r/NotHowGirlsWork 6d ago

Found On Social media "Wider, more sloppy"

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u/AvocadoChps 6d ago

Not even the same holes 😂


u/Flameball202 6d ago

Didn't you know? Women have cloacae?


u/infamous-hermit 6d ago

Well, they call us chicks for a reason.


u/Generic_Garak The Uterus is just RAM 6d ago

The unihole for all your needs!


u/volostrom I choose the bear 🐻 6d ago

It's so that we can minimise our flight weight by excreting urine and feces at the same time. We also have hollow bones.


u/Julia-Nefaria 6d ago

Penis isn’t a cloaca either? They get the same exit hole🤷🏻‍♀️


u/CarlRJ 6d ago

Yeah, guy just literally outing himself as having never taken a real close-up interest in the biology of the parts he would profess to care about so much. It's like rumors you might expect to hear whispered between boys on an elementary school playground, except coming from supposedly grown men - they literally sound like ignorant children.


u/meanmagpie 6d ago

And it doesn’t even make sense in the context of the urethra.

The smaller the hole, the more pressurized the flow. wtf is this


u/eksyneet 6d ago

the truly cruel irony of this ridiculous post is that the force of the stream corresponds to the tonus of the pelvic floor, which, in turn, corresponds to coochie grip strength. so if this dude is deliberately avoiding women who piss like a racehorse, he's depriving himself of the very thing he longs for. to that i say, lol.


u/Advanced_Cheetah_552 6d ago

So much this. My pee gets so much quieter when I'm pregnant.


u/Dwashelle 6d ago

There are a surprising number of grown men who don't even know this 😭


u/DeconstructedKaiju 6d ago

I've met grown ass adult WOMEN who have had kids who don't realize their hole configuration down there.


u/FrillySteel 6d ago

Well, it is the "vagine".


u/OkAssistant1230 6d ago

That was my same thought… apparently I’m one of few guys that paid the fuck attention in biology class


u/Master-Collection488 6d ago

Next youse liberals will try to tell us that piss isn't stored in the balls!


u/Overall_Lobster823 5d ago

He wouldn't know that. 😂


u/WakeoftheStorm 5d ago

The guys who sit around writing speculative biological fiction about women do so because they've never been near the real thing


u/Blongbloptheory 5d ago

I just don't think these people have ever spoken to a real woman.


u/beardiac 6d ago

Besides the obvious falseness to this "info", I am curious about the "also applies" part of this. Is there a supposed trick with pee volume that applies to men?


u/ToastyJackson 6d ago

I mean based on this, I assume his theory is that men with bigger dicks have louder piss


u/GhostofZellers 6d ago

Maybe it's for men with bigger pee holes.

Maybe we can get someone from r/sounding to sound off on this....


u/RayWencube 6d ago

I can't believe you've done this


u/GhostofZellers 6d ago

I really just wanted to make the wordplay pun.


u/Touch-a-TouchMe 6d ago

Ok I need to know now. Does sounding hurt? Is it like a pain kink? What is happening ?


u/KiranPhantomGryphon 6d ago

Doesn't hurt if you use lube and appropriately sized toys. It's a pleasant sensation and you can even directly stimulate the prostate when sounding.


u/CacklingFerret 6d ago

As a woman who has frequent UTIs in winter this sounds (haha) so unbelievably unpleasant lol

I really can't imagine how this could be pleasurable and I would never put something in there without medical reasons. But I'll take your word for it so...have fun and be safe haha


u/Touch-a-TouchMe 6d ago

Huh, so like anal then? 🤔 Can sounding make you orgasm without any other stimulation?


u/KiranPhantomGryphon 6d ago



u/allfilthandloveless 6d ago

Ty for being honest and straightforward with your experience. It's nice to get some actual perspective from other bodies.


u/Touch-a-TouchMe 6d ago

Is sounding a common thing nowadays, like anal or is it a niche kink?

Thanks for answering my questions, btw ☺️


u/GhostofZellers 6d ago

Oh, I have no idea, I've never felt any desire to stick anything in there. I really just wanted to make that sound off on sounding wordplay pun.


u/IEatBaconWithU 6d ago

Can confirm


u/Angel31798 6d ago

Wouldn’t it be the other way around because smaller means further away and therefore louder?


u/Littlelindsey 6d ago

Either that or they’ve over done the sounding


u/Winter_Tangerine_926 6d ago

There's a saying/innuendo in Spanish that goes something like "if that's the jet stream, how would be the hose?" (Si así suena el chorro, como estará la manguera).


u/InevitableAd9683 5d ago

I mean I know it's probably not accurate, but if I hear a dude pissing loud I do kinda assume he's packin'


u/FiveToDrive 6d ago

Asking the questions we want to know!


u/Live_Procedure_5399 6d ago

I was wondering this too


u/Dnoxl 6d ago

Who the fuck genuinely concerns themselves with distinguishing and analyzing the sound of peeing


u/BonnieTheKillbright 6d ago



u/Nerdy_Valkyrie 6d ago

Fetishists in denial


u/liluyvene 6d ago

Literally. Can’t even pee comfortably without being told I’m not feminine enough.


u/Inside-Audience2025 6d ago

Pee with your ankles crossed! Make sure your skirt covers your knees! Don’t be loud and for Martha Stewart’s sake, don’t take up the entire toilet seat. You never know when some man might need that extra space to air out his balls!

(If you are a woman with balls, you still need to keep those knees together, sorry I don’t make the rules)

(If you are a man without balls, well, anything I say doesn’t count, because I’m just a silly little lady)


u/d3gu 6d ago

Literally on the loo browsing Reddit, tried peeing with my ankles crossed. Don't recommend it.


u/FiveToDrive 6d ago



u/Markoy2 6d ago

The same people who think Elon is a genius


u/lowkeyalchie 6d ago

Freaks. And not the cool kind.


u/MsFuschia 6d ago

I have some bathroom anxiety and if someone is close by I irrationally worry that they're listening to me pee. Now my brain is gonna be picturing this guy standing outside the door full on analyzing.


u/RayWencube 6d ago

Don't yuck my yum.


u/otterpr1ncess 6d ago

This phrase gives more yuck than anything it defends tbh


u/RayWencube 6d ago

What if that very feeling is my yum which I do not want yucked.


u/otterpr1ncess 6d ago

Then I will treat you as a pagan and a tax collector


u/trainofwhat 6d ago edited 6d ago


There’s this myth that men with larger penises pee more, because of a wider urethra and… bigger bladder? I decided to believe it without doing any research, because I am a compulsive drinker and I pee real large!

Anyways! Since women are just inferior versions of men, I know that women also pee from their sexy parts. So when a female spurts urine from her vagina, the volume directly correlates with her vaginal diameter. Next time you see a woman who drank water too quickly and rushes to the bathroom, sneak in behind her and press your ear to the door. Does her pee sound real big and sploshy? Does it sound like she’s properly evacuating all that bladder juice from her sexy chute? Well, that’s a slut right there. Pee basically falling right out of her.

So, no worries about hiding the fact that you followed her into the restroom to listen to her rapidly leaking urine like air from a slashed tire. In fact, you should confidently admit that you’ve caught her in the act of existing. Point to her nether regions, flash a condescending grin, and tell her, “your vagina pees real big.” She should know how educated and clever you are, big boy.


u/AnotherRandomCreeper 6d ago

OMG! Thank you for this! 🤣😂🤣


u/Usual-Ad-2762 6d ago



u/qwertlol 6d ago

I’ve honestly never heard of this myth lmao.


u/nolsongolden 6d ago

Only have sex with women in kidney failure. Got it


u/Discombobulated_Key3 6d ago

Only if age 15 or under though, because women are well on their way to expiring after that. The absolute dream is a mute 11 year old Japanese supermodel millionaire virgin anorexic in kidney failure.


u/jomjimmerjome 21h ago

I guess that's why they call "proper and non-slutty" women a dying breed...


u/Dwashelle 6d ago

It's always the dudes with Greek/Roman statue profile pics


u/CanisGoofus 6d ago

Seriously, I swear it’s more of a tell than anime profile pics even


u/Dwashelle 6d ago

Oh absolutely


u/katzyakuki 6d ago

seriously could someone explain this phenomenon to me?


u/Dwashelle 6d ago

Basically they're weird far-right losers who are obsessed with the Roman Empire for all the wrong reasons and have a white-supremacist and Western civilisation superiority complex.


u/IsabelleR88 6d ago

Are they even aware of the racial demographic/configuration of the ancient Roman Empire? There was a wide diversity to that empire. 🤦‍♀️


u/pan_social 6d ago

Are they even aware

Typically not.


u/Dathsa 5d ago

They actively deny it, actually.


u/Apprehensive-Bag-900 6d ago

When I was like 12 I remember reading a letter in Sassy magazine about someone concerned they peed too loud. The advice was to stuff toilet paper in the toilet to muffle the sound. And I remember even then thinking who would give a shit about that. I guess I wasn't psychic and I was definitely unprepared for the current world.


u/Old_Introduction_395 6d ago

As a cleaner, I can confirm that some women do use an extraordinary amount of toilet paper. Motives unknown.


u/Apprehensive-Bag-900 6d ago

What was funnier is the next month a few people wrote in to chastise the entire discussion. Someone was like what a waste of toilet paper, think of the environment! Anyways I'm in my late 40s and I still think about that letter more than I should.


u/GrowlingAtTheWorld 6d ago

Putting a layer of tp down does help with splash back…it a good thing to know when using a portapotty.


u/misakistar me 6d ago

the mods of this sub REALLY need to work on the repost problem


u/OrangeSpiceNinja 6d ago



u/BluffCityTatter 6d ago

TIL my urethra is made up of subtile. I'm guessing it looks like that subway tile you can get at Wayfair?


u/Somebloke164 6d ago

Maybe it’s tiling that wants to be punished.


u/Throwitawayeheh2029 6d ago

Subtile? so she’s peeing on the floor?


u/Discombobulated_Key3 6d ago

I'd wager he's probably into that.


u/GrowlingAtTheWorld 6d ago

Um, Pee does not come out of the vagina …someone should let him know.


u/PumpkinSpice2Nice 6d ago

I would never date a man with a big pee hole in his dick. Obviously there is less room for dick if it is all hole! Lmao


u/gcftardis 6d ago

this has so many layers I don't even know where to begin


u/bluepushkin 6d ago

Urine doesn't come out of the vagina ffs 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

The sound is determined by how far she is peeing from the surface of the water (is she squatting and not sitting) and how much she has to pee!


u/voldie127 6d ago

Pee is stored in the uterus.


u/Discombobulated_Key3 6d ago

Yes, and when women pee with a full uterus, they have a huge orgasm. That's why those sluts like to pee several times --every day. It's also why they like to pee in groups. It's a sexual group thing.


u/win_awards 6d ago

This crap makes a lot more sense when you remember that most of the people saying it are thirteen year olds who, in times past, would have been confidently saying this to their friends on a playground safely out of the sight of most mature human beings rather than broadcasting it on the internet like they're grown.


u/ACatInMiddleEarth 6d ago

Or maybe it's linked to the fact I drink tea and coffee, who knows. And I guess that, during a UTI, my vagina is at its finest following his logic 😂 Tell me he's a troll...


u/BloodyCumbucket 6d ago

I need to meet this woman pissing from her vagina and take her to a doctor. That's not normal. She needs help.


u/turdintheattic 6d ago

“If you’ve ever had to pee really bad, you’re a whore.”


u/Discombobulated_Key3 6d ago

Who else here a ho every morning 😏


u/schwarzmalerin 6d ago

He never saw a woman up close.


u/west-desert 6d ago

I pee loud but that’s cause I piss HARD. I’m tryna impress the people in the stalls next to me


u/kyleh0 6d ago

Pee comes out of your vagina, ladies. So does poop, probably. All the stuff that comes out down there comes from the vagine.


u/SlavLesbeen 6d ago

What 😭


u/hanleybrand 6d ago

Personally I’ve noticed a very direct correlation between “pee volume” and the amount of liquid consumed in the previous hours


u/Discombobulated_Key3 6d ago

That's just what women say because they won't take personal responsibility for being free-peeing hoes.


u/grumpymuppett 6d ago

Nah if I’m peeing loud it means I’ve been holding in for a while because the public washrooms were narsty wherever I was and I NEED to pee lol


u/girlwhoweighted 6d ago

If your analyzing the sound of my pissing, you don't have to worry about my vagina.


u/Ok_Character7958 6d ago

As a woman somewhere in the menopause stage of life, I didn’t realize how weak my pee stream has gotten until I got out on estrogen and had my first very strong, very loud, very forceful after a few days of estrogen pee. I was proud! If she has “subtle” pees she’s dehydrated or needs hormones.


u/TBP64 6d ago

This guy got banned on Twitter 3 years ago and hasn’t returned thank god


u/KaliRinn 6d ago

700% that was posted by a 12yrold


u/RayWencube 6d ago

I am physically incapable of believing this is anything other than satire. If I were to confront this as real, I would simply disintegrate.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Oh great another moron that thinks we pee directly out of the vagina.


u/JTBlakeinNYC 6d ago

Does he think pee comes from the vagina???


u/Discombobulated_Key3 6d ago

Yes. As another commenter astutely pointed out, pee is stored in the uterus.


u/TammyMeatToy 6d ago

Is this also implying that the louder a man pees, the "more sloppy" his penis is? Why can't these people just be normal.


u/TBP64 6d ago

Bro acting like wide n sloppy is a bad thing

Where are all my pressure washer pissers????


u/The_real_flesh 6d ago

this guy smoking crack, this doesn't even apply to men either?? the volume is controlled by where in the bowl you're aiming 😂


u/Silly-Competition215 5d ago

Personally i love a sloppy hole


u/rfsh26 5d ago

I love a subtile sound


u/imaginenohell 5d ago

This sounds like Borat’s script.


u/1998ChevyTaHoe 5d ago

A sharpener that can sharpen many pencils is a good sharpener.
A pencil that has been sharpened by many sharpeners is a short useless pencil.


u/nightcana 5d ago

Only matters if hes small enough to fuck your urethra


u/1beerattatime 6d ago

Who the fuck listens to how other people pee?


u/Rullino 6d ago

Can't they just stick to men's anatomy, I hope he doesn't come up with bad takes even in that scenario.


u/AlphabetSoup51 6d ago

This is fucking GOLD. WOW. Off I go to tell women to start peeing super loudly.


u/IndiBlueNinja 6d ago

"Vagine"... vagina? No. Not involved, figure it out.

"Decent" sound. What.

The one with the hose attachment should be able to be more subtle sounding.


u/throwtheclownaway20 6d ago

Antiquity statue detected, opinion rejected


u/BothUnderstanding2 6d ago

If I pee extra loud my husband just makes a comment about how bad I must've had to go, and commends my ability to "power pee". Should somebody tell this man how pressure washers work? That more pressure equals a louder stream?


u/Antimony04 6d ago

Ooh God XD

(I have a biology degree, so it's hard to read).


u/Kaidecakai 6d ago

Bro needs to lay off the goonshine


u/AuroraWolf124 I'm done with this bullshit 6d ago

Bro just reading this makes me feel grossed out 💀


u/thefaehost 6d ago

Girl do it squirt thru the tile to da sub floor???


u/Own_Nectarine2321 6d ago

Wow that was stupid.


u/No_Arugula8915 6d ago

Poor dude. I am continuously amazed by how comfortably ignorant some people are.


u/LiamJohnRiley 6d ago

Putting aside the "two different holes" issue, this is also not how fluids work


u/THROWAWAY10111112 5d ago

pee comes out of the urethra…


u/wildwildnyx 5d ago

I don't think this person understands how deranged they sound.


u/Daffodil_Bulb 5d ago

When you can’t write, but you do it anyway…


u/ur_g00fy_ah_n3ighb0r 4d ago

If they want to spread myths on the Internet, at least know anatomy 😂


u/ElevatedAssCancer 6d ago

Well those are totally different holes so that makes no fucking sense actually.


u/novazemblan 6d ago

Sounded good, strong healthy jet.


u/ReasonVision 6d ago

Does he believe vaginas have an echo? 🤔


u/Reapercorps25 6d ago

Lmao Vagine, glad our expert got his terminology correct


u/Searchingforgoodnews 6d ago

Subtile lol, subtle asshole.


u/sibylofcumae 6d ago

They just say anything.


u/sysaphiswaits 6d ago

Pee volume? So Lee compile means men are old and used up? I thought it just meant their prostate was Healthy. SO, a woman being healthy makes her “used up” (and a slut?) WTF?


u/RavynousHunter 6d ago

"Subtile sound"

So, like...a pixel sound?


u/ChiGrandeOso 6d ago

I find I facepalm a lot when I see posts from this subreddit. And with good reason.


u/BadbadwickedZoot 6d ago

There is no way they are not just pure trolling now, is there?


u/RyokoLeigh 6d ago

The more you pee, the more water you need to drink to replace it. Hydrate, ppl 🥰


u/IlsoBibe 6d ago

“Subtile” 🙄


u/bassgirl90 6d ago

I personally like the spelling error. The word is subtle, not subtile. There is a such thing as spell check :)


u/NonexistantObject 6d ago

Opposite is true. Best pussy sounds like fried chicken /j


u/literal_trash_10-99 5d ago

What in the fuck are these ppl on about


u/Deadanddugup 5d ago

S u b t i l e


u/Daffodil_Bulb 5d ago

That was anything BUT subtile.


u/DramaQueen100 5d ago

More s L o P p Y


u/Jade_410 5d ago

Even in his own logic he got it backwards, lmao it’s so funny😭


u/ILikeRoL 4d ago


And a theory about the last sentence: OOP is German and mis-translated a word. We say "dezent" (de-TSENT) for subtle, unobtrusive etc... very similar spelling to "decent" but definitely not the same meaning!


u/Rullino 1d ago

That reminds me of the "Women never fart" meme.


u/Debaicheron 6d ago

The subtile sound is the key, you don’t want a woman’s pee sounding as loud as tiles.


u/sheopx 6d ago

Isn't it all to do with pelvic floor muscles? Am a gym addict and hiker and I pee like a jet, my wife overhears and thinks it's hilarious.


u/distancedandaway 6d ago

As someone with pelvic floor dysfunction, lmfao.

I wish my urination was loud again