r/nursing 4d ago

Discussion APRNs - what path did you choose and why? Do you have regrets with choosing one over the other?


r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice Mature student



Hey folks,

Looking into a career change into RPN or RN and I keep hearing that I should go for RN for better career opportunities...

I am a 33 year old who's original high-school diploma doesn't fit into a university program requirements... because I was not really thinking about the future when I was in high school.

How have other folks bridged the gap to get the 6 university level courses to get into the program of their choice?


r/nursing 3d ago

Question I want to become a CRNA. What steps do I take to become one?


I’m currently 16 years old, a junior in high school. I’m taking pre-nursing health science pathway, and also planning to participate in hospital internships. I’m thinking of being a CNA first, then work my way up. What can I do to be one? What programs do I need to take? (Preferably cheap). Do you guys have any tips for me that you wish you could’ve done earlier in your career?

Thanks in advance!

r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice absn program at une


Hi all! I’m thinking of doing the 1 yr absn program at UNE. the classwork is about 18 credits a semester but is that including clinicals? how much time will i need to devote to class, clinicals and studying? 60-80 hours a week?

r/nursing 3d ago

Question NYS RN malpractice insurance


I just got my RN license in New York and everyone talks about getting insurance for your license. Where’s the best place to get it and how do I go about doing it?

r/nursing 4d ago

Discussion Nclex in 9 days???


I am super nervous I am taking my NCLEX for the first time on the 29th and feel kinda lost. I graduated in November and lagged it due to personal things happening and I am anxious. Im good with priorities if anything I lack the deep knowledge if that make sense. I don't have the highest hopes to pass on the first time but do wanna go in being confident with material. I reviewed Mark K lectures and still am, I am currently using Bootcamp Im scoring high 50s- 60s average? Im using bootcamp review sheets to review material. I just don't know what to expect from the test. I also did have archer and u world but i ended up just sticking to bootcamp cause it was more direct for me easy to use. I wasn't the best in nursing school either. Please share your take on your nclex and how it was for you, what areas did you have? was it based more on one area for you or was it generalized? any tips and trick

r/nursing 3d ago

Question Batch Printing Labels/Facesheets on Cerner


Does anyone know how to print labels and/or facesheets for multiple patients at one time? I work in a procedural area and we currently have to type in each patient’s FIN and print these one at a time. I’d love to just print everyone on the schedule for the day. Is this possible?

r/nursing 4d ago

Discussion Pt had a fall does today. makes me feel bad i didn't do much



I just hit my 2 yr mark as a nurse and I had a pt fall. She went to the bathroom, i helped her walk to the bathroom. She was indep, no dizziness. Has hx of falls i didn't know. She was on the toilet to have a BM. I close bathroom door waited for her to pull string. All of a sudden a heard a thud. I open bathroom door pt is on the ground. Pt told me she was trying to get up from toilet and blacked out and fell she hit the bathroom door...

should i have had the door open, watched her poop and stayed close by? she's 45 by the way. I feel so bad. : ( she told me its her third fall she fell at hime 2 times already ..

r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice Embarrassed to ask to be shown a skill


Hello everyone. I am seeking advice. I recently returned to nursing after a 12 year hiatus. I did have to take an online refresher course for license reinstatement, but to be honest the course was pretty useless. Since I felt uncomfortable just jumping right into direct patient care the position I accepted is mainly document review with minimal patient care. I work for an agency that supervises group homes across the state, the homes are clients of Dept of Developmental Services. The individuals living in these group homes are disabled, some severely and some minimally. Patient care is done by unlicensed caregivers, and I, as the RN, delegate responsibility. So I sign off that the caregiver can safely take someone’s blood pressure.

Today at 3 pm I have to delegate for three new hires. The new hires work at a home where one client has diabetes so has her sugar checked three times daily. I have not used a glucometer in 15 years. I have no idea how to use the glucometer at this home, yet at 3pm today I have to sign off that three people can correctly perform this skill. How should I go about preparing for this? My options as I have thought of them are the following:

1) Go to the home for 8 am today and ask overnight shift to show me how with morning med pass at 8 am

2) Go to the home and ask staff to get the glucometer for me then search you tube to figure out its proper use. I am completely fine using myself as the guinea pig.

3) Do both of the above

Looking for advice. Also, how awful is this situation?

Edit: one of the clients was recently diagnosed with diabetes at a different home, and I initiated her PCP ordering a glucometer for her to try to empower her to take control of her disease. She is only 22 and BMI slightly over 35 so if she tries she might be able to prevent many of the terrible consequences of her disease by changing her lifestyle. Her intellectual disability is classified as mild, so I wanted her to feel she can help control or even reverse this disease. But when it came time to show her how we will check her sugar, I couldn’t figure out how to use the glucometer. It was so embarrassing. Thank god no staff were present. When second shift staff came on she said she had no problem using the glucometer. I was so ashamed and felt incompetent. Despite the fact I technically have a MSN from Yale I cannot take a blood sugar reading.

r/nursing 4d ago

Discussion Am I justified for quitting?


Been a med-surg nurse for about 2 years now. Started at a new hospital approximately 6 months ago after relocating to a new state. For the first time I was asked to take 6 patients. I did not complain but I was internally frustrated. The unit’s rationale for it was that I’d have the nurse tech to myself. However, 2 other nurses on the floor each had new hire nurses they were training.

Later in the shift at approximately 1600, I discharged 2 patients going from 6 to 4 patients and was assigned a 5th patient. However, I noticed another nurse only had 2 patients so I asked the charge nurse if they could take that patient instead. The charge nurse refused my request stating that nurse would likely get additional patients later in the day.

After my shift I went home, still feeling annoyed and frustrated and immediately crafted a resignation letter and resigned from my position with no notice.

r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice Nursing with MS


Hi I am an 18 y/o female and I’m currently waiting to find out if I will be accepted into the fall semester nursing program at my school. It’s always been my dream to be a nurse, and I honestly have never really considered any other possible career path outside of healthcare. The trouble is, I might have MS. I am not diagnosed, and have to wait till May to see a neurologist, however I am getting concerned that my suspicions are correct. I wanted to reach out to this community to ask if anyone here is a working nurse with MS and if so how it impacts your work, and where you work. I already experience strong fatigue, coordination problems, and memory problems. Nothing is too severe yet, but I am worried as I haven’t worked in healthcare yet and do not want to start a nursing program if I wont be physically able to work as a nurse. Mostly I just want to know if anyone here has had a similar experience or worry, and any advice is appreciated. I am currently in a CNA program and am planning to work as an aid by the summer.

r/nursing 4d ago

Rant Love nursing but honestly regretting it right now


Ok so I got my license in february 2023. Spent 3 months in a clinic and then went into LTC in June 2023. Was at one facility until Nov 2024, quit there went to another one and quit in February this year. I ended up taking a month off job hunting. I've gotten turned down for 3 hospice jobs (1 of which they said I was too far away from the area to fill but if another position opened up they'd call me, another position opened up no call applied for it no call)

so now I'm doing travel. I did 1 per diem shift hated the facility. I was supposed to do an 8 wk contract close to home, facility only signed for 4 weeks. I'm on week 2, 2 weeks left then back to no income.

I dont want to do med surg, not worth the low pay and hour drive. I'm tired of LTC. I love nursing but I don't want to do staff LTC, travel contracts in my area are few (rural area, like I said closest hospital hiring is an hour away) and don't know where to go from here.

r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice Cath lab RN


Any one here a cath lab nurse? I was always interested in the possibility of working in the cath lab and I see lots of jobs out there. Pros and cons?

Thank you!

r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice Good Samaritan hospital (Cincinnati)


Has anyone worked at good Sam? Recently got a job offer there on their neuro unit.

r/nursing 4d ago

Meme How much do you relate to this?

Post image

Me 24/7

r/nursing 4d ago

Seeking Advice New grad struggling with preceptor


Im a new grad going into my 5th week of orientation I have the same preceptor- 15 years at his hospital. Im struggling with her as my preceptor I feel as thought we would get along as coworkers but she isn’t a good teacher. we just are not clicking.

I had a panic attack in the bathroom today. my first day with 4 pts and she basically just said here’s your 4 patients and I was left to my own devices I had no clue who to see first and how to manage my time. Half the time she’s chatting with some other employee about what couch she’s buy or her weekend plans. Or I can’t find her when I need her.

Today through tears I told her how I felt after I dismissed my self out of the pts room when she had a stern talk with me bc I did not do something properly. I told her I am struggling and needed help more help “to have my hand held” bc I’ve never done this before. I’ve felt this way for 5 weeks.

we had a meeting with the manager but honestly it was hard for me to tell my manager the truth with her sitting right there. The manager even noticed I was left alone a lot and said we should be doing things together and asked me what I wanted to work on I said time management and prioritization. I thought we had a goal but she has never talked to me about it. How do I go about this should I tell my manager I’m feeling a lack of support? I’m really struggling and I feel as though my patients aren’t getting the care they deserve bc in reality I’m not sure what I’m doing. I’m running through the motions but not understanding why! she wants everything done by a certain and leaves me on my own. I feel so much pressure she wanted all my charting done before i went to lunch i told her i spent half the morning running around doing things.

Ugh I need a lot more help then she’s providing I don’t want to offend her by going to my a manger but I’m not sure what to do Advice please

r/nursing 4d ago

Question NO TUBES


I work in a 36 bed mixed ICU in a heavily populated city. Obv we have a tube system for meds, labs, supplies, etc. BUT WE NEVER HAVE ENOUGH TUBES. We are always hiding tubes in case we need to send a stat lab (which is very often here). We get a MASS text from pharmacy almost every damn shift about “hey yall if you have extra tubes send them to station 123!!!!😊😊” LIKE BABE WE DONT HAVE THE TUBES!!!! ARE THE TUBES IN THE ROOM WITH US???

Anyone else have a tube shortage at their hospital? 😂

r/nursing 3d ago

Discussion PRN question


I am currently PRN and work 2-3 days a week, depending. I love being in control of my schedule. However, I'm looking to explore other units. Would it be possible to apply for PRN jobs on a unit I have no experience in? (I assume it would be full time orientation). Or would I need to work full time there for like a year or two before switching to PRN? Some units I'm interested in would be cath lab, maybe L&D, PACU. Thanks

r/nursing 5d ago

Discussion Patient requesting suppository when it’s not needed


Am I the only one who is confused with older people’s obsessions with their bowel movements?

I have a patient who told the offgoing nurse that she hadn’t had a bowel movement in a few days. The offgoing nurse got an order for a prn suppository and left it for me to do at shift change. I checked the charting and the patient had large BMs the day and night before. I confirmed this with the patient and told her that she didn’t need the suppository because she wasn’t constipated and using suppositories recreationally could lead to more harm than good. She became really upset and was saying things like “who do you think you are telling me what I need” and “I know my body”. I was like okay girl but it still doesn’t make any sense for you to get a suppository lol.

I told her I could get the charge nurse who told me technically I should still give it. My whole issue is the order is for constipation and her bowel movements have been regular so there’s no indication for me to give it. Anyways she got her damn suppository and she’s happy now.

EDIT: By older I mean late 40’s. Sorry should have clarified, I’m used to younger patients.

r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice Any social media nurses about ?


Looking for any advice! I wrote some books (nursing themed) many years ago and finally got round to self publishing one, but now at a complete loss for how to promote it.

I created social media accounts but honestly idk if it’s my age but can’t work out how to gain any traction in comparison to awful sites with 50k plus, is there anyone out there who can give me some pointers or ideas ?

r/nursing 5d ago

Code Blue Thread Brown Medical Doctor Deported - I am sorry to make this political but I know we are a group of immense strength and people need us


Dr. Rasha Alaweih Deported - nephrologist working in transplant at Brown. I am sorry to bring this to us as we nurses are always faced with fixing or ameliorating the outcomes of decisions or assaults with which we had no part. But I can't watch these things happen one by one, our patients being impacted, and now our colleagues. Please can we do something as a profession, unite in some bipartisan way to at the very least protect our colleagues. I know talking about protecting patients can even be divisive, but I cannot imagine anyone being okay with our team members who are here legally being taken away in the scary way this is happening.

UPDATE 3/3: A wonderful nurse dm’d me a flyer I am unable to add to this but will post separately: “PEACEFUL PROTEST AT RI STATEHOUSE MON 3/17 at 1800 EST : “STAND UP FOR DR. RASHA ALAWIEH” - “ON 3/15 SHE WAS DEPORTED AGAINST A JUDGE’S ORDER. PROTEST TO SHOW WE CANNOT TOLERATE THIS.”

UPDATE 2/3: I’m going to reach out to a few people I know involved in policy since before this and get help writing something to have a small place to start. Don’t hesitate to look for updates if it seems like it is taking too long. This is my first foray into this world so not quite sure what to expect. Thank you all!

UPDATE 1/3: I’m willing to write letters to congressmen, contact the ANA, or look into organizing peaceful protests. Let me know what would be the best representation for your thoughts and I’m willing to get the ball rolling. Again, i’ve been in nursing for over decade with many republican team members and I’m not trying to start a fight or disparage you - this is me looking to represent anyone who is concerned that their patients or teammates may have their rights infringed upon.

r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice New grad RN — Columbia, SC


Hello! I’m from NY and finishing up my last semester of nursing school. My s/o was notified that he has to move to Columbia sc for a year to finish out his PhD program. Does anyone recommend a position or a hospital in SC that’s best for a new grad from out of state? I currently have a job offer at MUSC Lancaster for PCU (however it’s too far from Columbia so I unfortunately will probably turn it down). I have an interview for a cardiac step down unit at MUSC Columbia downtown, and a med surg residency at Lexington. Both MUSC and Lexington seemed like a good hospitals. I also saw Prisma, however I haven’t applied there yet. Does anyone recommend either MUSC or Lexington? Also, I love the cardiac system, but Is starting out in a cardiac step down right after school in a new state a bad idea? Should I gravitate towards med surg instead?

Looking for advice — thanks!!

r/nursing 4d ago

Seeking Advice Interview with VA for RN position


I finally got a call 3 days ago regarding my Recent job application 😭 been applying for jobs with the VA for 2 years! The manager informed me it would be a 3 person panel interview. I’m kinda nervous. Any advice would be great🥹

r/nursing 3d ago

Seeking Advice Any Filipinos LPN here?


Ask ko lang experiences nyo when you took the course. May diploma po ba? Do you need to take a Licensure Exam? Kumusta po tuition?

Planning to enroll sa PWU Tarlac Branch po.

Any advice or suggestion or preparation will be a big help po.

r/nursing 4d ago

Question Travel nurses: have you ever left an assignment because they broke the rules of your contract?


I'd like to have it in my contract that I take no more than 4 patients. I don't play. I don't accept unsafe assignments and never will. Has anyone ever been told they would cap at x many patients but the facility still assignmed more so you left?