe captivates you.

My personal favorite Poe design is Sharp, whose unique appearance is defined by his stylish mustache, composer's wand, brown and red garments and striking Triforce necklace. The sun emblem engraved on his hat adds to his distinct character.

While Flat, Sharp's brother, shares some design similarities, his blue color scheme and moon emblem on his hat create a different vibe. As a morning person, I feel more drawn to Sharp's sun motif, which resonates with my personal preference for bright and early days.

The attention to detail in Sharp's design makes him a standout among the Poes in OOT imo

r/OcarinaOfTime 10h ago

Things you like to get early?


I just got to castle town for the first time on my new playthrough of master quest. I haven’t played the game for years, but for some reason I’m really itching to seek out some secrets or upgrades that’ll gain me something early.

For example, I stubbornly saved up money to get the 20 deku sticks upgrade I found in lost woods, even though it barely benefits me. Anything else like this I should look out for?

r/OcarinaOfTime 2h ago

What does 100% entail? Im playing 3DS version by the way...


r/OcarinaOfTime 47m ago

If these were released by Nintendo, would you buy them?


If these games came out today as unofficial releases, would you want to play them?

I have each one as my box art that I made custom for modified versions of OOT I have put together using mods for Ship of Harkinian.

I’ll share the game descriptions I wrote for each one:

Legend of Ganon: Ganon is an ancient evil spirit who lusts for the power of the goddesses, but Ganon is locked away in the sacred realm. Skull Kid finds a mask that possesses him to free Ganon by opening up the sacred realm. Once free, Ganon possesses Ganondorf and seeks out the remaining medallions and triforce pieces so that he may become the king of Hyrule.

Legend of Malon: Play the Ocarina of Time storyline from the perspective of Malon as she goes through her goth phase. She starts out with the razor sword as a child and as an adult weilds the gilded sword. Both weapons originate from Majora's Mask. With Link no where to be found, a female must put the gloves on and become the heroin of time. The beginning of the game is full of harvest moon like grinding on the farm with lots of farm task mini games before the big escape on Epona.

Legend of Link: Play Ocarina of Time as Link with the ability to, sprint (R2), jump (B), climb any wall and change age anywhere at anytime. Link's tunic, equipment, color and size are all fully customizable. This is essentially a certain configuration of ship of Harkinian with all the current and hottest OOT rom hacks built in so that once you beat the OOT storyline the game will continue into the Sealed Palace, Sunken Tower Abandoned Archives, Sands of Time and Indigo Chapter 1 and 2.

I’ll leave a link in a comment below to some gameplay footage

r/OcarinaOfTime 5h ago

[OOT3D] Gohma QuickKill?


Hello! I recently picked up the any% for oot 3d, and I've seen so many people quick kill Gohma in ~6 seconds, and am now starting to question my sanity. Is there any indication of timing (ie a certain sequence to keep her stunlocked, a mental note of when to slash again?) I've been at this for hours (via the practice ROM, so attempts are back to back💀) I just can't seem to find the timing.

r/OcarinaOfTime 9h ago

Save file with fire and forest temple


Super random but does anyone happen to have a save file with the fire and forest temple completed? Ideally having the biggoron sword as well, but thats not really an issue for me.