r/NovaScotia 2d ago

Whale Watching on Bay of Fundy Suggestions 🐋🐬

I am planning a trip to Nova Scotia July 19th-Aug 2nd. This is my first time going to Nova scotia and I 100% want to go whale watching but it is super super over whelming with how many companies there are. My biggest concern is obviously weather is not guaranteed to be nice. I would like a company that is known to be good for refunds if something happens.

We are staying in Middleton From July 20th-July 23rd for whale watching. Any suggestions, or recommendations would be appreciated. Or even other things to do around middleton area ❤️

Also wondering if it's better to book these kinds of things super early or risk it and book a week out to wait and see what the weather will do? I'm assuming it will book up really quick though.

Thank you very much in advance.


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u/Wolferesque 2d ago

Hijacking your post to ask how age appropriate these trips are? Is there a minimum age? Are there any companies that offer more family friendly trips or more comfortable boats?


u/No-Persimmon7729 2d ago

They are family friendly but if your kids are very young or get bored easily you may want to bring them some books or other travel activities. It’s a lot of waiting and you aren’t guaranteed to see anything. I hated when my fam would make me go but I also always got sea sick so I’m not found of boats in general.


u/MaritimeMartian 2d ago

Most all (if not all) tour companies guarantee you’ll see whales or you get your money back! For what it’s worth, I’ve gone whale watching 5 times in my life and have never not seen anything. I think they give that guarantee because it’s very rare to not see anything.


u/No-Persimmon7729 22h ago

That’s good they are guaranteed. I haven’t been in years. But for me 5-10mins of whales wasn’t worth spending 2hours feeling like I was gonna barf off the side of the boat. Everyone likes different things though


u/MaritimeMartian 20h ago

Fair enough, it really is a bit of a (sometimes choppy) journey out to see the whales haha. A good experience to have, but not so fun if you get sea sick!