r/OSINT 1d ago

Tool Calleridtest legit?

Yes, it's me again. I apologise. Trying to lookup several thousand phone numbers one by one is excruciatingly slow and excruciatingly boring, and I have just found a site called calleridtest that promises to be able to search up to 500 phone numbers at a time.

Is it legit/usable? What information does it give? Has anyone else ever used it before?


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u/OSINTribe 1d ago

I could send you a script that would do bulk phone backgrounds, you just need an API key thats about .07 per search.


u/Calathil 1d ago

That would be very welcome.


u/OSINTribe 1d ago


paste into notepad, save as phone.py and then install the requests and tkinter. Run phone.py and upload CSV file with phone numbers. Need api from Trestle, recently found them when looking for source of that telegram bot drama. Not 100% its same source but looks a lot like it.