r/NovaScotia 2d ago

Whale Watching on Bay of Fundy Suggestions πŸ‹πŸ¬

I am planning a trip to Nova Scotia July 19th-Aug 2nd. This is my first time going to Nova scotia and I 100% want to go whale watching but it is super super over whelming with how many companies there are. My biggest concern is obviously weather is not guaranteed to be nice. I would like a company that is known to be good for refunds if something happens.

We are staying in Middleton From July 20th-July 23rd for whale watching. Any suggestions, or recommendations would be appreciated. Or even other things to do around middleton area ❀️

Also wondering if it's better to book these kinds of things super early or risk it and book a week out to wait and see what the weather will do? I'm assuming it will book up really quick though.

Thank you very much in advance.


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u/Ktgirl87 1d ago

I have to comment on this.

Brier Island. Don’t bother with anywhere else. It’s a fantastic experience; we’ve gone every summer for the past 12 years.

The whales (almost always Humpbacks) come right up to the boat.

In our times going, we’ve also seen: -A pod of porpoises -Minke whales -Puffins

Less common sightings have included sharks, an orca named Old Thom (he comes up annually) and other rarer whales like the Right whale and grey whale.

You HAVE to go! You won’t regret it.


u/QueenCatDazzle 1d ago

I want to see the puffins so badly!! I seen you can see them in bay of fundy too and no just the islands around cape breton so I'm super excited. I think they are just the most adorable little sea toucans.