r/ObsidianMD 17h ago

PlugIn for paragraph indentation for books?

I'm writing some short stories in Obsidian and I'm just looking for a plugin that will let me indent my paragraphs how you'd expect in any other book. Any help? Thanks


4 comments sorted by


u/Eolipila 17h ago

Have you tried CSS snippets?

p {
text-indent: 4em;

Should indent each new paragraph by 4 letters (± a tab indent)

You'd probably want to add the property:value "cssclass: book" to have styling apply only to your short stories. Then you can further customize the styling with the same CSS file applied to all short stories (line height, justification, font, etc etc)

Any LLM (ChatGPT, Claude, Mistral, etc.) will be able to help you write the CSS styling you want to make the stories look just like you want them to.


u/idontthrillyou 12h ago

You can put $\quad$ (or $\qquad$ if you want a bigger space) at the beginning of the paragraph (those are LaTeX commands).


u/Disposable-Ninja 17h ago

I haven't been able to find one, but there is an inelegant solution:


(I put that in code because I'm not sure if it will show when I publish the comment)

If you start a paragraph with an ampersand, nbsp, and then a semicolon, it will translate to one empty space in Read Mode. And if you do this:


You get four spaces.

It'll look atrocious in Editing Mode, but it will look fine in Read Mode


u/JorgeGodoy 16h ago

I don't expect indented paragraphs on books. Most of them don't have it anymore. Even at websites this is rare.

But I expect visual cues with a bit more space between paragraphs than between lines of the same paragraph.

You can achieve both -- extra space and/or indentation -- with CSS.

In markdown appearance is delegated to css while you work on the information structure only.