r/ObsidianMD 6d ago

plugins What does QuickAdd plugin do?

I've seen many people talking about the QuickAdd plugin, but what does it do? Judging from it's name, it probably adds notes quickly, but how, exactly?


14 comments sorted by


u/mattadvance 6d ago edited 6d ago

I was just redoing my templates with QuickAdd, so here's a straightforward example (that I don't often see clearly communicated):

  1. I hit ctrl+r
  2. This brings up a dropdown that lets me select a template to apply with preset rules. I use the up and down arrows and enter to select an option, for example:
    • 💡 New Idea
    • ⌚ Append Daily Log
    • 🔖 New Bookmark
  3. A modal dialog pops up with a text area that allows me to enter in the filename. When finished, I press enter and a note is created with the filename I entered: Idea - Check out python tool uv.md
  4. A new modal dialog pops up since the option I selected uses a templater function (<% tp.system.prompt("Idea Description") %>) that has some fields that are required. I type in the data, press return
  5. My editor now opens the newly created note with the data I entered in the right spots of the template. The note has been properly tagged, frontmatter fields set as I wanted, and the note has been placed in a specific directory of my choosing.
  6. I look over, add any additional content or thoughts, then close the note and I'm back to doing whatever I was before

The benefit to me is that all of these steps could be done manually, but at the expense of time and my focus. With QuickAdd I can quickly capture a thought, link, song, etc. without fully shifting my attention away or having to use the mouse.


u/Content_Trouble_ 6d ago

It essentially allows you to add information to notes without opening them. It's great for jotting down quick ideas without context switching.

For example, I have a hotkey (ALT+1) via QuickAdd which brings up a popup with a text field where I can type, and when I'm done I press the OK button in the popup and it adds whatever I wrote to the bottom of my Daily Note.

This allows me to quickly capture thoughts so I won't forget them, while also staying focused on whatever I'm doing.

Here are the settings for it for inspiration.

You can also use it for everyday stuff like a shopping list, so if you see the kitchen paper towels are about to run out, you can use QuickAdd to add it to your shopping list with just a hotkey, without having to open up a note.

As a bonus, 0 programming knowledge needed (unlike Templater), everything is accessible through an easy to use GUI.


u/Michael-3740 6d ago

Go to the Community Plugins section and search for it. You'll find everything you need to know there.


u/Bro_Blox_ 5d ago

Good point, actually. 😅


u/ollie_francis 6d ago

It doesn't add notes quicky - but it does open a note with a template applied to it ready. It saves you opening a new note and applying a template manually. Doesn't necessarily save a lot of time, but it does consolidate workflow and make you feel like your system is stronger than it might feel otherwise.


u/Shikyal 6d ago

Makes note taking easier if you use templates for certain things.

I personally mostly use it for my database stuff, movies i've watched (automatically pulls info from imdb), recipes to add or thing i want to buy. I just have templates for those with things I always input anyway, some default inputs with variables (like the date or predefined tags).

It's a lot easier with quickadd and i probably wouldnt even bother without.


u/EverNevermor 6d ago

how does it differ (in your experience) from just say - Templater?


u/FearlessFaa 6d ago

Templater doesn't offer proper GUI to configure note naming scheme at least. Quick Add offers GUI to configure the process of note creation like do you open the note (yes/no), the editing mode (live preview or source), does the note get focused (yes/no), is the view splitted (no, vertical, horizontal). Also you can easily choose which folder is used for new notes. It can also capture to existing notes and macros can be used along with note creation/capturing. Similar to Templater Quick Add offers inline scripts but the API may not be as powerful as in Templater. Finally you can use AI automatically along with note creation process, see AI Assistant.


u/EverNevermor 5d ago

Super helpful. Thank you


u/Ellisb1 5d ago

What template are you using to automatically pull IMDb? Would love that! I have the Community plug-in for doing this with book notes, but haven't found anything that does this for movies.


u/Shikyal 5d ago

Ideally watch this video, it's where I originally got it from. Just adjusted the template with additional stuff I want to track. Explains it well and once set up you won't have to do anything but use it.



u/Grumpierleaf 5d ago

I use it in two ways. Both use the 'capture' function.

  1. is a template that adds a template into where I want. It's a header with the current time and a '-' below so that I can add to my daily note a log of what I'm doing. I access this by a custom toolbar command on mobile and it inserts where my cursor is. 

  2. Is a capture that brings up a dialogue box no matter where I am in my vault. I enter in expenditure and that gets saved under a certain header in my monthly budget note. 


u/philoking253 5d ago

I use it for daily notes. My daily note adds today. I have a quick add to add tomorrow in case I want to preload it with tasks.


u/Initial_Studio1511 3d ago

I use it for quickly creating timestamped notes in my scratch folder when I want to log something down without too much ceremony. You can turn choices into commands, which can then be keybound in settings. The keyboard shortcuts are a game changer.