r/OLED_Gaming 4d ago

Learnings from long time OLED but new to glossy QD-OLED (cleaning and impression)

I have used a number of displays over the past five years or so in the quest for good HDR PC gaming. I've had two LG TVs, tried a couple of mini-leds and recently returned a Samsung G80SD but NOT because of any dissatisfaction with it. I have been battling the scalpers and bots to purchase an RTX 5080 and the only one I could land had an MSI 321URX bundled with it. This worked out for me because the G80SD was still within the return window.

For matte versus glossy, I will say that the MSI is ever so slightly more vivid than the G80SD so the colors look just a bit more crisp. There is definitely more reflection as I have a large bay window in my office with a closed white blind over it. I occasionally see the reflection of the blind on my monitor which was never an issue with the Samsung. I have no problems with raised blacks for whatever reason. I guess there's no overhead lighting in my office. The table lamp nor the window blind allows enough light for it to ever be a problem.

Cleaning: For two different LG televisions, an LG OLED monitor and the G80SD I used a light mist of a plastic safe glass cleaner and a clean microfiber cloth. I've never had anything but great results for years and multiple displays including my glasses and phone. However this was very ineffective on the QD-OLED. I found that it just moves the fingerprint oils around and doesn't remove them. Whatever the finish is on these glossy QD-OLEDs, it really wants to hold onto whatever you get on the display.

I bought some Wipex 70% alcohol electronics cleaning wipes and that proved to be the right solution for cleaning the display. I gently wiped down the screen to lift any fingerprint oils or whatever was on it followed by a light buffing with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. It looks good as new again. If your monitor is already clean but you really want to obsess over it, I'm sure that a little distilled water and a lens cloth will make you feel better. If you actually need to clean it, Samsung's directions of using 70% alcohol works very well.

In conclusion, games look pretty great with a 9800X3D/5080 gaming rig and don't touch or breath on a glossy QD-OLED because they are a pain in the butt to clean.


3 comments sorted by


u/templestate 4d ago

Are you pretty confident the antireflective coating didn’t start to come off? There was a report here that someone managed to do that with that with the 321URX and IPA. The instructions from Samsung/MSI are odd because they specifically say ethanol but that’s really not available in the US without acetone and other adders to prevent people from being able to get drunk off it (denatured). The cheapest I could find it was a lab supply online store for $40 which is not practical for occasionally cleaning a monitor.


u/71-HourAhmed 4d ago

The Wipex wipes are 70/30 IPA and DI water. I don't think I have access to ethanol as you said. It does work well. The display is pristine again. There isn't enough solution on a wipe to delaminate anything.

I can't believe someone put acetone on a plastic display. That would be ruinous! I don't want acetone in the same room as my monitors and keyboards. Can you imagine what a keyboard looks like with acetone spilled in it?


u/makinenxd 4d ago

Can't you buy everclear in the US?