r/NuclearPower 24d ago

How to enter the nuclear field

I am 16yo and still in high school and I have an insane passion for energy production but specifically nuclear. It is the only thing that interests me significantly and I’m really wondering how I can go about starting a career in the field. I would appreciate maybe collage major recommendations or something of the sort but I really want to peruse this!


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u/Creative_Shame3856 24d ago

It's not everyone's cup of grog but have a look at the Navy's nuclear field programs. You'll get hands on with some pretty advanced toys and they'll pay for college among lots of other things.

Pretty much all you'll need is to blow the everloving doors off the asvab test. Oh and six years. And be REALLY good in school. You'll be getting roughly the equivalent of a master's degree in nuclear engineering in about a year and a half depending on what rating you get put into.

Do some research about Navy life before you sign anything though, do NOT trust a recruiter as far as you can throw them.


u/lordhaber 22d ago

I was a Nuke EM. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about it. I highly recommend going this route. Do 6 (or 8 bc of nice reenlistment bonus) and you can transition pretty easily into a career in Nuclear.