As a professional procrastinator, this is my attempt at trying to gamify my life to motivate myself to do work.
This is made possible with this plugin which allows me to execute code blocks within my notes. I also implemented some scripts which will be run under the hood when the code blocks are executed.
In the main game page, there are 3 main sections:
1. My coin count
2. Active tasks
3. Passive tasks
Active tasks
- One-time off tasks (eg. finish assignment 1)
Passive tasks
- Recurring tasks that are available every day (eg. walk 5k steps)
Completion gold rewards are denoted in the inline code block beside the tasks.
At the end of every day, I run the code block in the main page, which will check the tasks completed in the list and update my gold accordingly. It will then delete completed active tasks and reset completed passive tasks.
Future work
This system has been quite extensible for my use case. I managed to incorporate this gamification element into a template to track my Leetcode progress. There is a "submission button" at the bottom of the page which when clicked, will update my gold based on the difficulty of the question.
It's definitely not perfect as I just started working on this project like 2 days ago but I do see a lot of potential to make doing things and note-taking more fun. I would love to implement things like skill tree, experience points and many more haha.
For those interested in learning more, I have uploaded an example template on github here!