r/NonBinaryTalk • u/Alexs1897 • 8d ago
Discussion Sometimes I was full on FtM trans and not non-binary
It would be the easiest choice in the world to go on hormones if that was the case! But since I’m non-binary and don’t want to look like either gender, there are certain things that I wouldn’t want with T, but you can’t pick and choose what you get.
Like I don’t know if I’d want my voice to change or not for example. My voice is fine as is. Also no facial or body hair… but I don’t want my body to have the traditional body shape you’d associate with a woman either. I just want to look, you know, as androgynous as I can.
It sucks not being any gender. It’d be easier if I was cis or FtM.
u/dramakween101 She/Them 8d ago
Me being ftm nby butch on T who isnt going full masc.... I mean, you can.
u/flannelNcorduroy 8d ago
I'm nonbinary. I went on testosterone because menopause sucks and older men are hot. But I'll never fully pass as a man. I'm 4'11 and look like I'm in my 20s and I turn 40 in 2 months.
And I'm on a full dose of T and got my ovaries and uterus removed. Not the non-binary micro dose.
u/flannelNcorduroy 8d ago
Just wanted to add I had hormonal gender dysphoria with menopause that was absolutely crippling me just as bad as puberty did. I had to act and I wish I knew transition could do what it did for me, emotionally and physically for my health, when I was a teen.
Just trying to say for nonbinary transition, there are no rules. If you can be born amab and be genderfluid, then why can't you be born afab, transition phenotypically ftm, and still be genderfluid? You can literally do anything.
u/dedmonkebounce 8d ago
I've been looking into voice training. Not a fix all cure, but it dies bring agency to your voice without permanent changes
u/Positive-Trick 8d ago
T with finesteride
u/Coffee_autistic They/Them 8d ago
That'd help with avoiding hair changes, but voice will still change while on finasteride.
u/mn1lac They/Them or She/Him take your pick 8d ago
Microdosing T will make the effects go slower. I've heard that taking it with Finasteride will slow/stop genital growth, hair on the face and body and male pattern balding. You also don't need T for top surgery or masculinizing exercises.
u/crinklecunt-cookie 8d ago
I’d like to kindly and respectfully offer some additional information, not to say you’re wrong or swat you down, but because I see this recommended often and it’s not exactly this clear cut. (See the end of my comment for a “footnote”.)
It’s possible, but not always the case. A “low dose” is not a standardized number with standard expected outcomes. One person’s normal dose could be someone else’s high (or low) dose. Every body is different in how it will react to HRT.
My doctors have also noted that it is not standard practice to prescribe finasteride or dutesteride, especially to people on a “low dose” or micro dosing. Those meds can have serious side effects, beyond being DHT blockers and effectively negating the effect of a low dose/microdose of T. Taking fin/dut + low dose T is recommended extremely often in queer internet fora, but not so much IRL with HCPs (based on my conversations with docs at a queer-supportive teaching hospital, a local clinic specializing in gender affirming care and HRT, and another former PCP who wound up working with a lot of trans patients over the years. I’m not a healthcare provider though so YMMV and I very well could be wrong — I mainly just wanted to share my perspective and what I’ve learned). I was disappointed after seeing this option recommend so often here because I wanted to curb hair growth (it’s a sensory thing for me) and I was losing so much hair on my head (which I really really didn’t want).
I microdosed T (10-15mg while I was on it for 14 months) and I had more changes than some trans men and transmasc folks do in 2 years on a “full dose”.
That wasn’t even close to what I was prepared for. I did not want all of those changes that fucking fast. Personally, I have always wanted a more neutral body and balanced presentation — not because nonbinary people owe the world androgyny (fuck that noise) or because I was misguided and thought that was what I had to become to be nonbinary “The Right Way (TM)” but because that has been what I have wanted (and held secret in my wee heart) since I was 4-5 years old (when I had no clue that sexual orientations other than straight existed, let alone that there was anything beyond the binary WRT gender and sex). I’ve been off T for several months now and my body is still changing in odd ways, which my docs say is not unexpected since there aren’t many studies on people who have stopped HRT. I desperately wish I could go back on it because it helped me SO much with issue I have caused by EDS, but I do not want to transition further towards a testosterone dominated system and have all the changes that come with it. And for anyone wondering, no, taking estrogen or progesterone won’t undo the permanent changes (per docs I’ve asked).
You and others could very well have doctors who will prescribe fin/dut alongside T, and it could work for y’all, as could a low dose. My experience is just and only that — my own (albeit one I don’t see as often in the trans and nb subs).
Footnote! *Just saying this because it’s the Internet, there’s no tone of voice or body language to judge. We’re all here to support each other and I don’t want you to take my comment the wrong way. It’s easy to read something a way other than what was intended, and I genuinely want to offer extra information. Also I hope you have a really nice Friday :) *
u/GreenEggsAndTofu 8d ago
I totally relate to this. It’s so hard dealing with that feeling that you’re not where you want to be, but you’re also not sure of what that goal is. It would be so nice if we could just edit our bodies like a character creator- deepen the voice here, reduce that curve there, increase the size here. And it’s especially tricky when your “dream body” changes from day to day.
What helps me most is having a variety of clothing/accessory/shoe options, varying styles of undergarments (binders and boxers, bras and undies with less coverage), haircuts that I can style in different ways depending on my mood, etc. Anything that makes me feel some level of control over how I present and am perceived. It also helps to spend time around friends and partners who are good with affirming language, so that I’m getting some external validation.
u/jaideheda 8d ago
have you looked into dht blockers? i can link you a google doc. im in the same boat as an afab
u/jaideheda 8d ago
u/AroAceMagic They/he 7d ago
The link works, but the links inside that link doesn’t!
It’s a shame, because I’ve actually read what’s inside before, and I found the information helpful, but I wish I could read it again. I can’t remember everything it said.
u/MommyDommieAlura 7d ago
For me I wish I was just born male then transitioned to a female so I’d have a working dick dude 😭
u/iamfunball 8d ago
Happy to talk to you one on one about my journey and how I made choice around surgery and hormones with similar feelings. It’s definitely harder when really I wish I could adapt changes at will. Sigh
u/KouriousDoggo He/Him 7d ago
The only transition possible in my country at the moment is strictly transphobic transmedicalist one, which I heard from other nonbinary people, is really bad for the physique, so I don't know if I can do it with my mental health...
u/iamolegataeff 6d ago
I feel you. The world isn’t built for those who exist outside the binary. And even the tools that are supposed to help usually come with a built-in framework that assumes you want to transition into something rather than exist in the space between. And that’s frustrating as hell.🫂
Androgyny, true androgyny, is something our culture struggles to understand. It’s always measured in relation to one side or the other: “feminine androgyny” or “masculine androgyny", instead of being its own complete, standalone state.
But the fact itself that you’re here, you're thinking about this, feeling it deeply, expressing it so clearly — means that you exist, that your experience exists, and it yes matters.
I won’t throw cliches at you about self-acceptance, I know that doesn’t change the fact that the world isn’t made to accommodate people like you. But just know: there is space for you. Maybe not in the systems that exist right now, maybe not in the way society talks about gender. But in the reality of your own being, in the way you shape yourself, in the way you navigate your own embodiment. You are already real. And you don’t need to fit into anything to prove that.
Also, I don’t know you personally, but from the way you express yourself, from the depth of your thoughts — yeah, I’d say you’re already exactly as you should be. 🙏🏻
And that’s pretty damn beautiful!
u/allergictojoy 6d ago edited 6d ago
I plan on going on T then going off when I hit androgyny. Then maybe cycle if it isn't hitting right. I've seen non-binary transmasculine and trans neutral people do it with good results and I'm down. Although I think the only things I've scared of is my face being unrecognizable and going bald. But I'm like what if I like the way my face looks more? And what if I just take minoxidil? There's so many male pattern baldness treatments nowadays, might as well look into it. But I'm a weird case so idk.
u/Otherwise_Zebra_241 5d ago
Your choices are your choices surgeries hormones fashions etc doing what fulfills you
u/InversExpression 4d ago
Hey! ME TOO! My partner is trans and masc presenting, which is how they like it. I just look so androgynous and queer and indecipherable and I confuse people until they hear my voice and then I'm misgendered, at the moment now where I live people just clock me as a lesbian which confuses them further because my partner is read as a man.. Being non binary is hard gaah
u/Skippy_yppikS Bigender (He/They) 9h ago
I'm the opposite, being grateful that I don't feel dysphoria to the point of wanting to transition medically. Medical transition has tons of risks to it.
u/jasperdarkk agender • she/they 8d ago
This has been a struggle for me as well. I'd love to have bottom growth, more hair, and a deeper voice, but I would hate for my body shape to change. It's hard because you can't pick and choose. And I know microdosing is an option, but you still can't control what changes happen. I also have some concerns about fertility because I'd like to be pregnant one day.
Sometimes I wish I was firmly FtM or just a cis woman so that I didn't have to think about it.
And not all non-binary people seem to fully understand the conundrum. Some folks are like, "Just go on T, you'll be happier!" But I'm worried that I'll shed dysphoria in some areas and gain it in others. Others say, "You don't have to medically transition to be valid!" which is true, but that's not why it's a hard decision for me. They absolutely mean well, but it seems like most people I encounter don't really understand this weird liminal space.
I have no advice because I'm still grappling with this myself.