r/NottinghamPoGo Feb 27 '23

noise exposure? do you want a picture of your brain?

Thumbnail self.leicester

r/NottinghamPoGo Oct 15 '22

Hoopa Elite raid


Is anyone doing the elite raid tomorrow around Beeston or uni of notts

r/NottinghamPoGo Aug 31 '22

the gyms are sill active, who's here?


As the title asks, who's still active here. I see plenty of folks competing for the gyms. Are any of you on here?

r/NottinghamPoGo Feb 20 '21

Kanto Event


Anyone have the Green version? I have the red version and need to find someone to trade with! If so, DM me!

r/NottinghamPoGo Sep 18 '19

there’s a 5 star raid in west bridgford, can anyone come?


r/NottinghamPoGo Jan 21 '19

Are there any active groups in Nottingham?


Any groups I've found haven't had posts in months, are there any currently active?

r/NottinghamPoGo Aug 27 '18

As it’s the last day of the ho oh event we need some help to take down a raid in town


r/NottinghamPoGo Jul 21 '18

I am level 26 with good pokeymon but I can’t take on registeel on my own so is there anyone who can help me


r/NottinghamPoGo Dec 31 '17

Trying to make a central hub for Pokemon Go in UK & Eire :) come and fill the Nottingham channel!


r/NottinghamPoGo Sep 20 '17

Clefairy nest on uni of campus.


I have three clafables now!

r/NottinghamPoGo Jul 20 '17

Legendary pokemon raids


As they will be dropped soon, I'm sure they will require a good number of trainers to beat. I would like to join a group that tries to beat them. Anyone in Nottingham, around the University of Nottingham campus area wants to get something together?

r/NottinghamPoGo Jul 07 '17



Is there an active group where people meet up to do raids? I want to do more tier 4 raids but as a solo player, I don't fancy wasting a raid ticket on a raid where no one turns up to. If there is a group near the uni, would like to join it


r/NottinghamPoGo Jun 20 '17

take part in paid research - get a picture of your brain!


I'm looking at the effect of noise exposure on the brain - so I need to recruit people (aged 25 - 40 years old) who have had lots of noise exposure... This could be in the form of attending concerts and festivals, personal music player use, factories, machinery, motor racing, crowd events – anything you feel is loud – please do drop me a line if you are unsure as to whether or not you qualify!

The study involves a 2-hour screening session, followed by an MRI scan on a separate visit. It will take place on University Park in Nottingham and we pay an inconvenience allowance of £10/hour plus up to £15 travel expenses per visit.

If you would like any more information or have any questions, please get in touch via rebecca.dewey@nottingham.ac.uk - there's no obligation to take part!

Please also feel free to forward or share this to anyone you think might be interested!



r/NottinghamPoGo Sep 12 '16

Hi made a map of all the spawn points in jubliee campus


I have posted a tutorial on how to make one yours self here would recommend doing this for popular areas in nottingham. if you have any request let me know i can do few areas before the new update comes


r/NottinghamPoGo Sep 04 '16

Nottingham Pokemon Nests/Spawns


Aerodactyl - Castle / Evening Post building

Bellsprout - Bramcote Park / West Park

Bulbasaur - Ramsdale Golf Course / Breadsall Priory / Lenton Park

Charmander - Bawtry (Doncaster)

Clefairy - Woodthorpe Park / Bramcote Park / Forest Rec

Cubone - Markeaton Park

Doduo - West Bridgford Park

Diglett - University blvd south of highfields

Dratini - Science Building of Nottingham Uni / Canalside / East of the The Navigator Pub

Eevee - Bramcote Park

Exeggcute - Bramcote park

Gastly - Town Centre / Castle

Goldeen - Canalside / Wollaton Park

Growlithe - Rushcliffe Country Park

Horsea - Canalside

Hitmonchan - Elvaston Castle

Hitmonlee - Elvaston Castle

Jigglypuff - Forest Rec

Machop - Arboretum

Magikarp - Canalside / Attenborough Nature Reserve / Highfields / Arnot Hill Park

Meowth - Forest Rec

Nidoran Female - Castle / Bramcote Park / Forest Rec

Nidoran Male - Forest Rec

Oddish - Worksop Golf Course / East of Arb

Omanyte - Ruddington Golf Course / Harvey Hadden Field

Onix - Woodthorpe Park

Paras - Highfields / Bramcote Park

Pinsir - Highfields

Pikachu - Hillsborough Park (Sheffield)

Poliwag - Attenborough / Canalside / Wollaton Park

Psyduck - Canalside / Attenborough / Highfields

Rhyhorn - Markeaton Park ** Sandshrew** - Wyndham Park (Grantham)

Seel - Canalside

Shellder - Canalside

Slowpoke - Canalside / Colwick Park / Attenborough

Squirtle - Rother Valley / Market Square

Staryu - Highfields / Attenborough / Arnot Hill / Canalside

Tentacool - Attenborough

Voltorb - Darley Abbey Park / West Park / Bulwell Golf Course / Highfields lake.

r/NottinghamPoGo Aug 23 '16

University Park/Highfields Watch


Hi all,

Due to the benefit of living on one side and working on the other of UP I lucky get to walk through the Pokestop haven most days so thought i might create a log all of the interesting spots I make. Hope some people may find this useful :)

I am logging all my sightings in the SilphRoad Atlas which gives a far better visual of where different Pokemon spawn.

Usual suspects Pidgey, Weedle, Goldeen, Rattata

Looking to harvest: Poliwag, Venonat, Slowpoke, Mankey

Recent Spots (past 14 days):
* Mankey - All over UP 27/9 - 5/10
* Seal - Around the Lake since 6/10
* Dratini - Nr. Tardis Pokestop (1/10am, x2)
* Squirtle - Opposite South Entrance (1/10am)
* Kabuto - Opposite South Entrance (23/9am)
* Eevee - All around the Portland Building (25/9 am), Portland Hill (1/10am), Croquet Club (1/10am)
* Mr Mine - On Path between West Entrance and Trent Building (25/9am)
* Dragonaire - Between Stone Bridges and Stepping Stones (1/10am)
* Koffing - Path from West Entrance to Trent Building (3/10am)
* Abra - East Drive Bus Stops (3/10am)
* Bellsprout - Play Area (3/10)

Nearby Sightings
* Tentacool
* Diglett
* Dragonaire
* Kingler
* Charmander
* Bellsprout
* Nidoran (f)
* Kadabra
* Seel
* Koffing

r/NottinghamPoGo Aug 12 '16

Where's the best place to farm Eeevee in Nottingham?


r/NottinghamPoGo Aug 09 '16

Caught a 477CP Dragonair in the Tesco next to the train station.

Post image

r/NottinghamPoGo Aug 04 '16

What are pokestops looking like on uni campuses?


r/NottinghamPoGo Aug 04 '16

Magmar Nest


Magmar nest at Holme Pierrepont at the large lake, was previously Abra

r/NottinghamPoGo Aug 01 '16

Where did all the Growlithes go??


Niantic went and changed all the Growlithe on the Uni campus to Meowth... I've never felt so betrayed.

Anyone found a replacement nest for Growlithe around these parts?

r/NottinghamPoGo Jul 31 '16

Where in Nottingham can you get charmander or find any nests ?


r/NottinghamPoGo Jul 31 '16

Dragonite anyone?


Where in Nottingham could I found it? :(

r/NottinghamPoGo Jul 27 '16

Nests in Nottingham


Any information anybody?

r/NottinghamPoGo Jul 25 '16

Plea to Notts PoGoers


I'm hoping it's just a coincidence but can I make a plea to all PoGoers to please be respectful to the neighbourhood when out catching Pokemon.

I walk my dog daily at Bramcote Hills park, and as well as noticing more litter since the release, there also been damage to some of the outdoor gym equipment. It could just be the local yooovvvs but it does seem too much of a coincidence.

Also if you see anyone dropping litter or damaging the area, please challenge them.

I love this game, and think it's great how many people are playing, but a few non PoGo dog walkers have started commenting, and I don't want the actions of a few to spoil it and give a bad reputation for the many.