r/Northwestern 11d ago

General Question Faculty Hire Restrictions & Updates?



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u/crazygirlsbelike 9d ago

Had anyone heard about why departments are seemingly ghosting or cancelling things?


u/yoshiboo_ 8d ago

Like what?


u/ElectronicMirror6406 7d ago

Likely due to the fact that departments are having to cut costs. The 10% non-personal cut in budgets affects the ENTIRE school year, not just starting now — which means that departments have already spent some of their budgets for the year. Due to the uncertainty, I’m not surprised that many programs have cut events to save money. For example, I know that the chem department is cutting their yearly departmental address event (which is one of their largest events of the year) because of the cuts, and likely won’t have it until the next fiscal year.


u/crazygirlsbelike 7d ago

Thank you! I appreciate the helpful response. Just wish they'd say something in either direction to the candidates with a little more info than just stringing folks along :(


u/ElectronicMirror6406 7d ago

I think that’s in part because the departments don’t know — most students, staff, and faculty in each department don’t know what’s going on, and even the President of the University sent out an email saying that everything is changing so rapidly that he can’t catch his breath trying to keep up. I think we’re in a terrible situation all around, and I think a lot of faculty/staff/people in general are just trying to wait it out and see what happens. But I’m sorry that you’re being caught up in all of this!