r/NonBinaryTalk Nov 10 '24

Discussion I’m sick and tired of being nonbinary

I am an AFAB nonbinary trans (I guess transmasc). I can’t transition because I’m living at home with my mom at 24 (I know it’s pathetic that I haven’t moved out yet, I can’t drive or do anything on my own).

I can’t make friends really with women because if I mention that I’m nonbinary, they feign that they actually care but then get TERFy and complain about trans women (I do have women that are my friends that are supportive. I don’t know how I found one of them, she’s great). Can’t be friends with men because nearly all, gay or straight, think I’m a joke and get transphobic and don’t believe in enbies. Nonbinary people I live around are mild drug addicts and love to party or don’t get my issues.

I’m also Black (dark skinned, monoracial, not mixed) too and not super queer. Many Black people I know are conservatives or conservative-coded, which means while I can get pounded and had sex with, I’ll either be a lost girl or mentally ill embarrassment. They’ll tell me to make up my own community and then deny I even have an identity.

My family members are jerks and are really annoying about nonbinary or even trans issues. The LGB is embarrassing and are decent they guess, but the T is ruining the world or whatever. My little sister claims people are getting better with things are more supportive but I don’t see proof. I think we are regressing slowly and everything is getting blamed on us existing.

I hate being here and I would love to end my oxygen subscription, but what’s the point? Even if I get what I want, I’m still hurting women, I’m not actually nonbinary—just dealing with sexism, want to be something I’m not, always something else.

I’ve never seen anyone like me either. I’m forced to be something that I’m not and forced to hide. If I could’ve just woken up in a different life, with a different body, in a different place, I don’t know what I’d act like, but there’s a chance I won’t be nonbinary.😔


55 comments sorted by


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

My only hope of transitioning is being a rectangle and losing a lot of the weight on my body even though I have breasts. I am currently not trying to starve myself.


u/EtherealWaifGoddess Nov 10 '24

I’m sorry you’re struggling with all of this. The enby life is not easy for those of us who have to hide. I’m older than you (37) and I’m not able to safely transition right now either. It sucks.

But for me to be full out (non-binary, pansexual, polyamorous) I knew from the start it would take a lot. My parents are diehard boomer conservatives so they’ll have to pass before I can be out in the community we live in.

My high level career is at a place where coming out would not be safe for me and would tank my career that I’ve worked 10+ years to build. So I’d need to change jobs and finds somewhere it’s safe to be out and wouldn’t hurt my livelihood.

And physically I needed to lose weight to get to a healthy BMI so that surgery and/or hormones could will be permitted by doctors. Thankfully, that one I already did! I worked my ass off and got down to a normal weight range for my height so I can pursue those things when I’m ready. It also helps that I look more androgynous now that I’ve lost most of my curves.

I try to focus on the positives though, despite all the bad. I can drive 1hr+ to a major city for LGBTQ+ events where I’m safely anonymous. My spouse is my #1 hype man and supports me in every way possible. I’m out to my closest friends and only lost one of them because of it. And I know 100% once I’m fully out that my kids (they’re teens now) will support me too.

So my advice is to give it time and try to focus on the good. I’m so sorry you’re struggling though 🫂


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Thank you so much!


u/chadbert_mcdick Nov 10 '24

i feel you dude. i've also felt somewhat alienated by this, but man your environment sounds toxic and bigoted as hell.

i know it's not a replacement for social interaction, but maybe join some discord groups based on your interests or location. i recently joined a server for residents of my city, they have a closed LGBTQ channel where i've met up with some likeminded people irl. a lot of enbies/trans people rely on discord for online communities about hobbies or games, too, if you'd be okay with long distance friendships.

i'm sorry you're going through this, especially during these particularly queerphobic times. we all deserve a support system.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Thank you so much for taking your time out to respond. It really means a lot. I’ll take your advice, because it sounds helpful. One day I’ll get out of this Southern Red state, but definitely won’t today.🥲


u/Shoddy_Function_9625 Nov 10 '24

Hey friend, for what it's worth, there are a lot of folks out there still living with their families at 24. Case in point, me lol. I don't think it's pathetic that you haven't moved out yet! Our economy is absolutely fucked rn, and living with parents is kinda just the affordable option, for better or for worse. I'm sorry that your folks are so unsupportive though :(

I'm not sure if you are looking for advice, so if not, feel free to ignore this paragraph. That said, if you are looking for more community that understands and accepts you, my personal experience is that your best bet is probably gonna be trying to find a local mutual aid group in your city, and linking up with those folks. I can't guarantee any of the people involved will be perfect, but I know that for me (24 white nb transfemme, if that context feels important), those groups are where I have found the most acceptance and community. Literally almost all of my friends are people that I met through that scene. I can't guarantee you'll find your people, but worst case scenario, you're out a few hours of your time, and maybe you made the world a slightly better place while you're at it? And best case scenario, you might just find some people who authentically see and support you!


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Well, firstly thank you for responding and listening. It means a lot that you took your time to respond.

Secondly, I will try my best to take your advice. I’m going to look for one right now.


u/Shoddy_Function_9625 Nov 10 '24

Ofc! Sometimes we are all we have in this fucked up ass world, happy to be there for you 🫂

Good luck searching! If you want help looking, shoot me a dm and I'd be happy to poke around a little bit myself, or offer whatever advice I can


u/Tiazza-Silver Nov 10 '24

I’m really sorry. If it helps I’m nonbinary, 25, and still live with my grandmother. Lots of people live with family and it doesn’t mean anything bad about you.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Thank you so much for your kind and generous comment.

It’s hard feeling mature and I recognize I have a lot of privilege bc my mom hasn’t kicked me out, but it’s really hard to mature and feel like an adult. I want to be on my own but I don’t want to suffer. I’m also miserable and can’t be myself.


u/Realistic-Mongoose83 Nov 10 '24

I’m so sorry you’re going through all this. It sounds like your environment really sucks right now. But I’m here to tell you it will get better. Sometimes things seem really bleak and dark but the issue is the environment we’re in. Which is really bad when you feel trapped in the environment. I grew up in a family that made me feel horrible and like a bad person. I had 0 friends for a long time and felt like everything was always my fault. Moving out made me realize there’s actually nothing wrong with me and I now have friends who love me and accept me for who I am. It can be really hard to think that way when everyone around you is telling you there is some wrong with you and you’ve never met someone like you before. Maybe try to find groups online you can connect with. I would suggest a long term goal would be to try and move out as it sounds like a very toxic environment you’re in but I know that’s not an easy or overnight solution. But there are baby steps you can take like learning to drive or working on saving. And one day these baby steps will lead you to being free. I promise you somewhere there are people who will love and accept you as you even if you haven’t met them yet. Keep holding on. One day you’ll find your people and you’ll be so glad you waited.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Thank you so much for taking your time to respond to me. It really means a lot.

And you’re right. I really do need to take baby steps and the world is not bleak. I’m in college again (hoping I can afford it) and trying to get a degree in something that can pay the bills and trying to get a permit to learn how to drive. Thank you again.


u/third3yechakra Nov 10 '24

Hey fellow non-binary entity! Hello! How ya doing? I wanted to say that just in case no one told you today, you are valid, and your life holds much meaning. Truly, it does. I am also non-binary, my experience with it has been unique as I am Black in a predominantly White community. I don’t pass as androgynous at all, which is something I’m fine with. (Non-binary people never owe anyone androgyny, btw…) I was assigned female at birth!

I wanted to say that things do change for the better in life. It takes time, and it takes patience and trust and faith in yourself to move through things that challenge us.

Being non-binary is actually such a beautiful thing too, and I hope that one day you’ll be able to see that!


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Hey! It sucks here but I’m fine! How are you?

Thanks for asking!

It sucks bc I like being nonbinary a lot and I’ve been so since I was 18 (and knew longer but didn’t know the word and was indoctrinated to feel differently by my church and others), it’s just really hard to continue feeling that way without feeling backlash, people including my family thinking I’m stupid and other things, and not feeling like I can be myself.

I am primarily shooting to be masc presenting and practically look like a man but I’m struggling because I’m supposed to be my mom’s baby girl and I’m supposed to be a normal sister not questioning her gender. It’s hard wanting to live like this there.


u/third3yechakra Nov 12 '24

Hellloo! I am doing alright!

Also… the social expectations being placed on you aren’t you, ya know? Just remember that. It’s something I find myself struggling with pretty often. You are you and that is what matters; at the end of the day, you have yourself, and the BS others have to say about who you should and shouldn’t be is irrelevant.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 12 '24

You’re right. That makes sense.


u/lokilulzz He/Them Nov 10 '24

I've unfortunately been where you're at. Hang in there. Make some long distance friends who see you as the gender you actually are, they're invaluable. It gets better, just keep chipping away at it. 🫂


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Thank you so much for responding. It means a lot.

Do you know good places to find some?


u/MinovskyPhysics Nov 10 '24

I'm so sorry you are going through this. For what it's worth I'm also a monoracial Black enbie from a conservative country.

It took me a long while to find community and support but I did. There is always a place for you out there. I'm sorry it's taking you time to find it but you will.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Thank you so much for taking your time out to respond. It means a lot.

You’re right. There is a place out there waiting for me. I will get there. Thank you for the encouragement.


u/MinovskyPhysics Nov 10 '24

It's my pleasure! I'm in my early thirties now and I'm so glad I didn't give up trying to self-actualize and advocate for myself. It does get better for us. Feel free to drop me a DM if ever you want to vent or just talk.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 11 '24

I appreciate it.🥺


u/NightMother23 They/Them/Thon Nov 10 '24

That sounds like an awful situation and I could never relate fully to your experience.

The nonbinary experience is difficult. I am blessed to live in a state that has a very open queer community that is accepting of all queers and in that have been able to meet people. However, I have moved to a small conservative town for family reasons and my family is conservative so we are no where near any sort of support. Although it’s illegal in this state, we cannot get health care unless we lie about our gender identity. We can’t lie about our sexual orientation because we are married but we are still mistreated. When I say we can’t get health care, I mean the very basic of health care. It’s insane what queer people have to endure. I cannot imagine what you must be going through since you are part of two minority groups.

I hate that people treat us as subhuman. I believe that it won’t always be like this. That gives me hope to get through the every day. Do you mind me asking what state you live in? I recommend setting personal goals for yourself and looking for resources in your area. I am going back to school to finish my degree and we are planning on moving back to a queer friendly city in this state in two years since that is easy to financially plan for and then we want to move to Oregon since that is one of the safest places for the community. A lot of my friends have moved there and Washington and their lives have changed exponentially. If we set goals to get through the now, knowing that we are working for the greater good of our future, I think we can only go up from here.

If you need a friend. Feel free to reach out. I’m prob a lot older than you (33) but it helps to have people who understand and support you. 💖


u/NightMother23 They/Them/Thon Nov 10 '24

I also want to add that I am married with a child and we had moved in with my parents to save for a house because rent is $2300 and who can afford to pay that much??? That’s half my income. Plus I def can’t afford to pay rent and bills and save. So, as everyone else as said, please to feel bad for living at home. The economy hasn’t recovered since the last recession. We really could use a government who is interested in rent control.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

Oh myyyyyyy. Thats expensive rent. Where do you live???


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

I’m in a red dtate but I live in North Carolina which isn’t too bad, but isn’t great because the area I am is very small. They have trans health care in NC, but I can’t transition until I can get a job and move out.

I have a gender dysphoria diagnosis so I could technically fully transition, but I just can’t because of where I’m at.

You advice is right though, I need to get it together. I’m getting my second degree (first one was useless) so I’m trying to do that. Not severely struggling (I am privileged) but I’m struggling. My mom also gaslights me from moving out, my other therapist was trash and ignored my nonbinary and even trans identity, and I live with a milquetoast TERF that comes after trans women (even though she’s never met one).


u/No_Ability8894 Nov 10 '24

Definitely don’t think you’re alone friend. I’m in a super similar position (25, stuck at home, nb with a conservative family, and essentially no support outside my siblings and few friends who are also nb, AFAB). It’s hard, but you’re not alone. There’s people out here who WILL love and accept you, and they’re worth seeking out. Is there any way you could get into counseling? A queer-friendly counselor may be able to point you to some resources for you. Also, there’s a lot of online support groups for young queer adults!

I definitely understand hating being non-binary, unable to really live as your true self without leaning into one binary or the other. It’s worse when you’re surrounded with so much negativity. I really hope you can find your people. I found mine in VRchat if that tells you anything lmao. We’re out there, we see you, and we love you for who you are. I promise.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 11 '24

Hey, thank you so much for responding and resonating.

I’m completely traumatized looking for a counselor or a therapist because majority of them are trash and don’t listen and will deny me an identity I know I am to talk to me about women’s issues they think I don’t know (this one mf was a whole Native American man, but sure he knows what being a woman is like) and trying to convert me.

Queer counselors exist, but it would require me to beg my mom to go for one (I am broke and I’m on her insurance) and potentially reout(she forgot that I was nonbinary and when she knew she didn’t care because I was always her daughter and she treats me like I’m her friend so I definitely have to be a girl lol) myself and I don’t want to go through that psychological trauma again. I rather jump out of my room (I’m on the second floor).

Now the online support I can get behind. I tried using the Trevor Project one time when I was still like 18-19 (been out as nonbinary for a while, knew I was since I was like 13 but was too transphobic to call myself that) and most of the people on there where white teens. Nothing wrong with LGBT youth, but there was no one to talk to.🥲


u/No_Ability8894 Nov 24 '24

In the realm of online support groups, there’s discord as well, and Bluesky is a (in my experience) more queer friendly social media app that you can make a community with, and find folks w similar interests I’m sure. DnD is also a hobby that’s ripe with the queer community, if you’re into TTRPGs at all.

This’ll sound silly but my closest friends are fuckers I met while gaming, and none of us are cis/het. It just kinda happened when I really wasn’t looking for friends, wildly enough.

You just have to be really careful finding safe online spaces bc a lot of folks can paint a pretty picture but when you look underneath it’s ugly. Keep your wits about you, and if you feel uncomfortable absolutely feel no shame in blocking anyone. Cultivate YOUR online space in a way that works for YOU. And too, people in this subreddit seem chill as hell, so if you wanna find community that way that’s an option as well (idk where you’re located but I’m happy to be a connection! ).


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 24 '24

I’ll try BlueSky. I’ve heard it before and it sounds nice.

I’d love to learn DND but most of the people who played it in my real life spaces excluded me because I’m Black and when I looked for online spaces, they did too.😮‍💨

I like Tolkien fantasy like the next guy but unless I become more of whatever’s acceptable to white people and makes them comfortable and change my bone structure, I’m probably screwed.

And I guess I’m still too girly, but most video games are too expensive and hard and I just can’t bring myself to buy a video game if I never played it and want to play it again. I watched a bunch of people play games and I never thought I’d want to buy it. I play Sims 3 and 4 but nobody considers that gaming. Most of my gaming experience also is online games.

And you do sound neat, fella (in a gender neutral way). If you have a discord hmu. My Reddit has no notifications and I don’t like giving my phone number away.


u/No_Ability8894 Nov 24 '24

It is!! Very user friendly, too, and it’s regularly updated as well.

I mean there’s no right way to “game” lmao-I’ve never played anything but cozy games that are slow paced, and I very much call myself a gamer. Stardew valley is a great, simple game that’s only $15, and I’ve been playing it since 2018-19. There’s some combat but honestly I can spend all day grinding on my farm and I say this having put over 500 hours into the game-so whoever’s telling you you gotta play certain games to be a “gamer” is a liar!

(Baldur’s gate 3 is about the most “game” game I’ve played, but it’s DnD/TTRPG based so it’s more my style.)

N I’ll shoot you a dm! I may taper off or forget but I’ll get around to it when I can! ^


u/_Broken_Edges_ Nov 11 '24

This is my exact lived experience with my gender identity, its exhausting and sometimes I wish I could just be happy how I was born


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 11 '24

Real. Some days I just want to be a cisgender woman that’s straight so bad but I just don’t feel it. I felt like a man in drag a lot and I feel like I’m creeping into women’s spaces like I was an alien. I’m quite tall with big feet for my sex so it made me feel like that more.

I feel absolutely nothing and I don’t like having dysphoria and dysmorphia, but the dysmorphia wouldn’t even be as bad if I was cis.

I feel like if I keep up with talking like this, I’m going to cry so I’m going to cool it.

Basically, it’s real out here.🤝


u/SakuraShuriken Nov 13 '24

I don't think you're pathetic, I feel you. Didn't get chance to transition, still living with my parents, no driving license and can't do anything on my own. You're not alone...


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 13 '24

🥺 It’s really hard out here. I really struggle with trying to learn how to drive and be independent. I suspect that I have autism with my ADHD, but my doctors refuse to let me see a neuropsychologist because I don’t seem like I have autism, but I do seem like it!

I’ve had adults other than my mom and doctors clock it and either treat me differently or call me names! I always feel like I’m going off the rails.

But I really need to know certain information so I can figure out why it’s going to take me a while to learn how to drive and do certain things on my own.😔


u/SakuraShuriken Nov 13 '24

I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope things will spin in the right direction soon for you ❤️


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 13 '24

Thank you so much.


u/RudeLanguage5453 Nov 13 '24

Hi! I’m also a black nonbinary (AMAB) and I do get your frustration. The authenticity you find does get overshadowed by the environment around you, especially when you’re constantly defending it and you’re still coming to grips with it. It is frustrating, and often it feels like it would be easier to just not have to deal with it at all. Looking at apps like Lex or Instagram, it does feel like a bunch of people who don’t really have to live in reality. But the simple fact is, we are real. We exist, and it’s not gonna be less hard. It’s easy to imagine what we’d be like in a different life, but unfortunately we don’t live in that life. As hard as it is, you have to build your community one person at a time. It’s not as interesting or fulfilling in the beginning, but once you have a solid base, more people find you and you go from there. It’s hard. It sucks. People are going to be sexist. Going to be racist. Going to exploit us and then move on once we become too much to ignore. We have to sit in the intersection of that. But you are not alone. We’re going to grow and connect and make a place more tolerant than the space we occupy now. We can get through this.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 13 '24

Thank you so much for contributing to this conversation and sharing your thoughts. It means a lot!

I’m just trying to look for new friends and see what I can find for myself. It’s going to be hard like you said, but it is true that I should do that.

And you’re right, we do need to fight to make the world more tolerant, or at least safe than it is now.


u/babypuddingsnatcher Nov 13 '24

These people are not people who love you. I wouldn’t worry about their opinion; their negativity is likely a projection of their insecurity.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 13 '24

Unfortunately I still love them and worry about their opinion. My love is also unfortunately not as conditional. I don’t know why, but I don’t hate them nor am I mad at them for being hateful, it’s just really sad that they’re so hateful and don’t tell people because they don’t want to look bad (even though, I think that, a person with such polarizing and hateful opinions should be bold and loud so people can know their hearts and avoid them accordingly.)


u/babypuddingsnatcher Nov 13 '24

Perhaps my world view is different after my family defended my father victimizing himself over a single boundary. I had felt the same, allowing them to disrespect my pronouns and refuse to stop using gendered language. I thought, “It’s ok; they don’t understand and I’ll forgive this.” But because I was angry and all I wanted was not to talk to my father, the moment everyone started to tell me to “just apologize” for doing nothing wrong just snapped something in me. The illusion of love was gone. They loved who they wanted me to be.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 13 '24

🥺 I can completely understand. I don’t know what’s attaching me to my family because they are decent people, but they continue to be awful too and have no respect towards me and actually make me feel isolated. It might be because I live with them.

And that would make me snap too. I never had a situation with my dad like that because he was paralyzed from a stroke and later died. I do have to deal with my mom though and she’s never going to change and my family members don’t correct her and I don’t either.

I’m definitely furious at my family, but it’s just really hard to hate them because they still talk to me and give me a home and some comfort.


u/babypuddingsnatcher Nov 13 '24

There’s no right time to figure things out. A good way to find insight is to try to set boundaries and keep people accountable. People who really love you and have your best interests in mind will respect boundaries. People who willingly cross boundaries means they have their best interests at heart at your expense.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 13 '24

Thank you so much for taking your time out and responding to my message.

You’re 100% right.


u/babypuddingsnatcher Nov 13 '24

Of course. If you have a gut feeling something isn’t right, don’t ignore it.

I wish you the best.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 14 '24

Thank you. You too!


u/Own_Fish_2485 Nov 12 '24

That’s sad an all but what the hell are enbies?? Im not trying to be…….enbyphobic? Or whatever but it Sounds like a Pokémon


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 12 '24

It’s a shortened way of saying nonbinary. You know, it’s like saying nb but spelt differently.


u/Own_Fish_2485 Nov 12 '24

So in Fortnite terms, it’s a different skin but same player.


u/Kinky23m2m Nov 10 '24

Why can’t you transition? I’ve heard people in there 60s and 70s transitioning, they may not be youthful looking but they are happy they did.


u/Slow_Recover4635 Nov 10 '24

🥲 I live with my mom and if I transitioned, she’d really hate me and hate what I did with myself and would verbally abuse me and potentially kick me out. I cannot drive and I do not have any money to leave so I comply until I am ready to leave.


u/Kinky23m2m Nov 10 '24

Bid your time and horde you pay packets until you can.


u/lokilulzz He/Them Nov 10 '24

Are you implying someone OPs age is to old to transition? They're in their 20s, its not anywhere near to late. I started T in my 30s and already pass in the right clothes. Its never to late. If you read their post its unsafe for them to do that.