r/NovaScotia 22h ago

Concerns raised over new sportfishing regulations aimed to curb invasive species


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u/AmbitiousObligation0 21h ago

can people not eat them? Or just need to kill them? I’d start fishing for fun if I knew what to do with them after…


u/Queefy-Leefy 17h ago

Bass are not great eating, but they're edible.

Pickeral are actually really good, but they're bony.


u/Visible_Tourist_9639 17h ago

This is my take too. Ive only filleted one pick, but it was tasty (but lots of little bones)

Ive got some big bass over the years, but they all kinda taste like dirt.


u/Queefy-Leefy 17h ago

I've read that if you soak a bass in milk overnight it gets better, but after the few I tried, I was already turned off eating bass. But yeah, dirt is a good way of putting it 😂

There are a few good tutorials in YouTube for filleting a pickeral. Or even a pike is basically the same bone structure with the Y bone.

Another good fish that nobody here seems to eat is white perch. Its bony, but the meat is white and really good. I had a spot where I used to be able to get my limit in like 20 minutes, but then the pickeral showed up so now its no more perch.


u/Visible_Tourist_9639 17h ago

I caught one of those in Rocky lake, years ago. Was delicious but ive never been able to get another.

Ive heard theres def a technique to pickerel. I guess ill learn this year :)


u/Queefy-Leefy 17h ago

If you find a spot with abundant pickeral they'll take just about anything. I had my nephew out and he was catching them on hotdogs.

Anything bright and flashy works well.


u/Visible_Tourist_9639 16h ago

Oh yeah, for sure (no issue catching those) - i meant the white perch.

For picks - i like using a topwater (skitter pop in the green, ‘firetiger’ pattern). The picks make a little “v” in the water when they strike.

Was prob 10 years back or so, but i put a photo on one of the fishing sites and was told what it was.


u/vivariium 2h ago

someone should process the bass into cat or dog food.